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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    Pulled the trigger!

    Great looking rifle man!
  2. PelaPapas

    Desert Archers (3D)

    Anyone here head out to the Desert Archers 3D shoots out at TMP range? I've never done 3D before and would like to start heading out to kill some time in the off season. Are these all competitive shoots or for fun? Any info is appreciated...
  3. PelaPapas

    One Sided Rack

    Welcome! I once had a coyote within 40 yards trot right by me when I was done hunting for the day. Bow in hand but I took off my release. Coyote had no idea I was there, would've been a downed dog if I had my release on. Now I keep my release on until I get to camp. As for the deer with one side. I've seen a couple deer like that in the past. One tall fork with one side and the other was a 3x3 with one side. My guess was they lost it from fighting.
  4. PelaPapas

    Desert Archers (3D)

    Very cool, Thanks for the info everyone! Gonna plan to make the shoot in May.
  5. PelaPapas

    9mm coyote killing

    Nice shot, and sweet rifle!
  6. Seen this video yesterday on your youtube channel. Good stuff!
  7. PelaPapas

    Ohio Whitetail

    Dang, for a second I thought it was a small moose! Congrats!
  8. PelaPapas

    Good Guy Seller List

    Please add elwood to this list. Good guy, easy to communicate/meet up. Thanks again elwood, I appreciate it!
  9. PelaPapas

    One very serious horn huntin' gal......

    After seeing the video, I wouldn't doubt it haha.
  10. PelaPapas

    One very serious horn huntin' gal......

    Wow, glad to hear she was found alive and well. Tough lady for sure to survive 9 days out there. Wondering how many people are gonna go out there and try to find that dead head? (JK!!!)
  11. PelaPapas

    2015 PSE DNA and Older Hoyt

    Pm sent elwood...
  12. PelaPapas

    140+ 2 Point

    Dang, Cool that you found the other side!
  13. PelaPapas

    A Few Desert Muleys

    Great looking bucks man. Congrats on all the success!
  14. By flagship I didn't mean brand as in Mathews, Hoyt, Bowtech etc. I meant flagship as in higher end models that each brand releases such as: Carbon Spyder, Destroyer 350, Prodigy, RPM 360, Nitrum, No-cam, etc. Was just stating that for his budget he could pick up a better/faster bow that is a couple years old for the same money he would be buying a RTS package new. Nothing against any other brand.
  15. PelaPapas

    Need some help.... please

    Got my vote in! Great video!
  16. PelaPapas

    My first archery coues

    Congrats. Love the color on the rack.
  17. $600 could also get you a nice flagship bow thats a couple years old, rather than buy a RTS package.
  18. Bull Basin. Good guys at the shop for sure!
  19. PelaPapas

    Need some help.... please

    Same here it only takes me to the voting page without watching any video...
  20. PelaPapas

    Rio down! The busy spring continues...

    Man, sounds like a tight schedule! Congrats to all the success so far and best of luck on connecting on another bird.
  21. PelaPapas

    Fresh Muley

    Dang, super fresh!
  22. PelaPapas

    Lamp shades

    I wanna see pics!
  23. Oh ok got it, still a great price for Kaibabs! Thanks for the info on Duwayne's glassing lessons!
  24. Nice deal right there!
  25. Nice! Kaibabs are good glass for sure, especially if you got them for $500!!! That's a steal for kaibabs! Thx for the info!