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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    What would you guess this scores?

    I'm going to try to head over to his house this weekend to see if I can put a tape to it. Thanks for the info.
  2. PelaPapas

    What would you guess this scores?

    I've never measured before. Maybe I'll head over to his house this weekend and try my hand at it?
  3. PelaPapas

    Different take on trophy pics....

    Very interesting!
  4. PelaPapas

    What would you guess this scores?

    I don't know who did the mount.
  5. PelaPapas

    What would you guess this scores?

    I don't have the answer. He never got it measured. So posted it up to see what you guys think it would score...
  6. PelaPapas

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    ^^^^ What he said! ^^^^ We have a pretty big sized camp for Deer and Javelina hunts. Which consists of family and friends. We camp together but we all head out our own separate ways in the morning for the hunt. Works out pretty good.
  7. PelaPapas

    D'Backs done.

    This man speaks the truth hahaha.
  8. PelaPapas

    71 Days Out

    You been down at the bar hoggin again? I haven't been going, I alread have 2 hogs on rotation at the moment. you want to go to denim later or what? :lol:
  9. PelaPapas

    Packs ***price drop***

    Dang, great prices for those two packs!
  10. PelaPapas

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    July 14th, 8:40am
  11. PelaPapas

    Stolen Bows

    Dang, I hope you recover them. I'll keep my eye open down here in Tucson. Sounds like someone needs to do a little stake out and catch these guys red handed. I hate thieves.
  12. PelaPapas

    New Outdoorsmans Long Range Pack System

    Looks like a great pack!
  13. PelaPapas

    Hound Pups *Pix Added!*

    Great looking pups!
  14. PelaPapas

    Pack recommendations for a big guy?

    Another vote for the 2200. Great all around pack and was pretty comfortable. I see them under $150 most of the time in used but great condition.
  15. PelaPapas

    Beary Cool Sighting

    That's awesome! How close were you guys? Seeing little cubs like that is pretty cool!
  16. PelaPapas

    Hunting/skinning knife?

    That knife is sweeet!
  17. PelaPapas

    Happy Father's Day

    Happy Belated Fathers day to all the fathers out there! My oldest is at that age where she is tagging along with me on hunts. My little ones will soon be joining along. Trying to show my kids the best part of growing up is being outdoors and hunting! Also need to thank my wife, without her there would be nothing.
  18. PelaPapas

    A strange one

    I thought the same thing when I first seen the pic haha. After looking at it closely, it looks like a cricket.
  19. PelaPapas

    WTB: FHF Bino Harness

    Anybody have a FHF bino harness they would like to sell? Looking for one in size medium in the Foliage color. Message me if you have one and your asking price. I will be going up to Phoenix for the weekend and can meet up...
  20. PelaPapas

    Apps in

    See, it's so easy a U of A grad can do it Hahaha majored in G&F app science.
  21. PelaPapas

    Dry Ice in a yeti/rtic cooler?

    What ready2hunt said up there^^^! I keep the dry ice wrapped in a brown paper grocery bag.
  22. PelaPapas

    Dry Ice in a yeti/rtic cooler?

    I've used dry ice in my yeti and works great. I throw a small brick of dry ice on the bottom and that keeps everything cold for about 4 days.
  23. PelaPapas

    2015 Muley on the Wall

    Amazing buck! Mount came out great!
  24. PelaPapas

    Apps in

    Did my App online for the first time last week. I will never go back to paper again. So fast & easy.