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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    Looking for a Hunting rifle for a buddy

    My brother has a Rem 700 in 30-06 he's looking to trade. Blued, dark green stock, with Burris 3-9x40 scope (fulfilled II model I believe?). He's looking to trade for a handgun. G19 is what he is wanting...
  2. PelaPapas

    But you didn't

    Was this the only pic you have of them on your camera?
  3. PelaPapas

    Giant Typical Coues

    Big congrats to your buddy on his success! Great buck he got himself!
  4. PelaPapas

    But you didn't

    I say post the pics! Enough people here on CWT to spread the word and probably catch up to this guy. POST THE PICS!
  5. PelaPapas

    Opening day archery Az Strip buck!

    Dang, awesome buck!
  6. PelaPapas

    6b Stolen gear

    Dang, sorry to hear man. Thats always one of my fears hunting down south. Knock on wood nothing has ever been taken from our camp, but we always leave a ice chest full of water out in the open. Just in case we get some stragglers coming into camp wanting some water. Rather them take water and leave then have them rummage thru our camp. Also my father and grandfather staying in camp always helps. Seems like you guys get hit pretty hard with thieves up north. It's sad you can't even trust to come back to your camp the way you left it. I hope you recover some of your guys stuff!
  7. PelaPapas

    Bargain Camo

    you can get some good stuff on the street in sonoyta sonora. lightweight, realtree patterns. Hahaha seen that camo coming back from Rocky Point. Lots of little shops with that camo and backpacks to match!
  8. PelaPapas

    WTB: F150 camper

    My buddy is looking to buy a camper for his F150. Anybody got one they don't use anymore? 04-08 body style (5-1/2 ft bed). Let me know if you have one and how much you are asking and I will pass along the info. Thanks!
  9. PelaPapas

    More BEETLES

    Dang! Never seen those myself around Tucson. I'm sure if i did I'd be running the other way!
  10. PelaPapas

    Good Guy Seller List

    Please add codeman1 to the list. Great guy to do business with!
  11. PelaPapas


    Great story man! You should've had a full mount done with a boot in its mouth! I'm still trying to spot one out in the hills!
  12. PelaPapas

    My little nephew

    Prayers sent.
  13. PelaPapas

    August Opening Day Coues

    Such a great looking buck! Big congrats to you!
  14. PelaPapas

    August day one Non-typical Velvet Buck

    Jeeez ! Huge congrats on that monster!
  15. PelaPapas

    On the board...

    Awesome! Way to get it done!
  16. PelaPapas

    3 for 3

    Congrats to all of you guys! Looks like leaving camp was the secret to success! Beautiful deer you all pulled out of there! I'm sure your grandfather was looking down on you guys.
  17. PelaPapas

    Anybody have a cheap single shot shotgun?

    Thanks everyone! I have a deal pending for later this week. Thanks again to all for the help!
  18. Looking to try my hand at some dove hunting this season. Looking to see if anyone has a cheap single shot shotgun in either 12ga or 20ga they want to sell? Let me know what you got....
  19. PelaPapas

    Got my deer back

    Great looking buck man! Congrats!
  20. PelaPapas

    Oh the lows

    Best of luck to you out there! 3rd times a charm, I hope to see some pics of a downed buck soon!
  21. PelaPapas

    Long range archers

    Great groups @100 man!
  22. PelaPapas

    Who's ready?

    Man, good luck to all those heading out! I was plaaning on hitting the hills this weekend but My wife decided she wanted new flooring. So this weekend is a no go, because we'll be laying some tile .
  23. PelaPapas

    Home Burglarized: Hunting Gear Stolen

    Jeez! I hope they catch up with whoever did this. I will keep my eye out down here in Tucson.
  24. PelaPapas

    Goat DOWN!!

    I would've been tempted to take that badger!
  25. PelaPapas

    Goat DOWN!!

    Dang, great goat you got yourself! Congrats!