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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    No Elk Tag Depression

    Wide! Nice buck man!
  2. PelaPapas

    Watch Your Step

    Try running over one of those buggers only to realize it got flipped up into the undercarriage!!!! Forget that! I think I should start carrying extra underwear & pants for that very reason! I HATE SNAKES!
  3. PelaPapas

    Rifle Stock Painting

    Great work! I love the transition in the shades of blue on the flag stock. Makes the stars really pop!
  4. PelaPapas

    Watch Your Step

    Jeez glad it turned out ok. I hate seeing pics of these close calls with rattlers. I remember a huge rattler running out in front of me on a trail when I was on my quad. I thought I had ran it over but turned around and it was gone. dang thing scared me so bad. I hate rattlers!
  5. PelaPapas

    My first antelope (pic heavy)

    I had seen your other posts about scouting for your antelope hunt. I'm glad to see you filled your tag with a great goat! Very cool to see your family out there with you. Big congrats to you!
  6. PelaPapas

    Bull of a lifetime UPDATED with story

    No kidding man, what a bull! Thats a monster! Congrats to ya getting it done!
  7. PelaPapas

    Elk pic

    Congrats on your bull!
  8. PelaPapas

    Couldn't have asked for a more memorable elk hunt

    Wow! Great bull man! huge congrats to you!
  9. PelaPapas

    Post Kill Traditions

    #1. Thank the animal. #2. Pour up some Gentleman Jack back at camp!
  10. PelaPapas

    Good Luck elk hunters

    Best of luck to all!
  11. PelaPapas

    I make bookshelves and stuff.

    Love that sink design. Great work!
  12. PelaPapas

    Arctic - SOLD PLZ DELETE

    Thats a sweet ride! Best of luck with the sale!
  13. I was hoping to head out tomorrow after work but looks like a no-go. Love the rain though!
  14. Thanks for the info! I'm going to have to try that!
  15. Thats looks like a great time out there! Congrats to all who bagged their limit. I give my respect to all those who can shoot these birds down with ease. It's a lot tougher than I was expecting, but man is it fun!
  16. Sure was. We will get together in the field again soon.
  17. PelaPapas

    Alaska Hunt Pic Heavy

    That wolf looks huge! Big congrats to the both of you!
  18. This labor day weekend was a good one! For my first time out dove hunting I would say it was successful because I didn't come home empty handed. I wasn't even close to bag a limit but sure did have fun trying! Saturday evening went out my first time with my Grandfather and a buddy of mine. Pretty good flights the last twenty minutes of the day. I should've bagged a limit if I wasn't a horrible shot! My Grandfather had a good time laughing at me the whole time when I was missing hahaha. He said he would've showed me up if he bought a stamp haha . Great weather and no other hunters. Sunday morning went out with my 8yr old daughter and had a blast. Not much birds flying but still took a couple home. Met up with another CWT member "azruger" and his kids. Great guy who has helped me with pointers and answering questions on dove hunting. His son was a great shot with his 12ga and his daughter and my daughter kept each other company retrieving birds. Thanks again azruger! Monday evening I went out with my buddy and my 3yr old son. Decent flights, nothing crazy. Got off a decent amount of shots but just couldn't connect. I NEED TO PRACTICE MORE! My son had a blast picking up the empty shells and stuffing his pockets. He also loved retrieving the birds and throwing them on the truck. Also found something I haven't seen in Years! A horned toad, or as my grandfather taught me when I was toddler a "horny toad". This one was big and its been at least a good 15-20 years since I've seen one, I used to catch them in my grandparents back yard all the time. All in all a fun weekend!
  19. PelaPapas

    The Wait Was Worth It

    Nice! Congrats on that double! Great looking goat!
  20. Man thats a haul! Should be good eatin' tonight!
  21. PelaPapas


    This guy is scum. He says the money or Remember he doesn't care about the money or the job!!! This guy is scum. I don't know why the 9ers just don't cut him. He sucks anyway, he was always over hyped.
  22. Thats awesome azruger! Your daughter shooting a 20ga?
  23. PelaPapas

    Dove hunting

    Maybe next year I'll take my daughter out school on the opener haha . This is going to be my first time trying my hand at dove hunting. Would hate to take her out and be a disappointment haha. Friday evening might be the soonest I can head out. All depends on work. Hopefully it works out! Best of luck to ya!