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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    WTT: Remington 700, 30-06

    Updated with pics...
  2. PelaPapas

    3B Success

    Nice man congrats!
  3. PelaPapas

    Lost backpack 5B south

    Hope you get it back man.
  4. PelaPapas

    4 B opening day

    Super wide! Congrats on that very cool goat!
  5. PelaPapas

    Daughter gets it done

    Thats awesome! Congrats!
  6. PelaPapas

    I like the little ones...

    Congrats on getting it done. I bet it felt good knowing you had something to wrap that tag around rather than go home empty handed!
  7. PelaPapas

    Damned coons

    I never knew we had them here in Tucson, let alone right in the middle of town! First time I seen a skunk here in town was about 10 years ago. It was after midnight or so and I just got off aviation to get onto palo verde/alvernon north and there was a skunk walking east in the cross walk (Not kidding). As I was watching it cross a huge owl flew down and tried grabbing it. Stuck its tail up and ran like heck. Pretty cool to see that.
  8. PelaPapas


    #1 Would be to tag a deer bigger than the last. #2 Have my kids out in the field with me as much as possible on scouting and hunting trips.
  9. PelaPapas


    Beautiful! PM sent...
  10. PelaPapas

    Damned coons

    I think I seen the same dead one on palo verde. I was on my way to work and it was laid out in the middle of palo verde right by the street to turn into motor vehicle. Seems like thats a pretty good area for them. My brother in law lives near that area by the base and he was having a problem with his dogs late at night. Turned out it was raccoon coming in at night and eating the dogs food.
  11. PelaPapas

    Lion hunters in 36b and drug mules.

    Hope everything is ok...
  12. PelaPapas

    WTB: Triclawps

    Friday bump...
  13. PelaPapas

    The Afro Buck

    Whoa that is freaky! Looks like a jheri curl!
  14. PelaPapas


    That thing is sweet! Best of luck with the sale!
  15. PelaPapas

    The Hunting Experience

    If spot & stalk is what you are interested in doing. I would suggest picking up a OTC archery tag. A lot of the time thats how I cover and learn more areas in whatever unit I happen to be in. Once you find game you start to become familiar with where they feed/bed/move around that certain area. If you don't get a OTC tag, just grabbing your pack and heading out to scout for the day can be good. It will get you familiar with the area you would want to hunt, come the fall general deer hunts or whatever hunt you put in for. PM me if you have any other questions.
  16. I've been debating debating on which of these two to buy. I've always used my pack as my rest while shooting prone.I learned last year that sometimes my pack just doesn't cut it in the tall grass. So my question is... Bipod or Triclawps (or something similar)? Triclawps would be nice to just pop on my tripod and adjust to whatever height I need. Bipod is a plus being that its already on my rifle ready to go. Which do you prefer? Any input is appreciated!
  17. PelaPapas

    Bipod or Triclawps?

    Hmmm. Looks like I might want to try a triclawps out. I'm going to try to buy a used one first, but does anybody know of any dealers who sell them here in Tucson?
  18. PelaPapas

    SOLD. FS: Bowtech Destroyer 350 - 60lb. SOLD

    Great bow & great price for a complete bow ready to shoot! I have the same D350 in 70lb and absolutely love it!
  19. PelaPapas

    Husband and wife elk pics

    B@dass! Congrats to the both of you!
  20. PelaPapas

    Bipod or Triclawps?

    Thats one of the reasons I was leaning towards the triclawps. My daughter is a couple years away from hunting big game and think it would come in handy for more accurate shots on whoever would use it, I like that it also has a lifetime warranty.
  21. PelaPapas

    The Hunting Experience

    What kind of hunting are you wanting to get into? Archery or rifle? Lots of great country all over AZ and good hunting opportunities to be had year round. Where are you located?
  22. PelaPapas

    Some pics of a few nice rams to pass the time

    Looks like you could've thrown a rock and hit them. Great pics man.
  23. PelaPapas

    Some pics of a few nice rams to pass the time

    Jeez how close were you??!!
  24. PelaPapas

    Vortex Glasspak Bino Harness

    I just bought a FHF medium bino harness.. Those things are super hard to get they are always sold out and I had to get on their email list so I can get notified when they have more ready. Anyways the dude emailed me and told me he had more in and to buy them ASAP because they literally sold out in like 12 hours. He also mentioned he changed a couple things to make it quieter. I got this one.. I had seen the new design of the FHF and it looks nice.Does FHF sell that exact ALL-Foliage colorway you posted above in size medium for 10x42? I like that one. I've only seen the foliage/tan colorway with half tan, half foliage lid/cover that I didn't really care for. Still wanting to try out a FHF for myself, only thing holding me back from buying one is that the top of the binos is still exposed on the sides when the cover is on. They now make them in foliage / tan I don't think they make the all foliage ones anymore because thats the one I wanted but it came foliage / tan.. In the email they told me they upgraded the liner inside the harness.. You want size medium or large? You better get on the mailing list , they send an email telling you whats back in stock and to buy quick because they literally sell out in 10-15 hours.. Medium is the perfect size for 10 x 42 thats what I bought for my 10 x 42's , large probably hold 12's fine. I'm still trying to get their GPS Rhino pouch but those things are never in stock.. Yeah the sides are exposed and that may be concerning for some hunters.. It doesn't bother me too much because I'm not rocking 2,000.00 Swaro 's or 15's Yeah I would need a medium for my 10s. I was on the mailing list and got the update the last time they were in stock. I was ready to order but decided last minute not to pull the trigger. Color and side exposure still has me thinking twice about it. My AGC harness is serving me well until I can try out a fhf. I'm trying to find me one of the older fhf models in all foliage to try out.
  25. PelaPapas

    Vortex Glasspak Bino Harness

    I just bought a FHF medium bino harness.. Those things are super hard to get they are always sold out and I had to get on their email list so I can get notified when they have more ready. Anyways the dude emailed me and told me he had more in and to buy them ASAP because they literally sold out in like 12 hours. He also mentioned he changed a couple things to make it quieter. I got this one.. I had seen the new design of the FHF and it looks nice.Does FHF sell that exact ALL-Foliage colorway you posted above in size medium for 10x42? I like that one. I've only seen the foliage/tan colorway with half tan, half foliage lid/cover that I didn't really care for. Still wanting to try out a FHF for myself, only thing holding me back from buying one is that the top of the binos is still exposed on the sides when the cover is on.