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jeremiah lindsey

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Everything posted by jeremiah lindsey

  1. jeremiah lindsey

    whats the best unit to get a big desert ram in?

    thanks and congrats to you guys with the nice rams!
  2. jeremiah lindsey


    thanks guys i fished saguaro yesterday the bass wernt agressive in defending their beds don think they laid their r=eggs quiet yet
  3. jeremiah lindsey


    anybody been catchin bass at rosevelt or apache latly and if so on what?
  4. jeremiah lindsey

    do they charge the cards all at once?

    do they charge the cards all at once or does it take awhile
  5. jeremiah lindsey

    CO out of state elk experience?

    iv never hunted there but iv been told that there are an alot of over the counter tags
  6. jeremiah lindsey

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    still waiting
  7. jeremiah lindsey

    whats the best unit to get a big desert ram in?

    125 inch ram or bigger
  8. jeremiah lindsey

    do they charge the cards all at once?

    i havnt been hit yet im really startin to hold my breath
  9. jeremiah lindsey

    BIG 34a lion

    o ya he is i saw 4 cats that day including him only got pics of 2 didnt have a lion tag biggest mistake of my life
  10. jeremiah lindsey

    BIG 34a lion

    big old tom i jumped with my truck on my 2011 muledeer hunt he was just layin on the side of the road
  11. jeremiah lindsey

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    No hit yet still holding my breath.
  12. jeremiah lindsey

    lion recipe?

    any one have a recipe for lion? or fox?
  13. jeremiah lindsey

    Credit Card Hit!

    that pulled me in!
  14. jeremiah lindsey

    Lions in 37a?

    o hey jake i didnt expect to see you on here
  15. jeremiah lindsey

    Lions in 37a?

    Anybody know where to find lions in 37a?
  16. jeremiah lindsey

    Fox bowkill

    With coyotes i wouldnt eat so its kinda the same right?
  17. jeremiah lindsey

    Fox bowkill

    Can you eat a fox? I want to mount one that i harvest but i dont want to wast the meat.
  18. jeremiah lindsey

    34a buck help

    DOes nybody know where to find mulie bucks in 34a?
  19. jeremiah lindsey

    2013 Archery Mule Deer

    Nice buck what unit did you get him in?
  20. jeremiah lindsey

    35b coyote newyears day

    35b coyote gotem with a .22
  21. jeremiah lindsey

    Lions in 37a?

    does my dad know you ? and if so how?
  22. jeremiah lindsey


    THanks alot guys really appreciate it im gonna go and try tommorow down by the santa cruze river.
  23. jeremiah lindsey


    i have been callin predators for about two years iv triead many calls and even baught a johnny steweert ecaller(hasnt worked) all iv called in in these two years was a lion but i saw him about 300 yards out before i started calling any advice on how to get my coyotes i hunt on the santa cruze river by my house and in farm fields by my house forem . any tips?
  24. jeremiah lindsey

    35b coyote newyears day

    i was actually glassing for muledeer i saw him almost as soon as i looked in the binoculars