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Everything posted by Couesnut

  1. I have 500 rounds of once fired .308 Fac. brass, mostly Fed. Prem. Past deal seems to have fallen through. I'll take $50.00....plus shipping if needed ($10 to$15 bucks) DH
  2. Couesnut

    .308 Brass for sale

    I have 500 rounds of .308 once fired Fac. brass, mostly Fed. prem. Past deal seems to have fallen through. I'll take $50.00... plus shipping (if needed, $10 to $15 ???) DH
  3. Couesnut

    Brass for sale

    Doing some spring cleaning & need to get rid of it, I don't reload. 7mm Rem. Mag. over 850 cases, mostly Fed. .308 Win. 500 cases, Rem. & Fed. .243 Win. 500 cases, Rem. & Fed. All is once fired facotry ammo. In this market I don't know what it worth. Make me an offer. DH
  4. I've been doing some spring cleaning & need to get rid of it, I don't reload. 7mm Rem. Mag. 850 cases, mostly Fed. .308 Win. 500 cases Rem. & Fed. .243 Win. 500 cases Rem. & Fed. All is factory, once fired. Don't know what it's worth in todays market...Make me an offer. DH
  5. Those old zeiss are BAR NONE the best 10x glass ever built. I've had a pair for 25yrs. & just love them. Dependable, Rugged, & still crystel clear. dang I just got a pair of Vortex 10x as a back up, because I could not find a pair of those. If I can return them I will take yours. DH
  6. Couesnut

    Southern units and safety

    When I find those full water bottels with dates on them, & I have found many. I always smash the crap out of them. F#@% THEM, let them drink out of the springs & tanks full of the garbage & crap they leave behind.
  7. I was thinking of staying/leaving my trailor down there for the rest of my 36a hunt. Anybody stay there? Hows it work out? Don't want to drag it back to Phx. just for 2 days of X-Mas. DH
  8. I have a Dec. tag in 36a & would like to leave my trailor down there when I come back to Phx. for work or x-mas. Any safe suggestion?? Don't want to leave it in the hills, & don't want to drag it back. DH
  9. Couesnut

    Trailor park, Arivaca area

    No other options????? DH
  10. Couesnut


    Tragically, Bill Saathoff of Hereford Az. was killed in a plane crash on Wed. My heart is acking so I'm telling a small part of his story. He was my mentor & friend for the last 25 years. One of the best men & hunters I've ever known. Bill was a "modern day pioneer." Back in the late 70s he was one of, if not the first, to put big binos on a tripod (long before swarovski) to hunt Coues & desert mulies. When very few cared & tags were plentiful, he guided countless number of hunters to big Coues using this "NEW" technique. He let me tag along & help out. Actually, he could'nt get rid of me, I was hooked! When I finally started guiding for him I was in heaven. Along with his son, Adam, who I watched grow into a fine man & friend as well, we hunted & outfitted all over the Southwest & Mexico learning what we did'nt know together. He was always willing to help, teach & promote this "NEW" Az. Coues deer hunting. He helped founded the "Huachuca Whitetail Club" (past Pres. many times), Past Pres. of the 'Desert Trophy whitetail club' in Tucson as well Helped develope the Shooting Range in Sierra Vista & always promoted Youth shooting sports. He was a Master Taxidermist learning his ART under John Doyle, he did all my mounts for virtually nothing. A Son, Husband, Father, Grandfather,Teacher (Dean@Cochise College),Friend & Mentor, he will be deeply missed. So when all of you are on top of a hill this season, looking thru you're big glass trying to find that Big Buck & seeing all those other hunters using the same technique, You now know by who & how this craze got started. I know I'm grateful for being with him, & he'll always be with me on the Mt. "GOD SPEED BILL" DH
  11. Couesnut


    dang Randy, Nice to see you're still around. The celebration of Bill's life on Thurs. was really Nice, & it REALLY sucked!!! About 500 people showed. WOW. Lots of Hugging, Crying, Laughing, BSing & drinking. I have'nt seen some of those people in a long time. Sad that it takes a death to bring us all back together. Hope you're life is good....DH
  12. Couesnut


    A celebration of Bills life will be held in Sierra Vista on Thurs. I'll drink a cold one in honor. DH
  13. Couesnut

    7mm Rem Mag

    I have a 700 ADL syn/ kevlar I bought 15 yrs ago. I love it, tack drivin,coues killin machine, right out of th box. I've done some custom work over the years. Trigger, Bore lapping, crowning, P bedding. BLA, BLA Mine shoots Frederal Premiums 165 gr Sierras best. But some others shoot almost as well. GOOD CHOICE. DH
  14. Couesnut

    Pitchfork Ranch

    I was just givin the privelage to hunt the Pitchfok this year for BIG Texas Whitys. I've been waiting 6 or 7 years. I'm f%*$#ing PUMPED!!!! That with me & my son with Dec. Coues Tags ...This year has potential DH
  15. Couesnut

    Pitchfork Ranch

    Anybody else out there hunted the Pitchfork. I Can't Wait DH
  16. Couesnut

    Batt. Life

    Lets touch on an old subject. Which will give me longer life?? 2 6 volt batt. daisy chained. 2 12 volt daisy chained. 2 12 volts used one at a time. solar trickel charger. ???????????? DH Sorry I wanted to post in the RV 101 . don't know what i did or how to move it.
  17. Couesnut

    Pitchfork Ranch

    AZ402, How did you do on those hunts? My buddys have hunted it for the last 6 years & has killed some great bucks, 170" is the biggest. Always average high 150s . Those is some bigass coues.
  18. Couesnut


    Cool S**T My son & I Put in separately, so we could both hunt... whenever We both got 36A dec. Tags. "WOOHUU!!!
  19. Mexicans, any many others from the USA have been killing huge bucksin Southern Sonora & Northern Sinaloa for years & years. You just don't hear much from them. No cybor cares" DH
  20. Couesnut

    Hard Decision???

    Dude, You've kinda used my name (spelling) You might not want to be confused as me, due to the fact that I'm not known as a Fluffy PC guy. Welcome, DH...aka ...Couesnut
  21. Couesnut

    December tag gripe

    I agree... Keep the bowhunters to Jan. only. It's not always about opportunity. The last 2 Dec. tags I had were any thing but a quality hunt. Bowhunters everywhere. I get way back in as well, Gun or Bow. DH
  22. Lance, Very nice. I was scouting this wk. end & saw you're name on a sign in sheet. Are those 36c bucks?? I'l be in there next wk. end plus DH
  23. Couesnut

    Muleys in 36A

    Any good spots to start looking for muleys for my sons Jr. hunt. We have some good Wt. spots but he might want something new. Will be scouting & quail hunting the next few wks. Thanks DH
  24. Who belongs to a Red Dodge 4x4 I saw parked at the Turner" const. Trailer On Mon.? I'm there all the time. Couesnut
  25. Couesnut

    Unit 22 Elk

    C n' S, So with that thinking, you're ok with the Goats, Sheep, & Burros, That destroy our Desert sheep & their habitat." Natural selection"... Please.. This is 2007 & we humans make the selection. 20 years from now there will be complaints about not being able to get drawn for Kaibab elk. DH