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Everything posted by Maverick351

  1. Maverick351

    Archery Practice Help

    OK so its bad to focus intently on making a great shot the first time? If you shoot badly then rewarding yourself by continuing to shoot doesn't do much to help. Perfect practice makes perfect, repeated practice of bad habits don't make them better. Each person has their own way. I'm just a believer that an elk, deer, bear etc isn't going to stand still and continue to give you a shot opportunity while you hit it in the a$$ or gut shoot it because you couldn't focus under pressure.
  2. Maverick351

    Elk seminar tonight

    I'll be out there working the Archery HQ table so stop by and say hello.
  3. Maverick351

    Archery Practice Help

    What I do is practice like I hunt. When you are out hunting you don't get a couple warm up shots and make sure everything is good and ready before it counts. I walk out to the range pic a target at what I'm comfortable shooting at for hunting (you decide what distance works for you). So for example. I walk out to a target at 60 yrd take a step or two back and range it(say 63 yrds) aim and shoot. If I'm not within say an inch or two of the bullseye then practice is over. Grab my arrow and go home. Maybe do better next time. It's hard to do but it really makes you focus. Now if I hit where I wanted then great I get to stay and practice more that day. In the field if you step up and miss your first shot it can mean an empty tag, lost opportunity or a wounded animal.
  4. Maverick351

    Recent Pics, not what I'm after

    heck I'm willing to meet at any public location give gas money for the ride and be blindfolded and taken to whatever secret spot you have if it means killing a bear. Hahaha.
  5. Maverick351

    Bear eating a Coues

    Incredible video, that bear would be an awesome trophy getting it and the video
  6. Maverick351

    tripod head

    thanks, i was interested in the micro pan head from outdoorsmans but wound up just getting their pistol grip and love it
  7. Maverick351

    tripod head

    Im in the market for a new one. I been considering going a bit cheaper and getting the slik707e but also considered going all out and getting an outdoorsman either pistol grip and possibly pan attachment or simply buying their pan head. I'll be running razor 12x50s. Curious to pros and cons of each as I've yet to ever mess with any of them.
  8. Maverick351

    A little eye candy from Zion

    Great pics, thanks for sharing
  9. Maverick351

    Just another statistic, kid

    Better yet look up Trace cameras at academy sports. 39$each for 8mp takes great pics and free shipping
  10. Maverick351

    Ole puppy dog died today.

    Sorry for your loss. The bond between a man and his dog goes far beyond something that can be described in words.
  11. Maverick351

    Outdoor Expo in August

    Dchamsr maybe you could post the information in the body of the thread. I'm interested in going but I'm curious as to what will set this apart from the International Sportsman's Expo that comes to town. If you aren't hiring a guide for Alaska or Africa that place is a joke anymore. What makes this expo better for Az hunters and fishermen?
  12. Maverick351

    Anyone hunt Illinois?

    Looking to talk to someone who hunts there.
  13. Maverick351

    Anyone hunt Illinois?

    I haven't decided if I will or not. Wife and I going to a family wedding. Located in Watseka in iroqouis county. They have a few properties with 75 acres plus on each one. I'd have about 2-1/2- 3 days to hunt. Was just looking at an OTC kinda deal
  14. Maverick351

    Anyone hunt Illinois?

    Trying to figure out what I need to hunt there as DNR gave me the run around and couldn't answer general information. Almost felt like I accidentally dialed Az g+f
  15. Maverick351

    Custom bow grips

    Anyone have some or get some made? Anyone local do it?
  16. Maverick351

    Outdoor Expo in August

    Is anyone interested in this and thinking of going
  17. He looks similar in size to the one I shot with my bow awhile back. It's awesome to see them in the wild. I've got a couple spots I see them regularly at. Weird looking for sure
  18. Maverick351

    24A Pinal Mountains

    If you by chance have a wilderness innovations camera in realtree camo up there please msg me. I will know if its yours or not by a certain description. I was up hanging my cams on Monday with my kids and one of them made a mistake with the camera. Please get back to me through pm if necessary.
  19. Maverick351

    24A Pinal Mountains

    Didn't see much but a there were Hot Shots everywhere
  20. Maverick351

    24A Pinal Mountains

    That's not the issue. Long story but the cam got messed with and need to notify the owner.
  21. Maverick351

    Advice for re-fletching

    Scrape the arrow as clean as you can then wipe clean with denatured alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol leaves a bit of oily residue and acetone actually weakens the glue used when the carbon is wrapped together. Each vane manufacturing company has their own line of glue they recommend. If a vane is glued like a blazer then I suggest using bohning platinum. It's got a bit more elasticity and works great. When I fletch an arrow it takes pliers to pull it off. Super glues are over used and un necessary but also have less forgiveness during use. Working at the shop we fletch 10 dozen arrows plus daily so I tend to have a bit of experience in this. I also work for the guy who designed the Ez fletch.
  22. Maverick351

    plyometric boxes

    Does anyone make these or have one they don't want?
  23. Maverick351

    Got my cams

    Finally got cams and the family and I are heading out to put them up.