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Everything posted by Maverick351

  1. Maverick351

    23 turkey

    Ok thank you and I apologize for the misunderstanding
  2. Maverick351

    23 turkey

    So I heard that 23 is not available for otc archery this year but can not find anything on it that says it's unavailable. Is this true or is it open as usual?
  3. Maverick351

    23 turkey

    Ok well I asked game and fish yesterday and the lady didn't seem to understand
  4. Maverick351

    23 turkey

    Correction I must have the old regs just saw it said 2015 for date. Have a link to new regs?
  5. Maverick351

    23 turkey

    Well tj that's what I saw too only I was looking for the Aug hunt during deer, but in the seminar we attended there was a flyer stating 23 was switched to a draw tag for 2016. It was posted on the flyer to grab attention and then one of the sportsman's warehouse guys said the same thing when I asked him.
  6. Maverick351

    WTB bow press

    I believe I have found one.
  7. Maverick351

    WTB bow press

    Anyone have one for sale?
  8. Maverick351

    WTB bow press

    Pm sent.
  9. Maverick351

    WTB bow press

    I am not working in a shop. And besides having one for personal use rather than having to run to work all the time would be nice.
  10. Maverick351

    WTB bow press

    Pm sent. May consider either style depending on what's available
  11. Maverick351

    Hey Kodiak canvas guys

    As far as waterproof goes I had mine in the yard with our sprinkler and hose jerry rigged in a tree so it rained all over the tent. After an hour of steady water the inside was bone dry. I am very impressed so far
  12. Maverick351

    New arrows

    I am not working for ahq any more. But yes ahq has a chrono and I know timber mesa has a chrono
  13. Maverick351

    New arrows

    The energy 35 isn't really a speed bow so that will slow the arrow down a bit. But my thought is I've seen plenty of women kill deer and elk and everything else at 40-50lbs and slower speed so short of a long distance shot I wouldn't worry much. Momentum will kill more than a fast arrow.
  14. Maverick351

    Hey Kodiak canvas guys

    I just got my kodiak and tried it out in the yard. I am taking it out for a full trip the end of the month. I really like it so far.
  15. Maverick351

    95 lifted grand cherokee **price drop**

    If my bronco sells I'm all over it.
  16. Maverick351

    Ford Motorcraft Shocks (Brand-new)

    Same here
  17. Maverick351

    Ford Motorcraft Shocks (Brand-new)

    Pm sent
  18. Maverick351

    What bow to get?

    I have Hoyt carbon bow and love it but this year I am shooting the Elite Impulse 34 it is just an awesome bow. Lots of great choices out there this year.
  19. I saw several member of cwt there that I recognized. Unfortunately I had to leave earlier than planned. Great seminar and thanks Ammon for the beautiful call you made for me.
  20. Well I look forward to it and maybe even meeting a few fellow members as well as learning
  21. I plan on being there as well. Looking forward to picking up my first turkey call and learning how to call in the big ones.
  22. In Tucson or flagstaff bull Basin is the way to go. Great guys and staff and hands down best selection and services. That's coming from a guy who worked in a different pro shop
  23. Maverick351

    Slik CF tripod

    CFL is for carbon flip lock. The pic shows the flip locks instead of the twist style locks so I would think it is the CFL model. It's a great tripod
  24. Maverick351

    Slik CF tripod

    Sorry that was supposed to be for have2bhuntin.