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Everything posted by AZP&Y

  1. Thank YOU! Amanda and Arizona Guide- Yes, Please Amanda use it for the next Coues Deer celebration video, I would love to see the finished product when it's out. ANY ONE THAT WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THAT PICTURE OR THE OTHERS I HAVE POSTED I WILL MAIL YOU A FREE 5X7 , JUST SEND ME A PM AND I'LL SEND IT OUT ASAP. THAT WAY WHEN THE NEXT 8 MONTHS GO BY YOU CAN GLANCE AT THE PICTURE AND THINK OF ARIZONA COUES COUNTRY. Here is one more that I thought depics what Coues Country really is....200 year old Saguaros ! AzP&Y Doug
  2. AZP&Y

    Archery Hunting in Arizona

    My philosphy is 2 fold. I am in the process of hiking sections of the Arizona Trail . You know , 800 miles from the Mexico border to the Utah border. So I'll do say 30 miles in 3 days and always "scout out" some new country. Traveling over 100 miles on foot last year allows me to really see the topography, stop read a map, take a picture, mark a water hole. You get the picture. Quads move to fast and I'm not in a hurry anyway. Goal for 2007 is to get another 100 miles under my belt and scout out new country. I'm also an Arizona Trail steward, so I get to talk to many hikers, forest service personel, equestrians to find out what they have seen along the way. It never hurts to ask questions? Like HOW BIG WAS THAT BUCK ???? Enjoyed reading the philosphy and how each 'hunt/scout' style is unique. AzP&Y And if you're interested check out http://www.aztrail.org/ Catch you on the trail....
  3. AZP&Y

    The 130" Phantom Buck

    I have eye-guard itis.... Sweet hefty buck! #1 more for Mexico.... AzP&Y doug
  4. Maybe if they are hurting I'll send mine in ?
  5. I have 2 also. First one is TOM TURKEY @ 25 yards - 1 day after the season closed (that's always the way it goes) Second picture is just CLASSIC COUES COUNTRY with that great Arizona light giving me the chance to make an average landscape look like a picture from Arizona Highways! Enjoy! Great Topic RR AzP&Y Doug
  6. AZP&Y

    July too Late?

    I hiked 30 miles of the Arizona Trail this July and found these matching pair of ELK sheds. July is definetly a good time to be out an you can still find sheds! The tough part was carrying them the next 9 miles with a 42lb pack! Azp&Y
  7. AZP&Y


    Happy birthday and Rock on little dude! Nice Javelina- wish I had a Javelina under my belt at 10! Azp&Y
  8. If anything, the pope and young people that I have met are some of the most humble, down to earth folks in the hunting community. If you've bow hunted long enough, you better leave your ego in the city... AzP&Y
  9. AZP&Y

    Hunters on the border.

    Great story- The skills they have are incredible! Thanks for sharing. Wish they taught a course on tracking, not necessarily drug runners and such, but animal tracking and what to notice on in coues country that constitutes a drug route or potential danger. Hundreds of hours in the 36 units has taught me sharpness, but there is so much more to learn from the ancient ones... Azp&Y
  10. AZP&Y

    My Desert Archery Mule Deer (pics)

    az coues-addict, He is one wide buck- looks even bigger inside the Mule deer Sanctuary ( just kidding). I'd be way proud of that deer! way to stick with it, some very nice mule deer taken with archery equipment this winter. AzP&Y Doug
  11. excellent buck - THat's what i like to see - 'grinnin from ear to ear' way to stick with it! Azp&Y Doug
  12. Mark, I say go for it. Let the rest of the world see what a quality TROPHY coues looks like. Many have NEVER seen a western whitetail in person and will be in awe at the quality buck that you have taken. This opportunity (in my humble opinion) is a chance of a lifetime! There is definetely some 'risk' involved, but in an afternoon I believe that you could construct a quality crate that should withstand the rigors of travel. It's not like you are sending a Caribou or Moose, I think it could be done effeciently. Just take your time. Closed cell foam products may work well. If you can utilize other people that have sent them to P&Y and see what worked for them. I've been a member of P&Y for 3 years and haven't heard of problems with mounts, but there is some risk involved. As for your wife , she may be the toughest to convince. Good luck and what an OUTSTANDING TROPHY! Doug AzP&Y
  13. AZP&Y

    Badlands 2200

    Got my Badlands bladder today, it has a temperature rating of -20c to +50 Centrigrade. Which equates to 4 below zero Farenheit up to 122 degrees. It's possible that the pressure was not relieved at such a high elevation and burst the bladder? I noticed that the seems are welded and appears to be the same material that camelback uses. Camelback has always been reliable so until this thing hits the field , hard to say for sure. Thanks for posting another perspective Blaserman. Would not be fun to be miles into the Az backcountry on a hot day and have it break open a 1/2 days walk from the truck... AzP&Y
  14. AZP&Y

    Looking for a new site

    Younghunter, I believe that 5 pins is sufficient for archery hunting. But some will argue 7 is the way to go. I have been using 4 pins for many years and do just fine. I asked this question last year and you can get some good info from all of the serious bowhunters on this site. I decided NOT to go with a lighted Montec G5 5 pin site for many reasons (including it being illegal etc). Rather considering as you have the Montec g5 non lighted site... I still haven't bought another site for my for 2007 hunt season, but am using the old stand by. Many touted the Spott Hogg as being one of the better sites. I'll be watching your post. Here is the link from my thread in 2006 http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...p;hl=spott+hogg I believe the pictures have archived from the thread, but the content is still there... AzP&Y
  15. AZP&Y

    3D Shoots?

    Dbull, Check this one out. It's a great way to beat the heat, and get family and friends out in some nice country. Sunrise 3d shoot : 2007 http://www.sunriseskipark.com/3-d%20shootout%202006.shtml azp&Y
  16. Scottyboy, Great pictures, excellent contrast with the snow and desert. I thought about you when I saw this auction on ebay - It's the quail grand-slam! You're well on your way,(if not already there).! Bobwhite, Gambel's, Scaled, California Valley, & Mearns! Not trying to hi-jack your thread, just thought that you would appreciate the display of birds! Doug AzP&Y
  17. Tyson, Super NIce Mule deer. 75yard shot, that's what I call- ' lettin it fly' - glad you found him and finished him off. It's been a good winter for your archery equipment! Doug AzP&Y
  18. AZP&Y

    First Bow Hunt: Part 3

    Way cool hunt stories. I enjoyed every one of them. I like the part about you coming away with a wealth of knowledge. That is so important and makes you a better all-around hunter. I remember your post back when you first purchased your bow and got it all together in no time and started hunting. Are you not going after them again in September? Could be a great time to get a velvet coues! Take care and glad you are back safe from the 36's - it's ALWAYS an ADVENTURE down there. AzP&Y Doug
  19. AZP&Y

    153" and change!!!!!!!

    Oh my- That is incredible- Talk about MASS- Don't think I've seen that before! That is the stuff that dreams are made of... Thank you for posting that one Josh. Doug AzP&Y
  20. AZP&Y


    25-06 , I hear ya.. I came upon this a couple of weeks ago and had to get out of the area. Your scenario sounds like major foul play. AzP&Y
  21. Thought that you guys might enjoy some of these pictures my buddy sent me from Kodiak AK yesterday. It just shows you how tough deer really are from the scorching deserts (our coues cousins) to the frigid confines of the LAST FRONTIER! He said that this winter has been particularly cold, and the deer population is suffering from it. Many deer have been hit on the roads. #3 deer is already FLAGGIN! Enjoy- I'm going back in July 2007 - Can't wait! AzP&Y Doug
  22. AZP&Y

    Whats In A Name

    I had the great fortune of drawing an Arizona Bull tag. My first bow kill was the elk below. It catapulted me from rookie to Pope and Young and Bowhunting in Arizona record books. I agree with littlebear, you have to get a few kills under your belt, regardless of the size. I just happened to be very fortunate. AzP&Y Doug
  23. AZP&Y

    Badlands 2200

    Badlands 95oz (2.8 litre) water bag 23.95 / plus 5.05 shipping. http://cgi.ebay.com/Badlands-Hydration-Bla...VQQcmdZViewItem They also sell a 105 oz * 3 litre and 35oz * 1 litre. - Sportmans doesn't seem to carry them, although they could probably order it. Not sure about Cabelas? AzP&Y
  24. AZP&Y

    100"........The hard way.

    That's what I'd be doing- Just staring at it , in admiration! Great job ! I am way impressed! AzP&Y Doug
  25. AZP&Y

    107 Harvested January 7 unit 33

    PURELY INCREDIBLE- 2.5 hours stalking, now that is patience. CONGRATULATIONS! AzP&Y Doug