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Everything posted by AZP&Y

  1. Mike- apology accepted. No harm no foul. After I PM'd you today and read the post I'm glad that we can talk about hunting and coues. Matt- it took 7 years but I'm making steady progress I've got another Coues Shed project in the works... I'll post pictures when I get back from Alaska! AzP&Y Doug
  2. AZP&Y

    little shed

    Nice one! Little is better than no shed- 4 sure! AzP&Y
  3. AZP&Y

    Bino Warranty and Repair Work

    My Nikon 12x56 Monarch's took a fall last august during the archery hunt (last day of the hunt). Part of the reason I bought them was because I know how the desert can be along with my BUCK FEVER. It was like a slow motion car crash, the tripod fully extended and slowly watching them crash to the desert floor. Smashed one of the tubes. It wasn't exactly fun to glass through one tube, but hey it was better than nothing. Needless to say 10.00 and shipping costs they were back in my hands in 17 days. Not the best glass on the market, but surely can't beat knowing the next 25 years I have not a worry about fault & the most important thing getting them repaired or replaced for next to nothing... Nikon's No-Fault Policy: If your Nikon binoculars, spotting scopes or Fieldscopes require service or repair not covered by the 25-Year Limited Warranty, Nikon will repair or replace it (even if it was your fault) for just $10, plus return shipping and handling. Jim -I'm sure swaro will take care of them for ya AzP&Y
  4. AZP&Y

    Black River?

    It's dropped a bit as of 10 days ago... Still one of the most pristine places in the state! Didn't wet a line, but should have brought the fly-rod... AzP&Y
  5. Santa Ritas? I know that's a pretty broad guess... thinking east side??? AzP&Y Doug
  7. AZP&Y

    contest idea.....

    Oh my Littlebear- that is one BIG BEAR! Those are some fantastic pics for sure- thanks for taking the time to post em'! Mr. Grong was right... AzP&Y
  8. Any one else get a chance to see Ted KICK FULL NUGE A$$ on Monday NIGHT? What a show---------> At nearly 60 years of age he still makes the old GIBSON crank! Great concert with all the loud screamin guitar,expletives and attitude that that either LOVE him or hate him , what has made him a LEGEND over the years! He sang all of the old ones, stormtroopin', stranglehold and of course FRED BEAR with an encore of GREAT WHITE BUFFALO- true hunt classics! Enjoy the pics- my ears are still ringin' AzP&Y Doug
  9. AZP&Y

    Found a couple

    Real nice finds for a day trip! Thanks for sharing... Looks like the oaks are nice and healthy in that area! Could be a bumper crop of acorns this year! The area where my trail cam is chocked full of oaks! (and some nice deer I hope) ! AzP&Y Doug
  10. AZP&Y

    Alright suckers, here it is..........

    Sweet teaser! Nice quick shot of shed MANIA! Thanks for sharing- sign me up for a copy! AzP&Y
  11. AZP&Y

    Unaware of the Draw???

    Doug, A few for sure... When I mentioned a draw for archery to my friends dad (who has been hunting in az for a long time)... did not know of the change. I think more than a few citations will be issued for the non-current hunter who did not view the regs or go online... AzP&Y
  12. One more with the varmit tail....!
  13. AZP&Y


    War 7664. Wow!. Awesome kill photo. You don't often see the animal in such a pristine state, blood spilling, snow slowly and softly falling. Nice photo- I will go and buy a 375 mag for my trip to Alaska next month Thanks for sharing. AZp&y Doug
  14. a few more of the motor city mad man!
  15. AZP&Y

    arizona big game superraffle

    commission order 29 {SPECIAL HUNTS} means you get 365 days to hunt the game species you are picked for (if you are lucky enough) Here it is in a pdf.file (az whitetail season is aug 15, 2008- aug 14,2009) http://www.arizonabiggamesuperraffle.com/A...on_Order_29.pdf AzP&Y
  16. AZP&Y

    Got my first bear on cam

    Hey Matt, Real nice bear pics for sure! After talking to you yesterday I'm glad that you didn't just delete that SD card thinking there were a bunch of blank trail cam pictures Now where was that spot again ????? JK. That second one is real nice... AzP&Y Doug
  17. AZP&Y

    my pile

    Impressive... very impressive. So that's what it takes to find that many sheds- 6 pairs of boots/shoes! ( and a little luck) Nice job- LOVE THE BONE PILE! AzP&Y Doug
  18. AZP&Y

    Briggs dog finds an antler

    Neo , It's still bone and only a sign of more to come of the coues variety. Nice looking dog! I see some brown on the one side ! AzP&Y
  19. AZP&Y

    group size

    Also change your scenery a bit, head out to Usery and go during the week if you can. I take the camera with me and put it behind me on a tri-pod and let it shoot still pictures. A video camera helps as well. Go home and study your position... It's not always the bow it can be the shooter... A week off can't hurt either... Good luck and it won't be long before the groups return... AzP&Y
  20. AZP&Y

    found something

    Nice finds... starting Jr. out early- 1.5 miles is good distance covered by the little guy. Thanks for sharing the pics... Looks like you've found a good all around deer spot... AzP&Y
  21. AZP&Y

    My turn today

    TB, Sweet find for sure ! I remember when I found my first coues lion kill... Thanks for sharing - haven't seen one like that in while... AzP&Y
  22. AZP&Y

    Good Storm Coming

    White Mountains - 1100 am - Thursday - May 22 9000 ft...
  23. AZP&Y

    Good Day at Pleasant

    Tony, Thanks for the info. I understand about secret fishing spots- they are like secret hunting spots- best kept to ones self! Pleasant is one of the lakes that seems to consistantly produce awesome stripers... Clay - I'm going to move onto 667 because I'm superstitious - I can hear 666 number of the beast monday May 26 when Iron Maiden comes to town Cats should be gettin active out at Pleasant as well! AzP&Y Doug
  24. AZP&Y

    Good Day at Pleasant

    tony- what were they bitin' on? Any largemouth's? AzP&Y Doug
  25. AZP&Y

    Unit 33 Hunt pressure

    Jim, Outstanding review of information. I appreciate your time and when I met you at Bass Pro for the deer seminar , I could see the passion in your face. Great to meet you in person and get a sense of what makes you tick... After reading your book a couple of times, I can't but help search for more information regarding deer (particularly coues). AzP&Y