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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    West coast fires

    the third world country to our west is burning...
  2. 520HUNT

    Give it your best shot

    wait until that buck gets the milk off his lips
  3. 520HUNT

    A sad dry summer

    When are you going? You need help?
  4. 520HUNT

    Mature Big Desert Muley Buck Down

    since we are guessing, I'll say 164" but with that said, that's a good desert buck!
  5. 520HUNT

    Auction tag coues

    if you got the goods on him, let me know. ill call the game thief hotline and collect the reward! I ain't scared! I'm an equal opportunity reward collector.
  6. 520HUNT

    Auction tag coues

    I saw a pic of a nice velvet coues killed in December a couple years ago. apparently it had no nuts and carried its velvet year round. a Cactus Buck i believe they call it. anyone still have pics of it?
  7. 520HUNT

    Auction tag coues

    if thats not a pretty buck, I must be doing something wrong!
  8. And child abuse/endangerment charges
  9. 520HUNT

    Bear cub or no?

    It's a blue dress
  10. 520HUNT

    Costco is getting emptied

    Walmart in tucson, no TP, except the $20 packages
  11. So a FFL can determine what the gun was first recorded as, pistol, other, or rifle?
  12. Good info... I was going to buy a AR pistol from a local gun shop but now I'm not taking that chance!
  13. 520HUNT

    Tag Surrender/Point Guard=No Bonus Point?

    It says "for any reason" That sounds like bad antler growth to me
  14. So if you're buying a used AR Pistol, how do you know if it's legal? Is there a way to research what the original 4473 listed the gun as?
  15. Is the FFL at fault (breaking the law) by issuing a legal document 4473 saying it's a pistol?
  16. 520HUNT

    Tag Surrender/Point Guard=No Bonus Point?

    Does G&F give any guidelines on when or why a tag can be turned in? Besides "before the hunt begins".
  17. So if I have a lower that was sold as a rifle and I change it to a pistol by putting short barrel and a brace on it and then sell it to a friend thru a FFL who fills out a new 4473 for the transfer, is it now considered a pistol since I have a 4473 that says pistol?
  18. 520HUNT

    Kobe Bryant farewell

    If mom and dad are in heaven...I'll take the millions... Heaven is such a more wonderful place than this nasty world.
  19. 520HUNT

    Kobe Bryant farewell

    They will move on fine with millions$$$
  20. 520HUNT

    Kobe Bryant farewell

    The Suns still have a team?
  21. 520HUNT

    Kobe Bryant farewell

    Was Kobe a hunter? I thought this was a hunting forum.
  22. I've heard they have had a bunch of problems with homeless living on the forest and bothering campers and recreationalists
  23. 520HUNT


    Who left a gate open? Who trespassed? Have you been drinking the retarted juice again?
  24. 520HUNT

    Youth Rifle Recommendations for Big Game

    My son used a 700 remmington 7mag with a break for his first coues deer at age 10. Still has and uses that rifle now that he is 21.