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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. Just a matter of time.
  2. 520HUNT

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Muslim Brotherhood?
  3. Well that narrows it down..
  4. 520HUNT

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    If you're sitting next to a road... What do you expect?
  5. 520HUNT

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    You might be a D-bag if you put 31 of Arizona's prized Bighorn Sheep in an area with the highest lion population in the state.
  6. 520HUNT


    Wow, this is a good decision by the department. I know several Javalina hunters who were told They couldn't hunt in the sheep area. Us hunters can make a difference!
  7. 520HUNT

    another new hunter joins us (part II)

    You can use a 100 round drum magazine if you want
  8. 520HUNT


    We could also do a mega jackpot, who ever gets the date closest to the extinction of the catalina herd wins.
  9. Great work taking them out of different herds. Too many hunters wipe out a complete herd without concern for the well being of the natural balance. I never kill more than one pig out of each herd in my area, it seems to promote better herds. Anyways congrats. And no my butt don't hurt.
  10. Any pigs left for next year, or did you decimate the herd?
  11. 520HUNT

    Spot and Stalk Archery Mule Deer on last day

    Great job, way to get we done.
  12. 520HUNT


    We could do a 50/50 fundraiser... Put $10 on a date, and if a sheep dies on that day you get 50% of the pot. If 2 sheep die on that day you get the whole pot. All the leftovers could be donated to a wildlife organization or CWT.com Any takers? I'll put the first $10 down for Friday, 2/28/14
  13. 520HUNT

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Isn't this a Lacey act violation, and US F&W can charge him?
  14. 520HUNT


    Listen to the department response to #13: I think it is time for the department to catch the remaining bighorns and relocate them back to where they came from before the state loses the rest of this herd. This is absolute incompetence.
  15. 520HUNT


    That is the 4th of 5 rams to die. Not sure they are going to be able to reproduce if there are no more Rams. Maybe Game and Fish will artificially inseminate the ewes from now on?
  16. 520HUNT

    I need some help!!

  17. I used to go to every game and fish meeting a few years back. I usually filled out a card and spoke to the commission, but after being ignored and treated with disrespect by the department and the commissioners for over a decade I gave up. I used to know everyone at the meetings, good ole hunters who showed up because they cared and thought they could make a difference. None of those guys I used to go with go anymore... All became frustrated and threw their hands up in the air, and realized they were wasting valuable hunting time by attending these dog and pony shows. The unit managers would privately tell you that they didn't agree with the number of tags the commission was approving, but it still happened. Actually had a commissioner tell me that these meetings were useless, because they had already made up their minds. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from those meetings. I must have wasted countless days and money traveling to Flagstaff, Tucson and Phoenix for meetings. And I'm pretty sure nothing has changed in the last 6 years since I quit wasting my time at these dog and pony shows.
  18. 520HUNT

    Skunked In 33. Anyone get one?

    33 is one of the most mis managed units int the state. Chimney rock used to have several different herds that roamed around there... But that was the good ole days before $$$ ran the game and fish department.
  19. 520HUNT

    another new hunter joins us (part II)

    They don't give us equipment that nice...
  20. I couldn't make it, what issues were raised to the department? And what if anything was accomplished or proposed changes?
  21. 520HUNT


    Shouldn't they have did that before putting the sheep there and not after 12 maybe 13 by now are cat food? Did you read the proposal and plan? Nope. You have a link? Here is a website about the Sheep release and has a section for FAQ. http://www.catalinabighornrestoration.org/
  22. Cool, anything x 0 is zero... Zero like the number of sheep we will have in the Catalinas thanks to AZGFD And Zero like the number of Jaguars roaming unit 36B & C No, 0 as in the number of valid points you have raised. First, you complained about tag fees and app fees...that didn't work so now we complain about sheep and jaguars. Having a discussion on this forum is comparable to HERDING CATS. Stay on issue. Want to talk about jaguar and sheep in the Catalinas? Lets talk in a different thread...this one is about fees and the AZGFD I'm pretty sure tag fees and app fees helped pay for the Sheep fiasco in the Catalina's and for the killing of an endangered species Jaguar. So AZLance is still on issue.
  23. 520HUNT


    This is what should have been done prior to the sheep release...