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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    Unit 33, 2450 Coues tags!

    To quote what one of the WMs you mentioned told me last year in a southern unit - "We can have a ridiculously low buck to doe ratio, like 100:1, and still get all the does bred. So what we're doing management wise is working." Do these WMs actually have degrees? Or are they making this $hit up as they go? Insanity!
  2. 520HUNT

    Unit 33 Bears

    Wow, nice spot! I have put in for unit 33 for two years now without drawing.
  3. 520HUNT


    Just got two first time hunters applied for... Thanks to the extension!
  4. 520HUNT


  5. 520HUNT


    It's been like this all day... Hope they are extending the deadline...
  6. 520HUNT

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    Is that a tailless jaguar?
  7. 520HUNT

    30x75 swaroski binos

    Pics and price? I don't text...
  8. What cams do you have? And what sight are you looking for?
  9. Go patrol your unit, and quit posting on taxpayer time...
  10. 520HUNT

    Trail Cams

    I'm more interested in the pink shag carpet you have there... You have that throughout the house?
  11. That's the new multi cultural way to spell Arizona...
  12. Well then, following your logic, we should ban all firefighters and Native Americans from the forest since it was a Indian firefighter who started the Rodeo fire, which merged with the Chediski fire to become AZ's largest fire.
  13. Here is the point you are missing, the forest belongs to US not YOU. You are not free to tear the whole thing down and build a motocross track, ski resort or amusement park if you wish. It is a publicly owned resource and as such an organization exists to manage the interests of the public. If the forest is gone that is not in our best interest. Guess what else isn't in our best interest flushing millions of taxpayer dollars down the toilet and risking the LIVEs of hard working men and women with families because some ignorant white trash heathen flipped a cigarette out the window on a forest service road. Yes some people are tooooo stupid to be trusted in these conditions. For crying out loud people how many million acres have to burn before some people decide to use their head for something more than a storage place for self centered thoughts. Is this "organization" that you speak of the same one that mis-managed our forests for the last century and got us in this overgrown tinder box we call our forests? How do you ruin something, then get put in charge of it, and tell others they can't come onto it? And those millions of dollars and lives we put on the line are men and women who most wouldn't have a job If if weren't for these fires. When I was a wild land firefighter, I prayed for fires, because that is what put money in the bank and food on the table. And since someone brought up military bases, how is that whole concept working? The two biggest fires this year on the Coronado National Forest were both on the Ft Huachuca Army base. That is closed to "us", but somehow man made fires are still starting. This really does go right back to the Gun Control issue. We always say why punish everyone for a few criminals mistakes? Well this is a perfect example, you keep the American citizens out, but the criminal aliens still come in and start fires. So who gets punished by this? The good responsible citizens get their forests taken away, while the criminals still have free use of them.
  14. Extreme fire danger. They closed all AZ forests 3 years ago and a bunch of guys with spring bear tags were left with no where to hunt.
  15. 520HUNT

    State trust land question

    This doesn't say you can't shoot within a mile of a house. It says that you won't be charged with negligent discharge of a firearm if it is more than a mile away.
  16. 520HUNT

    State trust land question

    I believe AZLance is right on this issue. My brother works for Peoria PD and said there is no "1 mile rule". He said the law states 2640' (which is a 1/2 mile) from a residence in the City of Peoria limits. But he also said that most of the tickets they have written in the past have been thrown out, because State law says, and Game and Fish regulations say you only have to be 1/4 mile away from a occupied structure. Here is the City of Peoria web page with the city codes and laws. It clearly states it is 1/2 mile not a mile. http://www.peoriaaz.gov/uploadedFiles/Peoriaaz/Departments/City_Attorney/City_Code/Ch13/sec13-41.pdf
  17. 520HUNT

    Black River Closure

    Won't be long until the Forest Service closes the rest of the forest. Planning has already begun...
  18. 520HUNT

    Wow 2013

    Ut-oh... Someone is going home early and it ain't the Wildcats! http://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/college/asu/2014/05/18/asu-softball-drops-chance-to-eliminate-michigan/9261561/
  19. 520HUNT

    Salt river fishing

    Most Topo maps would disagree. I believe any thing east of the "no skiing" signs is considered the river and not the lake. .
  20. 520HUNT

    Salt river fishing

    There is quite a bit of salt river below Roosevelt Lake before it opens up into Apache Lake. You can see some of it in the picture below.
  21. 520HUNT

    Aug. Archery

    The year before.
  22. 520HUNT


  23. 520HUNT

    online draw.

    Just called...No one answered... now what?
  24. 520HUNT

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    0 Problems? You obviously haven't spent much time in the Santa Ritas! I work there on a daily basis, and there are several Rip Crews working the Santa Rita's. And on top of it the amount of drugs going thru there should concern everyone.
  25. 520HUNT

    unit 27 early rifle

    Rom Dryden with Rincon Outfitters!