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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    Double Grey Fox Mount

    Very nice!
  2. 520HUNT

    do bears push bucks out?

    No, I have plenty of bears and bucks on camera the same day for the past few years. It might be that that year the food sources in that area are better for bears and the deer also found some other place that year for better food sources.
  3. 520HUNT

    Got My "First" Bear

    That's gonna make a nice rug! Congrats!
  4. 520HUNT


    Someone on here last year killed a bear with the do not consume tag... I think it had something to do with the bear being tranquilized, and the chemicals in the tranquilizer was not approved for human consumption...
  5. 520HUNT


    Great Bear. Huge noggin!
  6. 520HUNT

    Anyone still waiting for their tags?

    Don't bother calling... They are busy breeding wolf pups.
  7. 520HUNT

    Hunting in 19A

    Last yearBlack Mesa had 5 different hunters opening morning... Too small of an area for 5 hunters and their crews. And you know how hunting is now adays, it isn't a good picture unless you have 10 of your buddies(spotters) in the picture... So you can imagine the traffic jam on the only little two track leading into little black Mesa.
  8. 520HUNT

    game and fish cam

    Go ahead and shoot my dog, I dare you!
  9. 520HUNT

    game and fish cam

    water softener salt is legal... pool salt legal... table salt legal.... mineral salt from the feed store legal.that is not an azgfd camera..... the ones I have seen they use lock box and bolt it to the tree. bone collector 777 is right... rules do not apply to azgfd if they are using it for work purposes, but I'm sure some of their employees use this to their advantage and get away with it... like letting someone else finish killing and tag your elk and then sue for 1 million $$$$... not to rehash old shiz. James Bolt it to a tree? Now that is definitely against the law.
  10. 520HUNT

    Desert springs no tracks???

    My springs deer activity declines right after the first Monsoon...
  11. 520HUNT

    looking for a broadhead target

    http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/sportsmans/Field-Logic-Black-Hole-Archery-Target-18-inch/productDetail/Archery-Targets/prod999901361912/cat110503 That's pretty cheap on sale...
  12. 520HUNT

    Archery bear back from the taxidermist

    I like it!
  13. 520HUNT

    not for sale

    I want to buy it just for the mud flaps!
  14. 520HUNT

    Bowhunting in New York

    Anyone gone back to NY to bowhunt before? Will they accept our Hunters Education Card for a bowhunting license?
  15. 520HUNT

    Bowhunting in New York

    I will be hunting all around Albany with a friend who has a bunch of leases.
  16. Maybe he already struck a deal with Eastmans and can't talk about it?
  17. 520HUNT

    Finally got a bear!

    Congrats... And good story and pics.
  18. 520HUNT


  19. 520HUNT

    OTC bear hunt

    A guide friend of mine will be there with his 4 clients...
  20. Our department sees the money that comes with the wolf recovery and that's why they are interested! It's not about sound management, it's all about the Benjamin's!
  21. 520HUNT

    shot camera

    I remember someone on here said they put SRP stickers on their cams