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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    36A Batamote Ranch gate locked

    Rancher locked due to hunters leaving trash behind at campsites and leaving gates open. We are our own worst enemy.
  2. If that was mine... You would be mounting the dog!
  3. 520HUNT


    Remember it's against the law to leave ruts in the forest service roads... Tread lightly!
  4. 520HUNT

    Shattered my one day rainfall record

    Everything here in Tucson is flooded. They are talking about shutting down all bridges over the Sant Cruz river right now.
  5. 520HUNT

    Kayaking the Santa Cruz...

    Just saw two guys going down the sant Cruz under I-19
  6. 520HUNT

    Quick help on regs

    Maintained is the key word... If it is mowed or landscaped that would be maintained... I can't imagine any judge saying that grass 2' high on the side of the road is maintained.
  7. 520HUNT

    Which deer would you shoot?

    I would shoot the ball, and let the bucks live to grow up...
  8. 520HUNT

    Quick help on regs

    IA Born, I think this is one of the biggest problems here in Arizona, is that there lots of grey areas in the hunting rules and laws. And unfortunately the hunters never get the benefit of the doubt...
  9. 520HUNT

    Quick help on regs

    What happens when you are in open range and there is not a right of way fence? I can think of several highways with out right of way fences, hwy 191 thru most of unit 27, catalina hwy in unit 33, highway 289 in 36b, hwy 83 south of Sonoita, and I'm sure there are more across the state.
  10. 520HUNT

    Quick help on regs

    You can be 1" from it, as long as you don't shoot across it, from it, or onto it.
  11. 520HUNT

    Black Bear down

    Sow quota was 1, in unit 34 A, wasn't sure if this was the only sow killed in the fall. I know of 3 boars killed. Anyone know?
  12. 520HUNT

    Black Bear down

    Congrats! Did this bear shut the unit down?
  13. 520HUNT


    5 mile break in??? More like 40 mile break in.
  14. 520HUNT

    the rain is here

    Got another 3" last night. That pushes my place in Patagonia to over 21" now for this summer! I agree that enough for this year.
  15. 520HUNT

    Border units

    Former Mex. Military trained by US forces now work for and run the cartels... http://www.examiner.com/article/is-the-u-s-military-training-the-next-generation-of-drug-cartel-enforcers
  16. 520HUNT

    Border units

    I really admire all of the brave Americans(hunters) on this site who are NOT afraid to fight for their right to enjoy the outdoors here in the United States. It takes a lot of guts to take on a armed rip crew in the mountains of southern Arizona, especially when most of them will have prior military training (trained by American Special Forces) and will have you out gunned. It is honorable that you are willing to do what most Americans won't do, which is go into an area that the rip crews know like the back of their hand, where the rip crews have the high ground, with scouts watching your every movement and take them on on their turf. And talk about courage, it amazes me that you would go up against a armed rip crew with just your trusty .300 Mag and your Glock 9mm, all while the rip crew is armed with fully automatic AK-47s with 30 round Mags and tactical vests with additional mags. This is the kind or bravery, courage, and honor that many of the young men who join the military and fight to protect our rights have. It is most admirable, and I am thankful for their sacrifices every day. Just remember these young men in the military work with a unit or team of others to take on bad guys. They always try to go into a fight with superiority of force, and never take a knife to a gun fight.
  17. 520HUNT

    Border units

    Forest Service is a part of the Department of Agriculture. Although along the border they work closely with DHS. They have Law Enforcement Officers all over the state.
  18. 520HUNT

    Border units

    Some of the rip crews that work south of I-10 are not immigrants, but are US Citizens.
  19. 520HUNT

    Border units

    I love hearing from all the so called experts on the dangers of hunting down south! "I hunt down there all the time and haven't seen anything" "I've hunted down there my whole life and feel safe" "I've seen some aliens, but they don't want any trouble and stay away from hunters" Believe me there is plenty to worry about! It's not what you see, it's what you don't see... And believe me, they are watching you, and know your every movement. If you only knew the half of what is going on down there, you would realize that you are not in America anymore, you are in Occupied Territory.
  20. 520HUNT

    Pinal mountain this weekend

    Please let us know what happens and give us updates on game and fish's investigation.
  21. Wow, great save when dove on top of the fish.
  22. 520HUNT

    Game and Fish working hard

    Isn't there a helicopter flight school right near there? I know last year in the northern part of 18b helicopters were constantly low flying and landing in the area we were chasing antelope. Didn't really bother us, we would use their noise to make our move on the antelope.
  23. Yep, hunters screwing it up for others... Tomorrow the pole line off of Santa Rita road and Whitehouse Canyon get locked in 34A. Lots of land being locked up due to a few un responsible people.
  24. 520HUNT

    What Church do you attend?

    Calvary Tucson (east side)