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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    snow level in unit 27??

    Anyone seen how low the snow level is in the southern part of 27??? Like the Juan Miller area and a Martinez ranch areas??
  2. 520HUNT

    Mexican wolves

    Just remember... when they kill a elk or deer, it is just Workplace Violence.
  3. 520HUNT

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    Are you surprised?
  4. 520HUNT

    left over tags

    We need a class action law suit against G&F. They are no longer on the hunters side.
  5. 520HUNT

    Off to 33

    See ya in the glass
  6. 520HUNT

    36c Ranch access

    I have a key
  7. 520HUNT

    35a/b spring tag

    Good luck...35 can be hit or miss depending on the weather. This year will be a wet one if the El Niño weather pattern continues, which will mean there will be water everywhere and the Bears won't be concentrated.
  8. 520HUNT

    Isn't it hunting season???

    I'm pretty sure there are hunts going on this weekend around the state, and a lot of people out scouting for upcoming hunts. That why I'm confused, because there were a bunch of AZ Game and Fish officers working security at the ASU game today. I was actually expecting to see the Mule deer decoy set up in the end zone with all the officers there. I guess this wouldn't be such a concern to me, except I haven't seen a Game and Fish officer in the field in over 15 years now. And I spend a bunch of time in a bunch of differnt units as a guide and hunter. I know several units that only have one officer and in some cases the officer is responsible for 2 units. So why they would be working at a football game instead of out in the field kind of blows my mind.
  9. 520HUNT

    Isn't it hunting season???

    I just figured that during hunting season the officers would be working the weekends as that is when 90% of the hunters are out in the field. And as far as being worried about getting a citation from G&F...not too worried as I have not seen one in over a decade. And I am out in the field at least once a week. Look, I have no problem with a guy who is underpaid getting a little overtime! I just find it strange that the only time I see G&F is at at football game or at a wildlife show
  10. 520HUNT

    Isn't it hunting season???

    I don't blame the officers, but the department.
  11. 520HUNT

    The cup

    How many did U of A go to? Ok then, now that we have compared spike's...If the product on the field today was a representation of the final product for ASU, I would not be satisfied, but CTG is taking this program from a sad state under Erickson and put them in bowl games 4 years in a row, something that no head coach had done in the past (4 bowl games in first 4 years). The team is headed in the right direction, but needs to keep making progress. This isn't Alabama with Nick Saban, you don't just overnight win a national championship. It takes work, and for the first time since Bruce Snyder, it's happening. UofA - 1 BCS bowl game ASU - 0 BCS bowl game Looks like your spike was actually a doe
  12. 520HUNT

    Isn't it hunting season???

    So we just give up on the poachers? I guess if I ever decide to poach, I'll just do it on a game day.
  13. Holly cow. That's more stuff than I have in my house
  14. 520HUNT

    The cup

    How many BCS bowl games has ASU been to since the BCS was formed 17 years ago?
  15. 520HUNT

    Best way to cook a wildcat?

    4th string quarterbacks never taste good, no matter how long you tenderize them
  16. 520HUNT

    Parking for ASU football game

    Anyone with any good spots to park for game? First time going to an ASU football game?
  17. 520HUNT

    A Disgusting 40%

    From what I have heard...they can't cite you for illegal taking of game because its a fake deer. The citations issued are shooting from or across a road or shooting from a vehicle.
  18. 520HUNT

    A Disgusting 40%

    I want to make a robotic donut and set it off the side of the road in unit 27. I could see how many game and fish officers would actually get out of their truck. Then we could have a bunch of hunters run out and yell at them. Not sure we would actually catch any. never seen one out of his truck.
  19. 520HUNT

    hunting pack was stolen

    You should be back in business as soon as your homeowners insurance sends you a check.
  20. 520HUNT

    Boots... lets hear it...

    I hike 700plus miles a year and the Lowas are the best boot out there.
  21. 520HUNT

    164 7/8" Coues

    Don't worry the real story of Brandon will come to light soon, it always does! You can run but you can't hide
  22. 520HUNT

    Shameless Outfitter

    Aren't they all?
  23. 520HUNT

    Found Pistol

    Hope you picked it up using gloves so you didn't destroy the fingerprints and DNA evidence.
  24. 520HUNT

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    The herd in unit 31 used to be over 100 elk. They were commonly seen watering at Riggs flat Lake. Also seen 20+ in Rucker Canyon 10 years ago. Then there was the 3 elk photographed on the empire cinega ranch in unit 34b a few years back.
  25. 520HUNT

    Sticky situation

    Whatever Game and Fish says...get it in writing! They have been know to lie before and can't be trusted!