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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    Huge Elk on 101 South yesterday!

    That's a rag Horn!
  2. 520HUNT

    Enough about elk. Let's talk trees!!

    Evergreen Elm
  3. 520HUNT

    Babos are burnin'

    Started by illegals cooking dinner.
  4. 520HUNT

    Unit 33 Goulds

    There were still Merriams in the Catalina's when they reintroduced the Goulds. Not many, but they were still being seen.
  5. 520HUNT

    Smart Phone Hand Gun

    I want one!
  6. 520HUNT

    Unit 33 Goulds

    There was a flock of 20 birds in Prison Camp last weekend.
  7. And their backpacks weigh 60 pounds...
  8. 520HUNT

    Redington Pass target shooting

    Audsley, do you know why The Lake is closed to hunting? I have seen the one sign by the road but there are no other signs? I was wondering how big the closure area is? I used to chase javalina and deer right behind The Lake...
  9. 520HUNT

    UTV choices

    Ranger XP 900 Browning edition
  10. 520HUNT

    Whats the Worst Archery Antelope Hunt?

    The hunt that you don't kill on is usually the worst
  11. 520HUNT

    Az gun sales law question

    Look...I have taken over 60 hours of training on how to determine if a ID (document) is valid and not a fraud, and taken another 60+ hours training on how to spot a person using someone else's ID ( an imposter). But if you believe you are some how more qualified at determining if someone's ID is Legit, or which ID'S determine residency be my guest.
  12. 520HUNT

    Az gun sales law question

    Have you been trained to evaluate someone's Id to make sure it's not a fraud document or to detect if it is actually their document? Only a trained law enforcement person can do that. That's why when a FFL does a background check they don't call you! They call the background clearing house manned by law enforcement personel. Basically as long as the buyer doesn't tell you they are a prohibited possesor, or as long as they appear to be of age you are good to go. As far as where a person is from...how do you determine residency? You going to call the,MVD or local utilities to confirm? How long does someone have to live here to be considered a resident? If they moved here yesterday, are they a resident now? Or if they are a winter visitor, arnt they residing here for a few months?
  13. 520HUNT

    Redington Pass target shooting

    And for the record there are more idiots at the Southwest Regional Shooting Range than I have ever ran into up in Reddington. I will never go back to the Southwest Regional Range! After having a the guy next to me flag me with a loaded rifle, and one of the range officers pick up my rifle while I was down range...I value my life more than that.
  14. 520HUNT

    Redington Pass target shooting

    "Prohibited activities include parking a motorized vehicle between Mile Markers 5.0 and 7.0 along Pima County Road 371, and discharging a firearm, air rifle, paint ball gun, gas gun or archery equipment between Mile Markers 5.0 and 7.0, or within 0.6 miles of that segment of the road." This is from the USFS Web site...can't even use archery equipment.
  15. 520HUNT

    Az gun sales law question

    As a private citizen you are not required to check ID to sell a firearm.
  16. 520HUNT

    Redington Pass target shooting

    Yes you can still shoot up there. The Forest Service has closed shooting between MP4 and MP7 I think. This has just pushed all the target shooters further back up the road. There are several good spots around MP 9 and 10. And if you read the regulation the forest service issued, it states no shooting within .6 miles of the road between MP 4 and MP 7. This sucks because I used to jump the ponds in this area for ducks, and surprisingly enough there are lots of deer and javalina in this area. So now hunters have lost another area to hunt in.
  17. 520HUNT

    33 stink pig herd this year ??

    Ask Martin why he is thinning the 33 wildlife numbers?
  18. 520HUNT

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    Bravo Lark! Don't let those who seek to destroy hunting sleep in peace.
  19. 520HUNT

    How many points to report to AZGFD?

    Don't report any to G&F... They don't really care...it's all smoke and mirrors.
  20. 520HUNT

    Any rutting down south

    None in southern 36C... Still a week or two away from the rut.
  21. Maybe we as hunters should stand up to AZ Game and Fish like the ranchers are doing with BLM. We could take over one of their offices and occupy it until they quit managing wildlife for money and quit ruining our deer herds.
  22. 520HUNT

    300 Blackout Bonus Buck...

    One of the best rounds for bear around. I assumed it would work great on deer too.
  23. 520HUNT

    tags or refund yet?

    Got my tag, and just canceled my check with the bank since they never cashed it...free tag this year.
  24. 520HUNT

    24a thieves!

    Why would you abandon your camp for 6 days?