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Everything posted by 520HUNT

  1. 520HUNT

    Wtb nightforce SHV 5-20x56

  2. 520HUNT

    Spandex Mafia

    When those in the spandex mafia, and a vehicle meet, no matter who is right/wrong, I'm sure 'upset' and 'stupid sht' are milder emotions expressed by either...e The driver of the car has a choice- make it a point and drive real close to the cyclist or just wait then pass.... the driver of the car will always be at fault if God forbid there is an accident....while physically be fine, mentally they will scared. Like I said I know a couple of cyclist, one is a surgeon that spends countless hours upon hours saving strangers lives....just remember the next time you or a loved one needs a life saving surgery... the "spandex mafia" could be the one saving your life... I guess that doctor isn't all that smart if they are in a high traffic area and 2-3 bikes wide. I know at least 4 bicyclist (die hards), one stays as far right as he can, and stays away from the tight bike lanes on highways (smart man) and another is an engineer. I asked the engineer why do you guys ride side by side?? I get it when you try to pass, but why side by side? He answered; so his riding buddy and him can talk (conversations). Come on, really! I get your point Redman and no one needs to be a D Bag about it, but sometimes these guys are just idiots! I don't know how, where or who he rides with as I never watched him or rode with him (I don't ride)- For you to make the statement that he "isn't all that smart"- is hilarious. Just remember your statement when your sitting in the OR waiting room or pre-op.... when you or a loved one goes under the knife. Not going to be doing surgery if he's stuck under my truck...
  3. 520HUNT

    Spandex Mafia

    You might be right, but you also might be dead right!
  4. 520HUNT

    Toilet Bowl

  5. 520HUNT

    Hunting with muzzle brake?

    Never use hearing protection while hunting with muzzle brakes
  6. 520HUNT

    AGFD Wolf Announcement

    How do you say, Shoot, Shovel, Shut up in Spanish?
  7. Ok, this is illegal, and very unethical. Looks like whoever has been dumping the apples and corn has been doing it for some time now. Time to come clean and clean this mess up. Can't believe someone would do this on the back side of Mt Lemon, so close to town.
  8. 520HUNT

    Calling out the poacher in unit 33

    The tree stand 30 yds away led me to believe it was a hunter. I haven't seen too many bird watchers or hippies using tree stands.
  9. 520HUNT

    35B here we come

    Keep your eyes peeled, we saw 7 groups in 35b on the first hunt. We called Border Patrol on each of them... Fun to watch, I think they got 3 of the groups.
  10. 520HUNT

    WTB Water Heater

  11. 520HUNT

    134 1/4" Couse

    That's the 4th 130+ buck I've seen killed on the first hunt....great year for antler growth!
  12. 520HUNT

    Any rzr owners here that have found .......

    Duct tape will work
  13. 520HUNT

    Anyone up for an early morning hike/glass tomorrow?

    How about Sunday?
  14. 520HUNT

    Mixed Emotions

    Excellent write up! Congrats!
  15. 520HUNT

    WTB Dual Axle Flatbed Trailer

  16. Just talked to game and fish, said they haven't received any reports of a sow being killed.
  17. 520HUNT

    2 for 2!

    It must be big if you can fit 11 people behind it...
  18. 520HUNT

    Guess the score?

  19. 520HUNT

    Lucky Me 36C

    Make sure your packing plenty of heat... The Cartel owns them mountains.
  20. 520HUNT


    Sportsmans Wharehouse and Cabelas has them.
  21. 520HUNT

    Damned coons

    Chase Field... Running thru the rafters above my seats in section 323
  22. 520HUNT

    Found Swarovski bino adapter

    Do you even hunt?Up in unit 23 now... I just take care of my stuff, it costs lots of money I don't have lots of money.
  23. 520HUNT

    Found Swarovski bino adapter

    Wow... A lot of careless hunters losing their gear
  24. 520HUNT

    Elk Pics??

    Just returned from 23, and both of my work buddies killed on the same water hole 3 hours apart... 407 6/8" & 389 1/8". An amazing day for sure. Hopefully they post the pics soon.