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Everything posted by Tdub

  1. Tdub

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    I think you can pick them up for $60 most places
  2. Tdub

    Video, a must watch for turkey's

    Definitely worth the watch! I probably will wait until after the turkey hunt this weekend to show my kids. it looks like he lives with mule deer in Wyoming now, I wonder if the will make a documentary about that?
  3. Tdub

    Turkey Tactics!

    This makes sense, the birds roost between two watering areas. The first time we were there we didn't see much sign around one but this last time there was some good sign. It might be used more since they have seperated. I sure am! I appreciate the info, Because we are limited on days we are out this first weekend I want to make the most of it. I also read that early in the season it is better to take it slow and not push the birds to much because you will move them out of the area. As the season goes on the more aggresive you should hunt them, I'm not sure where are season is at since AZ seems to start their hunts later. This is great info, There seems to be a ton of sign in one general area. I would imagine that when they fly off the roost they aren't going to far. I'm not sure what you mean by calling in the evening at the roost areas. The first time we went out we did a locator call to see if we could find them right as it got dark, as we were walking toward the gobble we had the turkeys fly into the trees about 30 yards from us so we just backed out. Thanks for the great info, everyday it is getting harder and harder to focus here at work!
  4. Tdub

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    We just use the flextone hand held call and it has the owl, crow and coyote. Remeber to use the coyote when they are roosted or you will probably send them runnin the opposite direction if not. We have been able to get them to respond by using the cutting technique as well. Two weekends ago we got them to gobble with the coyote call right as they were heading back to the their roost. They flew up 20 yard from us, this was a pretty cool experience!
  5. Tdub

    Turkey Tactics!

    Yes we are registered for the camp. We are going to be camping further south but plan on being at the camp both days. This sums it up perfectly! I guess this is what intrigues me about them.
  6. Tdub


    Great picture, I hope he is still around for you guys in a few days.
  7. Tdub

    My son with his first Turkey Experience

    That's great, he will remember these experiences forever.
  8. Thanks for sharing! Looks like your boy had a blast!
  9. Tdub

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    I always have better luck with the coyote howl when they are on the roost. I use it when the others won't work.
  10. Tdub

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    We were in 23 last weekend and had them talking to us all day. Went back to the same place this weekend and they went silent as soon as they flew off the roost. We didn't want to pressure them the week before however they just disappeared in front of us when they don't talk.
  11. Tdub

    3 for 4 on San Carlos hunt

    Thanks for sharing! Just gets me more excited to get my daughter out next weekend for her hunt.
  12. Tdub

    New Box Calls and Turkey Seminar Today

    Will you have some box calls on Tuesday at sportsmans? Looking forward to getting a couple more calls as well.
  13. Tdub

    Fishing (San DIego)

    I booked capt. James Nelson last October because I wanted to take my kids out and not have to fight 50-60 people on a big boat. We just fished San Diego bay but he goes outside of the bay as well. We had fun caught fish and it was a personable experience. He can take four people I think. http://www.fishingguidesandiego.com
  14. Tdub

    They are starting to hit CC

    After not being drawn for 12 years and only twice (both 2nd choices) in 27 years what the heck is another year! From history I'm not the lucky one.
  15. Tdub

    Youth bow help!

    We had it narrowed down to the diamond edge and bear aprentice 2. We went and let him handle both. The bear seemed to be lighter and a better fit length wise. We picked one up with arrows and a stabilizer for $229. I was impressed with the way this bow shoots and the ease of adjusting the poundage and draw length. We will eventually switch out the sights and quiver, other than that I would recommend this bow for the smaller framed boy and for someone on a budget. With that being said the aprentice 3 is way over priced and I would look to some other options if this was my option. Thanks for all the feedback everyone gave. Last night my son grouped 4 arrows in a 3" circle at twenty yards. It's amazing how fast he has picked this up.
  16. I've been out of the loop when it comes to archery as my bow is a Matthews Q2. My son is saving money for his first real bow and I had a question or two. We have our eye on the diamond infinite edge but cabelas has the bear apprentice two on sale for $229. Does anyone have any experience with this bow? It seems to have similar specs 15"-27" draw length and 15-60 draw weight. Any info would be great. If anyone has something comparable that they are looking to sale we would be interested! Thanks for your help. Tdub.
  17. Tdub


    As always great work! Looking forward to part II!
  18. Tdub

    Youth bow help!

    They are the same price online. If anyone has anymore info or experience with this bear apprentice bow, I would appreciate it.
  19. Tdub

    Youth bow help!

    Oh crud! I didn't even look at that. I'm heading down to bass pro to see if they have them. I'll have to call cabelas to see if they have them in the store. If not the descision might be made for us.
  20. Tdub

    Late buddy request 37b

    That wasn't you then that I saw walking the bottom of the canyon. The same thing happened to Brian's buddy with all the hunters in the area he moved up a ridge and pushed four pigs over a ridge to the east. My son and I watched a hunter take a shot, and three came back over the saddle but he didn't get a shot. There was a lot of action for the short few hours I was there.
  21. Tdub

    Late buddy request 37b

    I don't think he bailed purposely, as he was very excited. I actually think he "lost" me in my 100 yard stalk while watching the pigs through his binos and did not see exactly where I stalked to. Thus, he walked past me and was not sure where I was at and he never saw the pigs jet either. I think he went right on by me, too far above to see the pigs or myself and quietly pulled back to not ruin any chance I had, still unaware that I was waiting for him to show up before shooting!Kidso- I was out glassing for this kid and another buddy of his Saturday morning. I've never met this kid you helped but his name is Brian and I heard this story and thought it was great that someone would do this. I don't know exactly what happened as this was relayed to me through Brian's friend however I think his lack of hunting experience played into his confusion. I am happy to report that whatever happened worked to his advantage as after some gun shots a few pigs ran within the range he felt comfortable shooting at and he was able to get one! To make this story even better I was talking to my wife's uncle Chris and his boys last night telling this story since they were going out today. They said that this was you that ended up helping him and that they knew you. I hope you have good karma coming your way. By the way did you have another hunter in tote? I think you were the one walking the bottom of a canyon I was glassing.
  22. Tdub


    I wish this was true, however when I put some youth in for the spring hunts out of curiosity I compared the prices. For my daughter that is under 14 it cost me $18 more with new rates. For my nephew who is 14 and with buying the youth hunt and fish combo(because I put him in last October) I saved $.50. So the lower license fees for youth are deceiving.
  23. Tdub

    Online draw phone number needed please!!!

    I did my daughters again and it went through and I got a confirmation number. I'll call back and sort the rest out later... I hope!
  24. Tdub

    Online draw phone number needed please!!!

    My question is what do you do about all the charges that are on your card? I put in and then had this problem when putting my daughter in.... I wonder if we can cancel all the other charges and leave the one that went through and that I have a confirmation for?
  25. I've learned that it's darn near impossible to find ammunition for this gun. This has made my decision to get into reloading. I have a couple friends that have helped me get started. We have about 60 pieces of brass and wanted to see if anyone has any experience with loads for this gun and places to pick up more brass. If anyone is interested in getting rid of some brass I would be interested. Thanks for any help! Tdub