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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777


    Nice cat!
  2. bonecollector777

    WTT Spot Hogg hunter 7 pin.

    Check out the forums on archerytalk.com. There are always people wanting to sell and trade those sights.
  3. bonecollector777

    Killer Gear Giveaway (Optics, guns & more)

    Just ordered Arizona's!
  4. It was on the San Carlos Apache Reservation
  5. bonecollector777

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    Glad you found the guy that shot it. Sad to hear that many people wounded bulls. I had that tag and shot one bull and killed one bull and know three of the other hunters that shot one bull and killed on bull. So basically between 10 hunters of less they wounded 5 different bulls. Pretty sad.
  6. bonecollector777

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    Was there much bull left? That thing had to of died well over a week ago.
  7. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    After looking back on some of my posts I do realize I shouldn't have jumped to a conclusion about the mans deer. It was never meant to question his ethics as a hunter. When I first read it I just posted what I first thought of hearing about a big buck taking that long to get to a taxidermist. Now looking back it wasn't the best idea seeing that it may cause him and others to not want to post here on the site. So I would like to apologize to the anyone that may have been involved in the taking of the deer. I hope others won't be afraid to post their pictures because of this thread and that we can all end up enjoying some pics of this monster buck.
  8. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    That's the problem is you think that I am going to change my way of thinking or apologize because you think you deserve an apology. Getting offended is your choice and your choice only. The only action I took in this thread was me stating my opinion on whether the buck was legit or not. Which was way before anyone else posted anything about it. I'm curious what implications come with my giving my opinion on a deer that was killed? That's my point is you take my simple post and then start trying to turn it into a criminal act I am supposedly committing by giving my opinion. If you really wanna go that far as to make it sound like something is going to happen to me for stating my opinion then you truly do let my posts get to you way more than they should. You weren't ever going to see that buck anyway but if it makes you feel better you can blame me
  9. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Haha ummm. . if you can read back on this whole thread, let me know who it was that started complaining and crying about me posting something they didn't like to hear? No one here seems to want to read a post that doesn't fit with their way of thinking. Which in turn causes them to make a big deal out of something that was never meant to be a big deal in the first place. Had you guys posted your thoughts on the subject as I did mine (whether it was a simple post saying congratulations or saying you think it was illegal or saying you know the guy that killed the deer) and left it at that you guys wouldn't be throwing a fit and we wouldn't have four pages about how sensitive you guys are to my posts.
  10. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    You really think that guy posted that wanting just a story and some pics? You couldn't see that he was fishing around to see if anyone had any info on the buck to satisfy his curiosity as to whether it may have been poached or not? Open your eyes guys. . and if you look back at my posts nothing I said was an accusation but simply a hypothetical. As you could see by the question marks following nearly every sentence in the first post and then by me saying who knows if this happened or who knows if that happened. Once it was explained to me that the hypothetical situation I brought up was impossible I apologized and left it at that. Then here you guys came like always to start crying about it.
  11. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Yes, my two posts about a "fishy" mule deer story are the direct reason why everyone is leaving the site. Come on CouesCrazy let's be serious. I think you guys make way too big a deal out of something that doesn't even affect you. I have my opinions and you have yours. Being part of a public forum doesn't mean everyone will post things you agree with or things you like to hear.
  12. bonecollector777

    Humble Brag on my Awesome Mom! AZ Archery Super Jumbo

    Nice Bull! Was that killed on the ORO?
  13. Finally got my first big bull on the ground this morning. First couple days of the hunt were pretty tough and didn't hear a lot of bugles. Last night we went listening for bugles and they were finally getting going. This morning we went into an area where we knew some big bulls were but only got on some smaller six points. Around 7:00 we checked another area and had two bulls going crazy about a mile away so we ran and got in close. As we topped a hill we heard a bugle about 80 yards away so we slowly moved in to about 40 yards. As we got closer we heard some water splashing and realized he was wallowing in a huge pool. From where we were we could see from his thirds up and I could tell he was a shooter. We moved in to 22 yards as he splashed around and didn't pay any attention to anything around him. After about a minute he stood up and walked out broad side at 22 yards. I shot him while he was walking and hit kind of far back but after he took off we heard him crash about 30 seconds later. We followed good blood for about a hundred yards and there he was. He scored right at 370" and is about as symmetrical as they come. Only one inch difference between both sides. The bull was nice enough to run and die 20 yards from a easily accessible road so that made it easy on us to get him in the truck. Here are the pics! For short video
  14. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Haha here we go. . everybody gonna get their panties in a wad about a couple people questioning something that sounds fishy. Cry about if you like. Write in BIG LETTERS and make it seem like you're SO angry. But if something sounds fishy then I am going to post what I think about it. If I killed a buck like that and people started saying it was poached or whatever and didn't know the story I really wouldn't care because I would know it was legal. And that's all that matters. If people don't wanna post their pictures on here that's their choice. If they have a legitimate story with it no one questions it. But when something like this comes up people will question it. Kinda like the big deer killed a couple weeks ago out of the Grand Canyon National park. If someone hadn't of posted a picture of that buck eating off the side of the highway in the park no one would have ever questioned the story. So as long as fishy stories pop up I'll keep questioning them and if you guys don't like it it's your choice to get offended or not.
  15. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    The money part really isn't the question now that I see it was killed in December. The question is why would no one have ever even heard of one of the biggest bucks ever killed in that area for nearly a year? Could be completely legal but it's little things like that make it fishy.
  16. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Hmm.. guess that proves my theory wrong huh haha who knows I guess. Just seems like an awful long time to bring such a great buck to the taxidermist.
  17. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    You would think they would at least bring it in to have the hide sent off to the tannery and the antlers injected with formaldehyde, if money was the problem. That doesn't cost a whole lot. Curious how they preserved the velvet that long? I'm sure people will be on me for jumping to conclusions but who knows if this buck wasn't killed recently while out of season because they couldn't pass up such a monster buck, thrown in the freezer for a couple days, and then brought to the taxidermist with last years tag to make the story fit. A buck killed on the strip that is 200" with a bow is spread around fast. One from an area that doesn't usually produce them would have spread around even faster.
  18. bonecollector777

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    OK, I finally got it on Youtube. (Thanks for the idea Chef) Here is the link Also got some pictures of my bull from when he was in velvet from Pixman. He said he got these pics some time in July.
  19. bonecollector777

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Sounds a little fishy to me bringing in such a huge buck nearly a year after it was killed? Wonder if they brought in a cape with it or needed a new one? For obvious reasons. . .
  20. bonecollector777

    Redemption Bull

    That's awesome how that antler comes out of the side of his head. One of the widest bulls I have seen! Congrats!
  21. bonecollector777

    San Carlos, non-members can use own dogs for Lion

    Are you saying they changed the price to $225.00 for a tag for us or that they are GOING to change the price to that? The website shows it as $15.00 for a tag and $10 per day for the license.
  22. bonecollector777

    Unit 27 bull down

    Kinda taken over the guys thread there Webber. . Nice bull though.
  23. bonecollector777

    First archery elk

    Nice bull! Glad you were able to get your first one with a bow.
  24. bonecollector777

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    I could never figure out how to make the video work without having it link back to my photobucket account where everyone could all my other photos and videos. So I had to take it off. If anyone has any idea on how to make a video on here work let me know. Thanks
  25. bonecollector777

    My First Elk Hunt and My First Elk Unit 3C

    Cool bull! Not many that come out of 3C with extras like that.