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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    Big Muley!

    Oh I believe he is a hog/monster and I figure the pictures don't show us what he really is. He is bigger than any deer most of us will kill but I just don't see 220". Hope he is but I guess I'll have to wait til he is scored to see if my judgment is way off.
  2. bonecollector777

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Wow that buck is awesome! Startin' to look like an eastern whitetail haha
  3. bonecollector777

    Big Muley!

    I haven't measured it yet, but the hunter said the pics don't do it justice. Of course, it's a great buck regardless of score. Agreed. . either way it's an awesome buck.
  4. bonecollector777

    Mature buck or freak?

    Hey guys I got a couple bucks on my camera the last couple days and I'm trying to figure out if some of them are mature bucks or if my dad and brothers should wait another year or two to try and take them. I know it's tough to tell but any info would be appreciated. I'm looking at this weird 6X2 mostly. His left side is nice with a little kicker while his right side appears to be damaged. I'm thinking he may be a cactus buck because he is the only one still with velvet. The other buck is the 3X4. He actually has 2 eye guards on one side but it's hard to tell in the pictures. Thanks guys!
  5. bonecollector777

    Big Muley!

    That's a good point. . definitely makes it tougher to judge them.
  6. bonecollector777

    Big Muley!

    Awesome buck! Especially if it wasn't on the strip. BUT. . I'm not seeing 220" of horn there, unless those pics don't do him justice.
  7. bonecollector777

    4b november bull elk

    Holy smokes I can't think of a tougher place to hunt with a bow, especially in November! PM sent
  8. bonecollector777

    Did anyone kill the white Elk in unit 27 ?

    If you got pictures from a friend of the hunter I'm sure that picture has already been passed around to a lot of people who didn't get permission.
  9. bonecollector777

    Foxpro FX3 and 1lb IMR 4350 for sale

    I have a used but in good condition Foxpro FX3 with 32 sounds with the remote. I tried looking around to see how much they are going for and I think $200 is a good price. IMR 4350- $35.00 I am located in Mesa and can meet within a reasonable distance.
  10. bonecollector777

    Foxpro FX3 and 1lb IMR 4350 for sale

    Foxpro SPF IMR has had some interest but no takers yet
  11. bonecollector777

    Running bobcats

    Just throwing this out there since I have been on many lion hunts and bobcat hunts with dogs, it's not easy to get a dog to chase bobcats. Yes you can train them to do it but it's a lot of work. Just to buy a dog that is already trained to hunt bobcats costs thousands of dollars. I have a friend who bought a dog that is trained to chase bobcats on dry ground for $8000. Some dogs are much better at training and others it is impossible to get them to chase anything but elk and deer. Which of course you don't want. And if you're going to chase a bobcat I wouldn't suggest using a lab or any other type of dog but a breed of hound. Blue tick, red tick, red bone, walker, plot, something like that if you really want a good bobcat dog.
  12. bonecollector777

    My Brothers 160" Buck

    Here are some pics of my brothers buck he took today. He was only able to hunt this weekend and then today and was headed back to vegas for work when this guy showed up. Scored right at 160". Can't tell from the pics but he is really massive. His biggest buck to date and he is really excited. Especially getting this kind of buck from a generally poor quality unit.
  13. bonecollector777

    My Brothers 160" Buck

    Ok here is a little more of the story. About two weeks before the hunt I went and set some cameras up at some tanks out in an area where we saw deer last year but hadn't seen since. I checked about 15 watering spots and very few had deer tracks. After putting four cameras up, there was only one tank getting pictures. And it was getting A LOT of pictures of a lot of good bucks. There were probably 12-15 bucks coming in. From spikes to 160-170" bucks. When the moon was full they were only coming in at night but as the moon came up later they started showing up right at light. Opening morning we had pictures of them coming in right at daylight. We walked the area hoping to jump them up and get my brothers and dad a shot but it was so thick anything we jumped up was already gone. After walking most of the day and jumping what we thought was a deer we headed home. The next morning we decided to sit the tank and got in there really early but after 4 hours of sitting it was 9:00 AM and nothing had come in. We spent the rest of the day walking and found some tracks but these deer had some sort of special way of getting around because for the amount of bucks their tracks weren't matching up. Anyway, we took Sunday off for church and ran back out there in the afternoon to just check the camera and see if they came in that morning and just like I thought they showed up at 7:30! And stayed till 8:00. Nearly all the bucks were there that morning so we were disappointed we didn't get a chance. They seemed to be coming in only every 2-3 days for water so we figured Monday wasn't gonna be any good but we sat anyway because my brother could only hunt that morning and then had to head back to Vegas for work and couldn't come back. We had set up a blind Sunday night and got in there about 5:00 AM Monday morning. The wind was blowing about 50 MPH and it was freezing cold but we stuck it out till about 8:00 without any sign of a deer. Right when I was about to call it quits my brother spotted some movement off to the side of the blind. He whispered that there was a buck 10 yards from the blind but behind a big Cedar tree! The wind was blowing the blind around and the deer could see the movement so he was confused but couldn't figure out what it was. The deer needed to walk about 15 yards towards the tank and they would be broadside for a perfect shot but since they were concerned about the blind they walked straight about keeping the cedar tree right between us and them. I noticed a spot about 6 inches in diameter that I could see the bigger buck standing broadside about 50 yards away. I told my brother to lean over and shoot him through the hole but when he put his gun up he couldn't see the branch right in front of his barrel which would have definitely deflected the bullet. As he looked through the scope he couldn't see the branch and almost shot but after about 5 times of telling him he was going to blast the tree he understood and lifted his gun up over the branch. This took about a minute and by this time the buck was ready to take off. As he was turning to take off my brother shot and the buck took off without any sign of hitting him. We immediately went looking for blood where he was standing but there was no sign of anything. We started walking back and forth through the trees looking for blood but nothing. I decided to go back to the tank to start again and take it slower and when I got there I heard my brother yelling that he found him. He just happened to walk around the tree and the buck was laying there dead. We back tracked the buck and he didn't bleed one drop which is really weird because he took a .30-.30 straight through the should blade through both lungs and into the back side of the rib cage on the other side and it didn't even seem to phase him as he took off. Either way we got lucky and found him! It was my brothers biggest buck he has killed and even better that the area we were in has rarely produced bucks bigger than fork horns or small three points. He finally decided to get it mounted after I talked to him about and told him he wasn't gonna get one bigger than that in this area ever again and he better have something to remember it by. So there is the story! Took a little more than I thought but hope you enjoy it.
  14. I have (2) 1 pound canisters of Superformance Powder. $30 each. Located in Mesa during the week and Heber on the weekend.
  15. bonecollector777

    Let's Discuss... SC rez "Freak" un-masked!!!

    That tape is holding the rest of that antler on huh? Awesome buck but what's the story with the hole through the antler?
  16. bonecollector777

    WTS 2 Lbs of Hornady Superformance Powder Price Drop to $30

    Huh? This is my one and only profile and you know that. I don't need to hide behind another username. I am completely comfortable stating my opinions and posts in the open with people knowing who I am. Where did you even get it from that I would have another username? I just looked up scoutpylots posts and whoever he is he hasn't even been signed in for almost a year. The only posts I could see that he wrote are about diesels, tires, and something about Anderson Mesa and I don't have a clue about any of that stuff. Let alone posting about it on Coues.
  17. bonecollector777

    WTS 2 Lbs of Hornady Superformance Powder Price Drop to $30

    TTT Price Drop to $30 each
  18. bonecollector777


    Helped my brother get this buck this morning! Nice 160 Buck.
  19. bonecollector777

    hitting cards

    Turkey and Pig for me!
  20. bonecollector777


    Nothin' yet
  21. bonecollector777

    Mature buck or freak?

    Hey guys I got a couple bucks on my camera the last couple days and I'm trying to figure out if some of them are mature bucks or if my dad and brothers should wait another year or two to try and take them. I know it's tough to tell but any info would be appreciated. I'm looking at this weird 6X2 mostly. His left side is nice with a little kicker while his right side appears to be damaged. I'm thinking he may be a cactus buck because he is the only one still with velvet. The other buck is the 3X4. He actually has 2 eye guards on one side but it's hard to tell in the pictures. Thanks guys!
  22. A couple days ago I was talking to a friend who has 13 bonus points for elk and has been putting in for some units that he would practically be guaranteed a tag when putting in for some archery hunts. As we got talking he said he has been putting in with a friend from out of state who has 13 points also. So the question is when you put in on the same app as a friend from out of state are you basically looked at as out of state and have the lower odds due to the 10% cap? Is it going to take him 20+ years to get drawn with his friend when it would only take him around 10 years if he were putting in himself?
  23. bonecollector777

    WTB 22-250 Brass (Hornady Preferred)

    Hey guys thanks but I found a good deal on some once fired Hornady brass online this morning.
  24. bonecollector777

    WTB 22-250 Brass (Hornady Preferred)

    Hey guys I am looking for some 22-250 Brass. Can be once fired or twice fired. I have 25 Hornady Brass already so I would prefer getting the same kind so all my loads are using the same brass. But if someone has 50 or more of another kind I will take that. Let me know if you have any to spare and how much. Thanks