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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    Anybody know a good place to sell fur

    I talked to a buyer from last year in Globe and he said after the High prices last year with cats going for 1300 or more that this year they will top out around 700 for the very best. I have a feeling a lot of guys are thinking they are gonna get a lot more for their cats this year and will be very upset when they don't get the prices they got last year.
  2. bonecollector777

    First bobcat with the wife

    I got lucky on this guy, I shot him with a 50g Hornady sst from about fifty yards right through the shoulder and it just poked a .22 size hole in both sides. I have shot some before with that same bullet and there wasn't much cat left when it was all said and done. Thankfully this one just tipped right over and didn't move. The taxidermist was happy about not having to deal with any of that. That log he is lying on in the first pic is where he was sitting and the side you can see is actually the side the bullet came out on.
  3. bonecollector777

    knocked out a monster with an arrow

    I'm hoping you accidently shot him in the head?
  4. bonecollector777

    WTB Stripped lower receiver.

    I have an Omni polymer lower if you're interested?
  5. bonecollector777

    Charcoal toyota or nissan off SR 87 just past Ft. McDowell rez

    Haha nope it looked like whoever it was was just getting out of the truck. And as bad as your friend looks it was definitely a little dog with him
  6. Looked like you were maybe going quail hunting with your dog by the side of the truck.
  7. bonecollector777

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    It is dry right now but with so much rain in the summer and early fall I think there is a lot of feed and grass carrying over from last year. May not be the best antler growth year but won't be the worst. Still lots of tanks up north with water in them.
  8. bonecollector777


    Pm sent
  9. bonecollector777

    Help with cwt.com

    Well that screen shows you as not logged in. My screen looks the same when I'm not logged in.
  10. bonecollector777


    You're in luck. I have 500 CCI 22 wmr in my closet. They are hollow points and 40 grains. Wanna trade all the lr for them or are you wanting to keep some lr?
  11. bonecollector777

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    Now this is my kinda topic. Game and fish needs to know and hear about when they screw up. Which sadly is quite often. Just like any other business that messes up and does nothing useful they receive complaints. You hear about it so much here because we are all hunters that have to deal with their crap. We give them our money to do a good job and they screw up a lot so we talk about them a lot. If they did their jobs and weren't so money hungry you wouldn't have to hear about it. But until they step it up you might as well get used to it.
  12. bonecollector777

    2014 Elk regs

    Oops. . I'm wrong. Looks like they took the rifle and muzzleloader tag our of there this year. Even better for the population. 4B needs a break to recover.
  13. bonecollector777

    2014 Elk regs

    Maximus the 4B rifle tag and 3C tag switch out every year. This year there is a muzzle loader tag in 4B. It will switch to muzzleloader in 3C next year. and thank goodness they dropped tag numbers in 4B for archery and the late hunt. If not the elk are gonna be on the endangered species list for that unit haha
  14. bonecollector777

    Now I have 2 spring turkey tags!

    Haven't hunted turkey there but was up helping a friend with an elk hunt and there were turkey EVERYWHERE. In 2 days I saw 6 flocks of at least 20 birds. I have that tag also and am looking forward to it!
  15. Was just mounted but the gun has never been shot. I have the box and the free CDS turret form. Asking $525 OBO. Here is the link to the exact scope on Leupolds site. 1 in. tube duplex reticle. http://www.leupold.com/hunting-shooting/scopes/vx-3-riflescopes/vx-3-4-5-14x40mm-cds/
  16. bonecollector777

    Anybody recognize this buck?

    Why are you trash talking to some guys you don't know over a 90 inch coues deer?
  17. bonecollector777

    hauling elk question

    Technically it wasn't transported anywhere except back to the truck but I guarantee if a game warden would have walked up on you guys with a tagged elk and the guy who killed it not anywhere in site they would have been very suspicious and most likely given you a ticket unless you could of course prove to them your dad was there when it was killed and then got lost. Why did your dad leave you guys there anyway? Best thing to do with our lovely game wardens is to not give them any chance or reason to give you a citation. Because if they can they will.
  18. bonecollector777

    772lbs black bear

    The news report showed the bear at 148 not 48.
  19. bonecollector777

    Question about the Pima res

    Stand alone country until they need our help and free money.
  20. bonecollector777

    my 23 late rifle bull hunt.

    Sweet bull! That rock right beneath that shed tricked me haha thought it was an elk skull.
  21. bonecollector777

    Leupold VX-3 3.5x40mm Riflescope

    I checked it out and it says the scope is $399 and then you get the $80 rebate. So wouldn't it be like $320 plus tax? How did you get the 20% off?
  22. bonecollector777

    Snow Update for 4A Rim Road

    Was all over 4B lion hunting up towards Forest Lakes and none of the roads were closed. There was about 10 inches of snow there and up towards 4A got about the same amount. It melted a bunch yesterday and today will melt even more. It will be muddy but shouldn't be closed.
  23. bonecollector777

    Draw odds

    Follow redrabbits link and you will have all the info you need to figure out the odds.