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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777


    They just need some extra cash to buy those $40,000 new trucks every year for all their wardens. And remember they have to make up that 1 million they wasted last year and the thousands they spend on the commissioner to drive all over the western US. Pieces of trash. .
  2. bonecollector777

    Fail? #10 dies

    When are they gonna stop wasting our money with this kinda crap?
  3. bonecollector777

    Cal. Question

    7mm/08 is great for kids. My sister shot a bull with that caliber on an early hunt when she was ten when she weighed about 50 pounds and didn't hurt her at all. My friend reloads for one and when you look at the ballistics it's pretty amazing what you get for the small amount of kick. I'd go with the 7mm/08
  4. bonecollector777

    Winchester M88 .243

    Haha that was fast. Sweet rifle!
  5. bonecollector777

    GOPRO HERO3+ Black Edition

    I think he may be looking to just get his money he has into it back. $500 maybe?
  6. bonecollector777

    2014 Antler Growth article by ORG

    Here is some good info for anyone that has been wondering if this dry winter will effect the bulls next year. http://orghunt.com/2014-southwest-antler-growth-drought/
  7. I have been trying to get my wife of 1 month to come out calling with me one morning but she seems to always find a way out of it. So this weekend I made a trip up to my parents house in Heber and I brought along my 22-250 like I always do. Nearly every time I bring it up my mom or my wife always ask why I always wanna keep it close by and I tell them you just never know what you might see so I like to be prepared. So this morning we were gonna get up and go calling but when we woke up she said she was too tired and it was too cold outside, so we went back to sleep. My parents live out towards Legacy Lodge about 8 miles out of Heber so once we finally woke up and were getting ready to go into Heber for the day I once again told my wife to put my gun in the car just in case. Well as luck would have it about 2 miles from the house I'm driving and look over and there is the fattest bobcat I have ever seen just crouched on a log looking at the car. So I slammed on my brakes and backed up and he was still sitting there 50 yards away! So I grabbed my gun and loaded one in and slowly walked around the car and got a tree between the cat and myself I took a couple steps off the road and peeked around the tree and there he was still crouched so I got the cross hairs on him and rolled him off the log. The funny part was my wife sitting in the car never even saw the thing sitting out there. She said I just looked like some crazy guy sneaking through the trees. He was so old both of his top canine teeth were completely gone. His head is HUGE. I have never seen anything like it. He weighed in at 23 pounds and has some of the thickest fur I have seen. Great color and all around great cat. I have sold all the cats I killed the last 2 years with prices so high but hearing that prices are pretty down this year I'm gonna mount him. I have killed probably 30 bobcats including trapping over the past 3 years and always wanted to mount one so I figure it will be tough to find another like him so I'll bite the bullet and pay to get him mounted. And my wife after was so excited about the whole thing I think she was going to make me get it mounted anyway. Even after telling her I could probably sell it for 700 bucks. But anyway here are some pics. You can see how close the car was from where he was sitting. And remember always be prepared!
  8. bonecollector777

    Looking for chalk antlers deer or elk

  9. bonecollector777

    Looking for chalk antlers deer or elk

    If any of you have Any old chalk antlers lying around I'll buy them from you. As long as they aren't falling apart or turning to dust. 2.25 a pound. Text me at 928-240-3567 or message me on here.
  10. bonecollector777


    Nope no 15's in the razors yet. . Just Kaibab and vulture. Good deal, too bad I just bought a pair yesterday!
  11. bonecollector777

    2014 Antler Growth article by ORG

    Agreed. . We all love it too much to try and wait it out for a year! And regardless there will be big bulls hitting the ground around the state.
  12. bonecollector777

    For trade: 500 CCI maxi mag .22 wmr for .22lr

    Trades pending
  13. I have a full box (10 boxes of 50) of CCI .22 wmr hollow point 40 grains. Will only trade for .22lr. I looked at a lot of places and asked a lot of people and I think due to price difference 200 of my wmr for 500 of .22lr is a fair trade. It's actually more like 175 of the wmr for 500 lr for an exact even trade but I'll do 200. I don't want to sell them so please don't ask. Message me if you have any .22 lr you wanna trade.
  14. bonecollector777

    Boys of Fall Help

    Email sent
  15. bonecollector777

    Unit 3c or 23

    Yeah I'm the same way with 9 and 10. Never even been up there so I stay away from them. But you never know what's gonna happen, I drew the 23n tag last year with 7 points! So anything can happen. Especially if you're close to max points. I don't know if I'd go for 3b. 23 is gonna be your best bet. If you draw that tag let me know and I can help you get to know that unit a little better since I hunted in there last year. Or 3c since I live literally in the middle of it by legacy lodge.
  16. bonecollector777

    Unit 3c or 23

    How many points do you have? If you're way up there DO NOT put in for a late hunt. You're practically guaranteed a early rifle bull tag if you have max points. They stop bugling long before the late hunt. The latest would be middle of October to late October. Muledeer33 the 3c early hunt definitely has potential for a monster bull. They killed a 400 inch bull there this year and a couple 370 bulls. 23 had a lot of huge bulls killed last year so it may be down in quality this year especially with no moisture. And 27 had didn't have a whole lot of big ones killed. Although my friend killed the almost new world record typical out of there last year. Scored 428 gross 410 net. If you're going for rifle I'd shoot for 23n and 23s or maybe even 9 or 10 if you're feeling like going up there. I know nothing about those units though.
  17. bonecollector777

    Minimum age to build points

    Good question I was wondering the same thing. I figured it was 10 since the online process would realize a 2 year old was putting in. But if not I definitely wanna do the same thing once I have a kid.
  18. bonecollector777

    Unit 3c or 23

    If you just wanna kill an elk and still have a chance at a decent bull go 3c
  19. bonecollector777

    How many points?

    No argument, there are 2 residents with 25 pts. And 5 with 24. If 90 tags 18 are set aside in bonus pass but only 9 will go to residents so if you have 24 pts right now you should draw a tag in unit 10And that's assuming everyone with Max points is putting in for unit 10 which I don't think is gonna happen so you're pretty much guaranteed a tag I would think.
  20. bonecollector777

    Looking for chalk antlers deer or elk

    PM sent I'm in Mesa and Heber on weekends. Will travel a reasonable distance if there is enough to justify the trip.
  21. bonecollector777

    Value of .22wmr vs .22lr for trade

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have talked to some guys that want to trade their .22lr for some .22wmr that I have. I was curious since the wmr is more expensive than the lr how many should I trade? If I get 500 lr should I trade 300 wmr? 350? Or more? I can't seem to figure just exactly how much more valuable the wmr is than the lr. The wmr I have is 40 grain cci maxi mag.
  22. bonecollector777

    Value of .22wmr vs .22lr for trade

    Thanks MRAA, that's what I'm hoping to do is be fair but also don't wanna give someone more ammo than the value I'm getting back. We're gonna do a straight trade so do you think lr Is approximately 1/4 the value of wmr? Since 500 wmr would be about 100 dollars before the craze and 500 lr would have been 25 dollars before the craze?
  23. bonecollector777

    When do sheds start dropping?

    I would say elk start dropping middle of April at the earliest. Some even still have antlers going into may. Muleys are even later down here in arizona.
  24. bonecollector777

    Sheds In, Under or Around Trees

    I found a little five point shed actually hanging from a branch by its third point. I have also found many sheds leaning uo against bushes or trees.
  25. bonecollector777

    Anybody know a good place to sell fur

    I guess I should have said 700 is what they maxed out at in a Nevada sale. So sadly you are probably right. It's gonna be interesting to see how many guys no sale their cats thinking they are getting ripped off.There were some guys no Saling cats that were bid up to 700 or 800 dollars thinking they deserved 1000+ last year so when those same cats are getting 400 this year they are gonna freak.