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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    bino comparison

    Buy the best and cry once. .
  2. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    Hyper why you trapping out people's back doors? That's what got everyone in trouble over in california. Try and blur out the houses a little better next time. You can still see the trees and grass in the backgriund. Gonna ruin it for all of us if you catch someone's pet.
  3. bonecollector777

    Shed traps legal?

    Except you are trying to kill Bobcats when they are in traps. You're not trying to get elk tangled up in some rope or wire possibly killing them just to try and get their horns pulled off before they are ready to drop.
  4. bonecollector777

    Best pack for the money???

    The full bore from Easton is a great pack. I bought one around Christmas time and I love it. You can load a lot of antlers on it without having a problem I'm sure. And can't beat the price for 89 bucks on camofire
  5. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    Last years bobcats I did see. Very small and average put up. Sorry but that's my opinion. I can and will admit your placement at the very end of the sale could have impacted sale price. I did not consider that you was at the tail end. My apologies on not taking that into account. 348-352 were my lots. I purposely came in at that time and even let some guys go in front of me in line. I will still make the stand that a trappers put up is a good portion of the price. Sorry if my comments came across as offensive. I post like that a lot and need to work on it. I averaged 790 dollars on 8 cats in Globe hyper. Not sure what cats you were looking at. I had 3 over 40 inches and none under 35 so if those are small I'd love to see your 50 inch cats you catch. Kingman I had some worse cats but still averaged 450. I had one cat under 34 that I called in and the rest were 36+ with 2 cats over 40. Post up some pics of your 50 inch perfectly stretched cats please. I'd love to see them.
  6. bonecollector777

    Anything we can do to stop the money hungry machine that is AZGFD?

    Dude I'm a college student that drives a 2004 toyota corolla. And I spend about 100 days in the woods whenever I can. I would love to have a 50,000 truck though. Maybe I should become a g and f warden so I can get one! And believe me I know G&F doesn't care about what I say or what you say or what any of us say. That's my point. A lot of guys here do care about it because it affects us. Apparently you have the 50,000 truck judging of the truck in your avatar. And must have plenty of money to throw around to the azgfd if you don't care about the increase at all.
  7. bonecollector777

    Anything we can do to stop the money hungry machine that is AZGFD?

    I think you two above are missing the point here. Game and fish doesn't give a shizz about what you say to them. They know what they are gonna do and they are gonna do it. And a few guys like yourselves get warm fuzzy feelings inside thinking they are listening to what your saying as if they are thinking about changing their minds.
  8. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    Like I said if my cats get similar prices in Kingman I'll accept the fact that that's what they are worth. 3 years ago I sent some cats to a sale in Oregon where they offered 300 for my biggest 43 inch tom. They got mad when I wanted it back. I sent it to NAFA and got 575 for it two weeks later. So I don't believe that what these TWO buyers in Globe offered is somehow the best in the market. I'll also take the chance that maybe the market will get a little better in the next month or so or obviously maybe worse. But waiting a month to see if I can get better prices somewhere else isn't gonna kill me. If I get more that's awesome, if I get less or the same it's not a big deal either because it's only 7 cats and maybe 2000 dollars I'm messing with. Not 40 cats like some of these guys. Also just curious why you would somehow believe the dudes trying to buy your fur that this sale right here right now is the best of the best and that you better sell cuz you're not gonna get any better anywhere else. Seriously? And what the heck does a game and fish biologist know about the fur market and fur prices? Absolutely nothing. He wanted the ATA to get as much money as they could. Also curious what the ATA does with the 12500 dollars they made in commission? And the other hundreds they made in concessions?
  9. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    No offense hyper but you don't know anything about my cats. My cats were put up with wooden stretchers Nevada style boraxed and tumbled. Hours of time putting them up so don't come assuming because you got some decent prices it's because your fur put up is some great wonder. There were a lot of guys up there with great put up and they still got screwed. I am good friends with Craig koelling from black pine and helped him grade all the cats at both sales and I know what he has told me about the market. What hurt me the most was I was lot 926 and the last lot was 936. It was one in the morning before they bid on my cats and you could see they just wanted to get out of there. They already had spent tens of thousands of dollars and they frankly didn't care if they got my furs or not. Getting them into the sale late was my bad. I'll make sure I'm in the sale earlier in Kingman. Prices seemed to top out around the middle of the sale so if I were to guess you were lot 350 to 500 or somewhere in the middle? I'm taking them to kingman and whatever they sell for there I'll take it. If it's low there I'll accept the fact the market has gone to crap and take what I get. But I'll guarantee it isn't as low as Globe.
  10. bonecollector777

    Anything we can do to stop the money hungry machine that is AZGFD?

    Haha are you kidding me? I have been to way to many just like these other Guys are saying. These guys just go through the motions because it makes It Look Like They care. Their minds have been made up long before that meeting. I'd most likely get kicked out of there anyway having to listen to all their BS
  11. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    Here are the averages. It came out sideways on my screen but not sure if it's that way for everyone. Average was real close to what I guessed it would be for the cats. Kinda sad it went down so fast in just one year. Good thing I do it just for fun and not for a living! As is about 70% of cats sold but I would guess a solid 200 or more only sold because noone was there to say no sale.
  12. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    That's actually a good average for those cats and the circumstances. I had a nice female that stretched 37 and they offered 110 dollars. And it came from high elevation with very heavy fur. I'll hang them on my wall or let my dogs chew on them before I sell them for a hundred bucks
  13. bonecollector777

    Globe Fur sale

    I was there until the very end. The sale was VERY disappointing for a lot of people. The majority actually. The one top cat went for 1025 but after that there was one at 800 maybe 5 at 700 and about a billion down around 100-200. Average if they are lucky is 200. If they try and come out and say it broke 275 they are straight lying. Last year average was up around 480 if I remember right. Problem here was there were only two buyers that were really interested in cats. All buyers bought some but when you only have two guys competing for the majority of cats they weren't getting very high. Just a guess but I would guess out of the 1000 or so bobcats there only 600 sold. A few guys had some good averages but the majority of the cats they were able to buy they made a killing off of them. Cats you would guess would go for 400 to 500 bucks they would stop bidding at 150. The market is down obviously but I don't think it's down that much from some other buyers that weren't there said. I personally had 7 cats and pulled them all and will try my luck at kingman. I think these prices will definitely drive away all the hundreds of guys that just jumped into trapping after last year hoping to make some money off the craze.
  14. bonecollector777

    Big ANTLER I found a couple of years ago

    Haha oh ok gotcha. .
  15. bonecollector777

    Big ANTLER I found a couple of years ago

    Are you saying this antler isn't big? If so I'd love to know where you hunt.
  16. bonecollector777

    Deadline is over

    You never know bowhntr I drew it last year with 7! Someone has to get lucky, hoping it's me again haha I put in for the same thing 23n and 23s early archery. 4a rifle antelope and 4b rifle antelope second choice.
  17. bonecollector777

    Your Dad's Best Hunting Story...

    My dad has a few haha. . Not sure they are all true but funny either way. First one was when he was about twelve and him and his dad were driving down the road turkey hunting when some ran across the road. My grandpa shot one and told my dad to run out and grab it. Problem was it wasn't Dead so when my dad picked it up he said the turkey woke up and started beating him with its wings and knocked him down. It continued to beat him while he was on the ground and every time he would try to get up it would knock him down again. He claims he tried and tried to get away from the thing while getting pummeled and scratched all while my grandpa sat and was laughing his head off. Eventually the turkey got far enough away from my dad that my grandpa shot him again and ended it. The other is when my brother had his first antelope tag when he was 10. My brother still can't hit the broad side of a barn today and he is 33. So imagine when he was ten. So they got on a nice buck and first shot hit him in the leg. Just enough so he couldn't walk much. They snuck up 50 yards from it and my brother proceeded to shoot the whole box of shells at it and missed every time. My dad had to run back to the truck a couple miles away to get more bullets and run back. He made it back and had 10 more shots. He shot 9 more times and one shot hit the bucks back leg. Last shot missed. So now they didn't have anything left to shoot it with so my dad snuck up on it and had to finish it off by stabbing it multiple times with his knife.
  18. bonecollector777

    Anything we can do to stop the money hungry machine that is AZGFD?

    I watched a show on PBS last night on the wolf reintroductions in different areas around the US. When they spoke to the AZ efforts they sited that over 70% of AZ citizens were in favor of continuing the efforts...if that stat was factual I'm not sure I would want to "take the chance" on who get's voted in. Scary to think what we would end up with. Seriously? I highly doubt that 70% of people here want them. I know there are a lot of crazies here but not that many. But that number of 70% sure makes people that aren't educated about wolves think wolves are a good thing. PBS is liberal like most tv so it doesn't surprise me.
  19. bonecollector777

    Shed traps legal?

    I have never looked into it but I could almost guarantee a shed trap is illegal. Too much of a chance of hurting an animal if his antlers aren't ready to come off yet.
  20. bonecollector777

    Anything we can do to stop the money hungry machine that is AZGFD?

    I've noticed a strange trend here. . The only people defending azgfd and the retirement they get are government workers. Hmmm. . And Becker I understand my post was more of a broad topic and question but you can go read the audit that was done on azgfd this past year and just start to scratch the surface of the money they waste. It's unreal. Throw in the couple dudes caught embezzling money and $100,000 fines they pay to their own employee and it starts adding up. I also understand they need equipment but why do they need new equipment every freakin year? Trucks don't get old that fast. . Especially if you drive around and do nothing in them all day.
  21. bonecollector777

    after 7pm and game and fih still taking apps.

    Now that's some funny shiz right there
  22. bonecollector777

    Online draw phone number needed please!!!

    People always say this but in the end when a deadline is 7:00PM on a certain day I should be able to get on the site at 6:55 PM and click submit at 6:59 and IT SHOULD WORK. I put in weeks ago but I dont understand how year after year after year they cant find someone that can make a site handle the amount of people putting in. They know it's coming yet they don't prepare for it. With the amount of money they receive they should be able to make a functioning site even with heavy traffic.
  23. bonecollector777

    Anything we can do to stop the money hungry machine that is AZGFD?

    They may not paid a ton but their bosses sure do. And once they retire they will make more every month than the majority make at their job right now. I have met enough of them to know the majority are power hungry a holes that want more than anything to write you a ticket. Seems like if they wanted what we wanted they wouldn't be doing most things opposite of what the majority says. Whether high or low on the totem pole the majority are there for the money and the special feeling of power they get from writing tickets. While there may be some good ones a lot of them seem to be the kids that were picked on in high school and now have something to prove.
  24. bonecollector777


    Just curious what everyone thinks about this. . Game and Fish depends greatly depends on us hunters and fishermen to function. To be exact the receive around 28 million dollars just in license and tag fees (That's before the price raise this year) plus another 17 million from taxes on hunting and fishing supplies. Basically around 50% of their money comes from us just because we love to hunt. They know that and have obviously been abusing their duties. 1.They work for the people (US) yet all they care about are themselves and their new trucks and government retirement plans. 2.Their website for the draw has about as many problems as the healthcare.gov website. Yet they don't improve it and it crashes every year. 3. They have supported introduction of Mexican wolves simply to make money from the federal government. They know Mexican wolves will do absolutely no good for the other wildlife here in the state. 4. They have given out so many tags in some areas that the population of certain animals is so low you can't find a decent buck or bull. 5.They feel they are above the law because they are the law. They do what they want without any fear of any consequences because they know nothing will happen to them. See Shawn Wagner case just for one example. 6. They don't even have enough people to answer a phone call at their offices. 7. They waste millions of dollars every year driving their commissioner and employees to expos and banquets and hunts. 8. They kill Jaguars with snares and are killing bighorn sheep on a daily basis (Catlina Mountains) 9. To sum it up, They are just plain worthless, money hungry, and selfish. So what I'm trying to get at is if there anything we can do to stop them or make things change? They obviously don't listen to us at public meetings and it's not like we can vote them out. So do they have us by the ba**s and know we can't stop them? If something doesn't change soon were gonna lose our youth hunters. I already know a lot of people not putting in because even if they put in and don't draw it costs their family $250+. And if they get drawn it's way over $500 per average family. All the while azgfd is buying their new toys with the cash and paying their retired employees more than we make at a regular job. Just wondering if there are any ideas to get something done. An all out boycott of the draw would be practically impossible due to losing bonus points by not putting in. Any other ideas to let azgfd were tired of it?
  25. bonecollector777

    Online draw phone number needed please!!!

    Same thing happened to my dad and brother. They got charged like 5 times each species because it kept saying try again. It's gonna be a mess tomorrow. You'll never get through on the phone. Now they have to refund people all the extra charges and decide if they actually got put in or not. Gonna push back results for everyone. Why doesn't our worthless G&F take some of that extra 6 million were giving them due to price increases and make a site that functions? This crap happens year after year. .