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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    But also patrick you have to put two and two together and realize that is completely ridiculous someone saying they are just gonna forget about people with money orders.
  2. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    I would have to agree he is BS'ing by saying people that put in with money orders will never get hit. Why would people with money orders be any different than people with checks or cards?
  3. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    Haha where do you guys "hear" this?
  4. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    My friend got hit for archery antelope so looks like they are doing both right now.
  5. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    Where you hunting workman?
  6. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    It a should show who it was charged by. Even if pending
  7. bonecollector777

    They are starting to hit CC

    I could type that
  8. bonecollector777

    Kuiu icon 5200 and 7200 on sale!

    Yeah good deals for sure. I bought some of the merino and a jacket yesterday. Definitely the cheapest you're gonna find those packs anywhere new.
  9. bonecollector777


    Hahaha this may be the funniest classified I have ever read. .
  10. bonecollector777

    Looking for a Toyota

    It's gonna be tough to find one in decent shape with under 250,000 miles for under $4000
  11. bonecollector777

    Pusch Ridge lions go national "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide"

    Haha yeah I saw this earlier today and all I could do was laugh. I was tempted to post it up but for some reason last time I posted the exact same thing from fox news people threw a fit lol. Guess people don't mind if someone else posts it as long as bc777 doesn't do it.
  12. bonecollector777

    Hyrdodippers ????

    These all do Vias camo dipping http://www.liquid-innovations.net/patterns.html http://dipology.com/hydrographic-film/picture-gallery/ http://beastmodehydrographics.weebly.com
  13. bonecollector777

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    I'm hoping!
  14. bonecollector777

    game and fish gun down endangered red squirell

    Hahaha I love it. . Would love to see how nice they would be if one of us ran to them and informed them we accidently shot their beloved squirrels. They would cut our nuts off. No pun intended.
  15. bonecollector777

    Bank Card Cancelled!!

    This is why they set it up to call people if the cards don't work.
  16. bonecollector777


    I'm not saying literally having less than $135 for the tag. I'm saying if it's gonna cause a hardship having to come up with money up front who cares if people use a card to give them a little extra time to come up with the cash.
  17. bonecollector777


    What a horrible way of looking at the situation. If you don't have the money to afford it then screw you you can't hunt? Just because you may have the money For yourself or even for yourself and a few others doesn't mean everyone does. How about azgfd gets a system that works and no one has a problem? Instead of putting blame on some hunters that have nothing to do with azgfd's crappy system.
  18. bonecollector777

    For those CC hitters

    Picture or it didn't happen. .
  19. bonecollector777


    Just heard of a friend that got that same call.
  20. bonecollector777

    For those CC hitters

    Just about died of excitement right now. I went to azgfd earlier today for some things and forgot I used my debit card to pay so I jumped on my account tonight and saw a hit from azgfd! And very quickly was crushed seeing it was a $9.00 charge for bobcat tags haha
  21. bonecollector777

    WTB 2005 or 2006 double cab Toyota Tundra

    I'm sure you have checked craigslist? I just saw a few on there but didn't say if they were 4X4
  22. bonecollector777


    Hey if talking bad about them gets me another 23N tag bring it on 👍
  23. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2014/03/08/deaths-bighorn-sheep-draws-criticism-relocation-project/?intcmp=latestnews
  24. bonecollector777


    Not the fact that I want them to spend MORE money. I want them to spend OUR money MORE wisely. Don't buy a couple guys a new Chevy 2500 next year or maybe don't send the director to Hawaii with his family to a meeting or don't send the director to wyoming on an antelope hunt (last two are from the audit report in the azgfd this past year) and hire a company that is capable of handling this.
  25. bonecollector777


    They also had a date that was March 9th. Did they have the resources available for people to update payment before that deadline? No they didn't.