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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    No she/he was definitely trying to start crap with me because for some weird reason she/he likes to do that with me by suggesting I simply road hunted and killed that bull. But like you said that place was full of bulls last year. Great spot.
  2. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Shot off the road? It ran and died by the road you idiot. Jealous because you can only go pick up their antlers?
  3. bonecollector777

    Found dead mule deer buck in 27

    Is his velvet not rotten?
  4. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Had the tag last year and it was awesome! Bulls screaming and potential to kill a monster. You'll have a great time. Bull in my avatar was from that hunt.
  5. bonecollector777

    RIP Blue Ridge Football

    Haha you guys aren't used to that huh? It's been a very long time since that's happened. IF that has ever happened.
  6. bonecollector777

    Swaro scope

    Is it HD?
  7. bonecollector777

    Attn Taxidermists - Cool Manzanita Piece

    Haha sorry I was only looking at the second picture where there was nothing next to it so I was confused.
  8. bonecollector777

    FYI, 23S and unit 1 Bear is closed for the year.

    Uh. . What?
  9. bonecollector777

    Bushnell Scout 1000 with ARC

  10. bonecollector777

    Bushnell Scout 1000 with ARC

    Looks like new these are around $275 so looking to get $175 OBO. Good condition and works great. Located in Mesa or Heber 928-240-3567 Blake
  11. bonecollector777

    Questions about archery squirrel

    I would think you would have to use those flu flu arrows or whatever they are called so they slow down fast. If you missed the tree completely your arrow is gonna be in the next county haha. I have never tried it but it does sound fun! And difficult.
  12. bonecollector777

    Bushnell Scout 1000 with ARC

  13. bonecollector777

    Rage hypodermic

    Are you in Tempe today? Can meet anytime today. I'm in Mesa. Pm sent
  14. bonecollector777

    Rage hypodermic

    I'll take them. . Let me know where you are located.
  15. bonecollector777

    Night Force 3.5-15x56 Varminter np2 DD

    Just wondering if this was you selling this one or if you bought that one and are selling it?http://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/8075480
  16. bonecollector777


    Haha shouldn't you be using your school loans for school?
  17. bonecollector777

    game and fish cam

    I'm not sure what request he was making? He just asked if it was legit or legal and we answered him. If he has a question about g&f possibly breaking the law using salt pellets is he not allowed to ask if they are or not? I think that's where he was going with this post. If he is asking to simply know if he can go back and snag the camera that's a different story and hope that's not the case.
  18. bonecollector777

    game and fish cam

    That could be someone trying to trick others into believing it's a game and fish cam so they won't mess with it. That type of cam definitely isn't one with wireless capability. BUT if it is a game and fish cam they do what they want. Every law they have written for us is followed with something about the law doesn't apply to them if they are on duty or doing official work. Can't remember exact wording but basically says we do what we want even if it's illegal for normal hunters because noone can tell us otherwise.
  19. bonecollector777

    Sold sold sold

    Have you tried idonowidont.com? Was reading about it in the paper. Never have used it because I never have been divorced but might have some luck there.
  20. bonecollector777

    unit hunt maps

    I have a flat line and love it. Accurate and very durable.
  21. bonecollector777

    Cool bobcat with elk picture

    Thought this pic was pretty cool. Not something you see every cam check.
  22. bonecollector777

    Bloodtrail dog available for "rent'

    Haha I try my best to ignore shedhunteraz's comments . . The poor guy/girl has nothing else to post except when he/she thinks he/she is offending me or someone else. But as AKretschmer already said, the post was never to offend or tell Dale how to do his job or run his new idea. Simply letting him know of something he may not have looked into. I know a lot of guys have posted on this website about offering awesome services to help others but then after game and fish and forest service tells them about all the licenses and permits they need they don't wanna offer the service anymore because it's not worth the hassle. Better to let him know about it than not say anything and him get in trouble. And if he already looked into it (like he did) then he simply tells me he already took care of it (like he did). He doesn't make a childish post and make an idiot out of himself (like you did). If you don't find the site enjoyable anymore because of people trying to help other people not get in trouble PLEASE don't come back. It would be greatly appreciated. But anyway. . Thanks for offering the service dale. I'm sure a lot of people will be needing it.
  23. bonecollector777

    Bloodtrail dog available for "rent'

    OK cool just throwin that out there if you hadn't looked into it yet. They all want a piece of the pie. .