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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Haha barely getting in on this? You missed all kinds of crazy. Not sure it's worth your time reading back through everything but yeah pretty much out2hunt is throwing a B-fit that I posted this trying to help a guy find his dead bull. I can't win here! Haha claims I'm breaking the law and teaching his kid the wrong way to do things and somehow I'm doing this for my own benefit. But don't miss the part about where he makes sure to teach his kids not to litter and not shoot bobcats off of logs off the road and other random things that have nothing to do with this topic. It's kinda gone every direction except the way I thought it would. But what can you do?
  2. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    I'm a little confused by this Comment flatlander. I have no Idea who this guy is and from what I can remember I haven't had any arguments with him on this site in the past. I have argued with plenty of people but not this guy so not sure where you came up with how you're getting sick of me always bickering with him. I posted that I found a dead bull obviously killed during the archery season. These kinds of posts are put up every year without so much as one complaint. The second I try and help someone find a bull this dude comes out of nowhere and throws a little girl fit and cries about it. If you are gonna comment about me please don't lie and say I'm always arguing with this guy and how you're becoming weary of us always bickering with each other. I realize a lot of you don't like me or my comments but seriously? I'm just trying to help someone find an elk. Do I have your permission to do so? I wouldn't wanna hurt someone else's feelings by helping a guy find his bull and then defending myself against some crazy random dude that has something against me for a reason unknown to myself.
  3. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Not sure who is being serious anymore but if so that description wouldn't match the bull found. I did see a big heavy racked 7x8 bull close to where you described but on the wildcat canyon side with an arrow in his back right leg. He was still rutting and bugling so don't think he died if that's him.
  4. bonecollector777

    Badlands OX

    Is that the actual pack? Just curious what pattern? Description says max 1 but that's not max 1.
  5. bonecollector777

    Processor Recommendation in Payson?

    Not sure how good he is but that miller's processor trailer will be in forest lakes I think. Could take it up there.
  6. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    After reading out2hunts random comments and examples that have nothing to do with this situation I realize he must be slightly intoxicated or mentally handicapped. Either of the two let's cut him some slack and ignore his stupidity from here on out. Anyone I know that tries teaching laws that aren't actually laws and then tries to make someone look bad for helping someone find a wounded elk isn't worth paying attention to. This same situation has come up multiple times in years past. Lots of animals have been found by hunters that were sick at themselves for not finding their wounded animal. Other times no hunter came forward and the animal laid there unclaimed. If I recall this is the first situation where someone was crazy enough or drunk enough to try and make the original poster the bad guy. Haha and for some reason I didn't find it surprising that I was the first one to come under fire for helping out. Like I have said in the past I can be nice or I can be mean but either way someone will find a way to try and make me look like the bad guy. I love it! Keep the idiocy coming..
  7. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Haha I'm not asking for your advice or guidance. As much as you think I care I really don't. Nowhere in the law does it state that I have to call game and fish If I find a dead elk. You may call them if you want but I don't want to and will not call them. I'm not going to make them money by giving them the chance to auction it off. As you have no respect for me I have no respect for you and really don't care about anything you have to say about this post or about this elk. You seem slightly confused about the law so don't try and educate me when I don't ask for your education and then you try and educate me incorrectly. It is not against the law for me to not call the game and fish about a dead elk. And even if it were guess what? I still wouldn't call them.
  8. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Haha wanna know the last thing that I would ever do and actually it hasn't even crossed my mind? You guessed it. . Call the game and fish hahaha I'll light that damnelk on fire and burn the antlers before I called them. It's not my responsibility to call them or do I legally have to call them so suck it. I knew people had a problem with me but last thing I thought people would get mad about is me trying to help them find a bull. Get a life. Bull is still up for grabs if you can prove it's yours.
  9. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Haha no I'm being serious here. As soon as someone gives a serious response with good details they can go get their bull.
  10. bonecollector777

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Hey az_shooter it's quite a ways from there and shot was in a different spot. Hoping someone else contacts me soon
  11. bonecollector777

    Cited by AZGF

    Only section he may have been in violation is the number 11. The following described area in Unit 26M is closed to hunting: the unincorporated portion of land within the Town of Queen Creek in Pinal Countyin Sections 5, 7, 8, and 18 of Township 3 South, Range 8 East. Good luck trying to figure out exactly where that is. I tried for an hour and best luck I had was Pinal county website but never got an exact boundary. Seems like they would provide some sort of map.
  12. bonecollector777

    Bighorn wish

    I don't think the problem is sheep that get away from the ranchers. Just the fact that those ranchers have pushed sheep through there long before any thought of putting bighorn in there so unless you can pay off the ranchers or buy their lease from them (which I heard azgfd tried in 4b but the rancher said no way) there will probably never be bighorns there. All it takes is for one wild sheep to get to close to domestic sheep and then it spreads like wildfire to the rest of them.
  13. bonecollector777

    Bighorn wish

    Probably some sort of disease problem there. Are there any domestic sheep around there? I talked to a game warden that said they wanted to put sheep in chevlon canyon on the border of 4a and 4b but since once a year domestic sheep get pushed through there they couldn't do it because a lot of disease is carried by domestic sheep that doesn't affect them but will kill off all the wild sheep.
  14. bonecollector777

    Cited by AZGF

    I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more. . AZGFD=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ That's what it's all about. That's what it's always been about. Even if they have to give 15 year Olds tickets to do it. 💰💲💵💸 what would have been wrong with telling the kid hey you can't shoot sparrows don't let it happen again. Next question I have is why in the H is there even a law regarding shooting sparrows? Every kid with a bb gun is a wanted criminal for blasting them off the back porch. AZGFD loves to claim their law breaking was an accident and the law breaker is remorseful so they take it easy. They couldn't care less about how sorry or remorseful a 15 year old kid may be after something like this and they will throw the book at him. Hypocrites are only making more and more people hate them.
  15. bonecollector777

    Updated ** My Scouted 6x6

    Pics or it didn't happen
  16. bonecollector777


    Well post that beast!
  17. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    You never know when you can draw I drew with 7 points and other guys I know drew with 1 point. It'll happen soon if you already have 9. And naturebob are you putting in for rifle? 20 points seems like you would be pretty much guaranteed an archery tag in there.
  18. I have a custom built AR 15 for sale. It has a red X upper and an Anderson lower. Cerakoted silver. All magpul accessories and two Magpul 30 round clips. UTC red/green dot sight. Comes with 200 rounds of .223 Rem TulAmmo. Comes with soft case that holds 250 rounds of ammo on the side pockets. Asking $900. Call or text Blake 928-240-3567. Must sign bill of sale.
  19. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Haha he scored right at 370". . There's plenty more bigger than that down there.
  20. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    I didn't take offense to it. No worries. Just used to a lot of guys not liking what I say. I usually am involved in arguments because the topics I bring up or post on are usually controversial and people don't like it. People can speak their mind and it doesn't bother me as long as they aren't lying about me or lying about something I did. I hunted that bull hard and was rewarded with a nice bull that happened to run to a road and die. That's that.
  21. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Haha why am I involved in a lot of drama? Well first off probably because I just say what I'm feeling and I don't change how I act to make you guys happy. Second it doesn't matter what I say anymore. I could tell someone great job and someone guy here would find away to get upset at me. In this particular thread I simply responded to a guy who purposely wrote something untrue about me killing my bull. Why is that so bad and why do people feel that suddenly I'm the bad guy starting drama? Like I said before it doesn't matter what I say here people have that idea that whatever I say they get upset about it. I don't understand why everyone cares so much about what I say. And when they get upset over something stupid I just keep it going because I find it hilarious how much a guy can lose his mind over something I say or think. This particular thread shedhunter (who has made it known in the past he has some problem with me and argues with me) purposely tried to start this and it started. He didn't like it that I responded and apparently you don't like it either. But I really don't care. I have never claimed to be a badass nor do I think I'm a badass. I simply speak my mind and if people get upset so be it. You'll get over it.
  22. bonecollector777


    Haha are you referring to that you tube video? Or is that actually something? Because if so I'm not sure what that is?
  23. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Haha highest bidder will get the road number PM'd to them.
  24. bonecollector777

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    Do you have a complex you idiot? Why do you assume i was talking about you? Guilty conscience? My gosh you are drama queen. And i just pick up antlers?You little punk my wife shed hunts, unlike you all you do is buy them. You talk crap about my wife you have another thing coming. If you've a freaking problem with me i will give my address here at the cabin and you can come settle what ever issues you have. How about you quit being a keyboard tough guy. You start crap on ever freaking post you respond to. And you know everything about everything. I am old enough to be your dad but i will still whoop your rear end.No wonder no one likes you. Your just an immature little boy. Haha uh oh think I pushed someone's buttons huh? First off what would I feel guilty about? If I shot a 370" off the road I wouldn't feel bad at all. Would much rather do that than kill it in the bottom of the canyon. Wanna know my favorite part about this? You're old enough to be my dad and you still can't help not arguing with a 24 year old. You should know better than that you come back with a response as if you weren't talking about me when I know you were. If not let's hear the other forum members name that shot an elk in 23n that fits your description on where it was. We both know there isn't another person you're talking about. Hopefully wifey makes it all better for you.