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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    Draw Questions

    Was he a NR? Or are you sure there wasn't a mistake on your end? Put in for the wrong hunt?
  2. bonecollector777

    Draw Questions

    Question for all of you that claim that you should have been drawn for the guaranteed tag. What hunt did you put in for and how many points? The draw system works exactly as its meant to if you understand it. Tell me the unit and the points and I'll explain what happened and why you didn't draw. There isn't a situation that can't be explained with the bonus reports. Could be a NR cap was hit, or multiple people with the same number of points put in for the same hunt and you happened to be the unlucky one of the top bonus point holders that didn't draw.
  3. bonecollector777

    My bobcat is all finished up!

    Wanted to share some pics of my bobcat that Wild Heritage Taxidermy did for me. It turned out exactly like I wanted it to! They are the best in the business when it comes to cats. Gonna be picking him up tomorrow or saturday.
  4. bonecollector777

    Dead deer in bottom of cave

    My dad found this underground cave yesterday so we went back today and they lowered me in. It's about 15 feet deep and about 10×20. Looks like it may have been wider but one side has dirt that caved in and covered up part of a hole. At the bottom in the corner was a deer carcass that had definitely been there a while. Poor guy must have fallen in and died down there. Terrible way to die!
  5. I have three sets of mods that came off of a Mathews Chill R but fit the regular Chill and also the Chill X. I have a 26.5" 85% (H) let off rock mod, a 26.5" 75% (H) let off rock mod, and a 27" 80% (G) let off regular mod. Looking to get $25 for the set of 85% rock mods, $25 for the 75% rock mods and $15 for the 80% let off regular mods.
  6. bonecollector777

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    Why shouldn't they get to? Yeah they screwed up but why does that give the government the right to take them for free?
  7. bonecollector777

    Automatic Game Feeder

    Haha^ technically if you're not hunting over it it's perfectly legal I believe.
  8. Looking to get a copy of this last year's hunts report. The one that shows size and hunter days and all that for the sheep hunts. I know some guys have it but not sure how to get it myself? Would a AZGFD office give me a copy?
  9. bonecollector777

    SCI 5th biggest archery desert mule deer

    Awesome buck! I'd of guessed him even bigger than 198" from those pics. Welcome to the site!
  10. bonecollector777

    ISO Nightforce NXS

    Check out longrangehunting.com and snipershide.com there are a few for sale there.
  11. bonecollector777

    Dead deer in bottom of cave

    My dad found this underground cave yesterday so we went back today and they lowered me in. It's about 15 feet deep and about 10×20. Looks like it may have been wider but one side has dirt that caved in and covered up part of a hole. At the bottom in the corner was a deer carcass that had definitely been there a while. Poor guy must have fallen in and died down there. Terrible way to die!
  12. bonecollector777

    Anyone have last year's detailed sheep hunt report?

    Thanks! oldbuck sent me 2013 and 2014 copies already.
  13. bonecollector777

    Dead deer in bottom of cave

    Yeah the log got put down there to help get my fat butt outta the hole haha needed to use it to help climb out while they pulled me up.
  14. bonecollector777

    Dead deer in bottom of cave

    I'd say it was a lion but there's no way even a lion could have jumped outta that hole.
  15. bonecollector777

    Online application open deer/bighorn

    Not being mean but if you had looked at the page before today you would have seen they have a scheduled maintanence thing today with the site and they said it would be down. Not sure the time frame they said but they said sometime during Sunday the site would be down.
  16. bonecollector777


    Non HD I'd assume?
  17. bonecollector777

    350 class

    I'd say average size bull is much smaller than 350. Throughout the US I'd bet average bull size with a bow is like 300". A 350" bull with your bow is a great feat. Imagine how many hunters are out there and how many bulls over 350 have ever been killed. I'm no expert but I'd bet less than 10% of elk bowhunters kill 350 bulls or bigger. A few guys have killed multiple 380 400+ bulls so I guess to them a 350 bull isn't anything special But to most hunters it's quite an accomplishment. I killed a 370 bull two years ago with my bow and drew a tag this year and wouldn't hesitate to shoot a 350 bull this year.
  18. bonecollector777

    Anyone have last year's detailed sheep hunt report?

    Thanks! I'm driving by a office today so I'll stop in and ask them and if not I'll let you know. Thanks
  19. bonecollector777

    2015 bonus point report now online

    if you had 23 points and put those hunts you would have been drawn. According to the report no one with 23 points even put in for 21 and the two people that put in for 7 that had 23 points got tags. So. . I'd assume you had 22 points going into this year's draw and now you have 23?
  20. bonecollector777

    How big do you think this buck is?

    Sorry didn't mean to make it sound like he wouldn't grow more. He will definitely grow more. June is a huge month of growth for them. Check out pronghorn guide service blog. They have pictures of Mike gallos world record buck alive in June and then pics of him when he was killed and he definitely added a bunch on length. http://www.pronghornguideservice.com/blog
  21. bonecollector777

    FS H1000

    I'll take a pound if you still have some? Can meet you in Payson or possibly young sometime soon when I'm picking up my bobcat from the taxidermist.
  22. bonecollector777

    How big do you think this buck is?

    Tough to tell mass and length of prongs but his length looks good. He is still gonna add some before season. I'd guess he will end up mid 70's?
  23. bonecollector777

    New way to score antlers

    I've heard the water test before but the amount of water displaced on a 400 inch bull and a 350 bull is very minimal so hard to tell the difference. Also would be tough to get each bull or buck in exactly the same position to get fair measurements. As for your proposal of measuring tine mass that's gonna be tough to get anyone to agree to because those guys with wide bucks and bulls won't like it. Guys with massive tines will like it but Other guys won't. Most bulls that have massive tines also have massive beams to go with it so they are already getting higher mass measurements than those bulls with skinny antlers. I think if it could all be done again just take out spread all together. Antelope don't get spread so not sure why elk and deer do.
  24. bonecollector777

    max points for non res

    If you're max points I think you should try and hold off for a desert sheep hunt. Rocky sheep can be killed in many other states. Deserts just a select few. But I believe if you're max points drawing a rocky tag would be much easier but not sure.
  25. bonecollector777

    Hound dog pups for sale walker/bluetick/plott mix
