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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    AZ G&F Major Draw Problems-BE AWARE

    I'm not sure why you think you would deserve 2 points in return? I could see 1 point AND your money back but no reason for 2 points. But either way in the end it's just a turkey and javelina. And unfortunately nothing is gonna change because they don't have to change! No competition means they can do what they want how they want and know we can't go anywhere else. I really thought they had it figured out recently and then on the easiest draw they blow it!
  2. bonecollector777

    Diy double pedestal base for two of my biggest bucks

    That's just a few of his monster bucks! Should see the rest of his house. Probably the best collection of blacktails there is! Had the pleasure of getting to hunt there with him past August. Great mount!
  3. bonecollector777

    6b Jr hunt

    I believe there were leftover tags for it so anyone that put in for it got it.
  4. bonecollector777

    Foxpro CS-24 caller for sale

    Do we need to call the whambulance? Get over it.
  5. bonecollector777

    Foxpro CS-24 caller for sale

    I wouldn't say it's sleazy or dishonest. Many things are sold auction style and can't hurt to ask. And now he knows your answer.
  6. bonecollector777

    Questions about "locked" gate near private land

    You're positive the 1/2 mile piece is forest land? If so as long as it's not a forest service gate they can't keep you out. Sounds like its just a way to keep people out that don't check the lock.
  7. bonecollector777

    WTB 7mm-08 with wood stock

    Looking to get my wife her first rifle for Christmas so checking if anyone has a 7mm-08 with a wood stock or good aftermarket synthetic stock. No Tupperware stocks. Thanks Message here or text 928-240-3567
  8. bonecollector777

    What is the Ultimate Hunt?

    You could buy a lot of dream hunts with $9,000,000
  9. bonecollector777

    "The draw" help a new non resident hunter out

    Was just about to ask what a modern hunter was haha figured you were talking about hunters that use all the new technology to hunt. But yes coues fanatic is correct everyone is treated as a NR so you basically have no chance of drawing any decent tags with low points.
  10. bonecollector777

    What is the Ultimate Hunt?

    Javelina in 36a. .
  11. bonecollector777

    How do i update C.C. info with G&F ?

    I've searched their whole website trying to figure it out and can't find the link. Not sure what the problem is. It's been like that for a couple weeks now.
  12. bonecollector777

    ISO night force scope

    Check longrangehunting.com, snipershide.com, and accurateshooter.com. Guaranteed to find one there within a couple weeks.
  13. bonecollector777

    Verde or Vias? Which do you prefer?

    Tell me what camo doesn't stick out like sore thumbs when a camera is taking their picture from 5 feet plus all muley crazy wants to do is sell max 1. They seem to have am obsession with it. But what mattered was that 186" buck never knew we were there when he got blasted ☺
  14. Was able to guide a wounded warrior on his first ever big game hunt today. Found this buck last night and he was nice enough to stay within 60 yards of where I saw him last night. 80 yard shot with a .300 and he was toast! Heck of a first buck for him.
  15. bonecollector777

    180" Buck

    OK he's 178 4/8" but close enough to 180" and 180" sounds better We have been seeing this buck the last two years and this year he really put on some growth. My dad had a friend from Virginia that drew the tag so we wanted to find this buck again for him. Back in August I located him and saw just how big he had become just since last year. I guided a guy who missed him at 50 yards during the archery hunt and after that he was nowhere to be found. After looking and looking I'd just about given up on him until my dad called me this morning saying he found him and to get up there with his friend John to kill him. After about 30 minutes John arrived and walked slowly through the draw looking for him and he hadn't moved 200 yards. An 80 yard shot put him down. (So they thought) when they reached down to touch his antlers after 5 minutes or so that buck jumped straight up in the air and took off. Got another shot into him and he went down for good. We had estimated him at 180-185" in velvet but due to a stunted right main beam and pretty much non existent eye guards he didn't quite hit the 180 mark. Either way he is an incredible buck and was actually Johns first mule deer. The buck had incredible mass. Bases were 5 5/8" and a total of 37 inches all around. His g2's were 17 4/8". It was great to finally see him on the ground and enjoy him close up. First pic is him last year, velvet is this summer and then him today.
  16. bonecollector777

    Limited Edition Winchester 70 7x57

    I like
  17. bonecollector777

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    What's the law regarding how long in advance they have to let the public know about the meeting? Like you said seems strange they are giving close to 24 hours notice before a meeting like this. I'd of liked to gone down and seen what it was all about.
  18. bonecollector777

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    Not only did he leave his tag with the other azgfd guys he was hunting with, one of those azgfd guys shot the bull while still alive and put shawns tag on it claiming Shawn killed it. Wish this was going to get Shawn in trouble but sounds more like his boss is getting in trouble for standing idly by. Maybe he will learn his lesson to not let his wardens do whatever they please. Either way I'm glad someone is answering for what happened.
  19. bonecollector777

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    I like it 😈
  20. bonecollector777

    180" Buck

    Umm. . 2? Myself and the guy I helped.
  21. bonecollector777

    I need help unit 13b

  22. bonecollector777

    WTB vortex razor gen II 4.5-27 moa

    There's like a million of those MRAD ones on snipers hide if you decide to go with that.
  23. bonecollector777

    WTB vortex razor gen II 4.5-27 moa

    Another MRAD http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=541&f=5553&t=14206237
  24. bonecollector777

    WTB vortex razor gen II 4.5-27 moa

    Here's an MRAD one. Not sure if you're stuck on the MOA http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=541&f=5553&t=14196705