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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    You're joking right? If I live to be 150 maybe I can go sheep hunting too. There are a ton of hypothetical situations but more than likely the 11 year old and even myself will never be max point holders (I have 15 points which in reality is nothing) and odds say we will never draw. There's always a chance but statistically speaking it's not gonna happen. And let me know how a 99 year old person does on their sheep hunt.
  2. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    Correct. But when you think about it when you have 19 more chances than the other guy but 100,000 people are applying is 19 really that much better than 1? It's better but mathematically insignificant really.
  3. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    Haha uh oh shed Hunter has spoken. . Judging by Dave's first response and flipping out I assumed it really was his brother since he never directly answered my question til the next post and went on a rant. I'm glad you can read though. Congrats. If you're looking to take me out on a date just ask shedhunter. Don't beat around the Bush. I'm free tomorrow night. Dinner and a movie? You seem to only like to pop in on every thread I comment on.
  4. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    Even more disturbing is the fact you still have your feelings hurt about something that doesn't have anything to do with you. I'm way past all that and haven't even thought about it til you brought it up. Your life must be boring having you worry about things that are already taken care of and going nowhere.
  5. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    I have no desire to discuss anything with Dave because all I wanted to know was if Burt was Dave Holbrooks brother. THAT'S ALL. I don't know this Dave and don't know anyone from the deer society and have nothing against their raffles. I'm sure this Dave has helped many people as you suggested. Continue with the thread as you wish and please don't accuse me of something I didn't say or mean because I promise if I had something to say about ADA Dave or if I questioned the raffle I'd say it.
  6. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    I can see as to how you may have taken it that way mostly because I thought you were a different person. I'm talking about Dave Holbrook but I realize he is with the elk society and you're with the deer society. That's where I got that mixed up. I have met and helped Dave and would never suggest he is screwing with the raffles. Someone posted they were waiting for Dave to contact them and I assumed since you ran it you were Dave. That's why I was kind of confused he was suggesting I thought he was lying. But please refresh my memory as to what I said about your other raffle? I'd like to hear what you took the wrong way again.
  7. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    Goodness touchy subject or what? I asked a simple question and you flip. I didn't imply anything and wanted to legitimately know if your brother won Dave. Don't know if you have a guilty conscience or what the deal is or maybe you're tired but calm the heck down. I rarely buy tickets for your raffles anyway because I have terrible luck and I know for a fact I've never called your raffles into question in the past. I think you have me confused with another member of this site. I've never been under the impression that something fishy was going on with your raffles or I would have made it known. I guide multiple people a year for your hunts for hero's program with the elk society as well. But I promise I won't buy any more of your raffle tickets or support your organizations after your reply. I hope your brother enjoys his prizes. Have a good night.
  8. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    Burt related to Dave by chance?
  9. bonecollector777

    Just a little tease from the Az Deer Association.......WINNER Posted

    I've been saving all my luck for this one!
  10. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    Unfortunately if you're 39 with only 7 points you'll more than likely never draw. Definitely won't reach max points so you'll have to get lucky in the random draw. And even more sad is your son starting at 11 years old will never reach max either. So just cross your fingers every year and hope you get lucky! Unless something changes even guys with 23-24 points right now will never have max.My 23 points and I will never see max. Just have to realize that a handful or so of units are completely out of the question. Still amazes me how many people waste ink writing in units that have zero shot of drawing. Guess that's good for me as it eliminates them automatically. Brian Yep that's the only thing that gives me hope. Lots of guys just buy points and lots of guys waste both choices. Gotta get all the help we can if we're gonna draw!
  11. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    Unfortunately if you're 39 with only 7 points you'll more than likely never draw. Definitely won't reach max points so you'll have to get lucky in the random draw. And even more sad is your son starting at 11 years old will never reach max either. So just cross your fingers every year and hope you get lucky! Unless something changes even guys with 23-24 points right now will never have max.
  12. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    But then again I guess it depends what the other 47 guys besides the 80 are applying for. If those other 47 guys are fighting over the same tags in a couple other units my theory would be correct and tags would be left for 26 point guys in the bonus pass. And even If the other 47 spread out their choices and draw the other 14 available bonus pass tags (just estimating 100 sheep tags a year. There's actually a few more than that) within a few years all that will be left at top will be guys fighting over 22 and 24b and the 26 point guys can start getting the bonus pass tags.
  13. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    Maybe I'm understanding wrong but does it matter what units they put in for for the next point group to have a chance? As it is 20% of the top guys are getting tags every year. If they all apply for 22 and 24b and the 4 tags are given out then the system finds the guys that applied for other units and then once it looks at all the top point holders if there is still some of the 20% left it looks at the next group down. Not sure if that makes sense but let's say 100 top point holders apply for 22 and 24b. Only 4 of them draw. Then the system looks at the other 96 and says ok you didn't draw because all your tags are issued and moves to the next point group and does the same thing. While the top guys aren't gonna disappear quick I think there is probably some of those 25 and 26 point holders drawing in the 20% pass because they are applying for some of those easier to draw hunts. Now of course if you're not max and are wanting a 22 or 24b tag you'll probably never get it. I think it would only hurt the 25 and 26 point holders if the 27 point holders started applying elsewhere.
  14. bonecollector777

    Point Guard

    Even at 15 you're starting to understand more what you killed so that doesn't bother me. I'm talking like 10-13 year olds that just wanna be out there.
  15. bonecollector777

    Point Guard

    I have a kid and have niece's and nephews that hunt as well. Last thing they need is a premium tag to kill a monster bull or ram when they'd be just as happy killing a spike. Call me selfish or whatever you'd like but when people kill things and don't realize what they killed or don't appreciate the size of the animal whether it be an adult or kid it drives me nuts. Guys have been hunting their whole lives to kill animals of that caliber. Best thing that ever happened was when they took the 3c junior hunt away. People laughed at me and said I was selfish when I suggested they should remove the junior hunt because these 10 year Olds were killing 200 inch bucks. The next year they removed it and that hunt has been the best it's been in years. Those kids are happy to just be out there and are just as happy shooting spikes so give them all the 4b, 4a, 3b tags they can handle.
  16. bonecollector777

    Point Guard

    Bad idea regarding the youth. . No need to raise tag prices for everyone just to let a few kids kill something they don't appreciate or realize what they are killing.
  17. bonecollector777

    P&Y pending world record

    It's a desert
  18. bonecollector777

    T/C Encore Pro Hunter For Sale .50 Cal (Sold)

    And it's legal? Holy smokes what does it cost to build one?
  19. bonecollector777

    4b rifle tag

    I'd help you but I'm mad you drew after only 16 years. . And you've had a sheep tag! Haha send me a text 928-240-3567 and I'll give you a few spots to check out. Been out there quite a bit and my buddy has the Archery tag. Can't tell you where he has been scouting but I know of a few other good spots that could have a nice one.
  20. bonecollector777

    390 inch 5x5

    Wanted to share a pic of an amazing set of sheds I bought last night. This 5x5 has a main 5x5 frame that scores 386". Adding on his 3 inch fifth and the 7 inch extra on his fourth he is 396". Every one of his first second and third points is 22-23 inches long. 24 inch fourth on his left and 57 inch beams. Good mass at about 31 inches per side. 40 inch spread credit and he's there! They are the heaviest antlers I've ever bought at 15.5 pounds a piece.
  21. bonecollector777

    Unit 1

    Burnt timber outfitters has done well in unit 1. The specialize in 3c and 1. Also have seen some good stuff from premium hunts. I think premium hunts is from Springerville.
  22. bonecollector777

    Hornady eld-x

    I got 175 and 162 grain 7mm mag but had them on backorder forever. Took about 4 months
  23. bonecollector777

    Interesting article regarding the new Boquillas agreement

    The only way the department would see Revenue going down is if people only applied for Unit 10 and then they stopped applying in general because of the mess up in 10. I figured if they couldn't get the agreement done not only would some people stop putting in but they would be forced to drop tag numbers or all the elk and antelope outside the ranch would get massacred. I'd imagine there would be a lot less tags if they hadn't come to an agreement. Even if it was just 250 elk tags and a few antelope tags and probably a lot of deer tags that could be over $50,000 of lost money due to decrease in tags.
  24. bonecollector777

    Interesting article regarding the new Boquillas agreement

    I think whether you camp on it or not you all will have to pay the fee to hunt on it. Or is there a separate fee to pay for camping?
  25. bonecollector777

    A new world record- I think

    High fence roided chickens are disqualified. . Sorry