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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    A few Trailcam pics

    That's where two of the three are atleast.
  2. bonecollector777

    A few Trailcam pics

    From past experience and knowing where a few of those drinkers are in your pics be prepared to find them a ways away from there in September. Last year we found a few about 4-5 miles west northwest of the second to last picture. A few did stay close to there though.
  3. bonecollector777

    Do apps need to go in mail today

    Monday is when it's supposed to get there so they're doing it right.
  4. bonecollector777

    Do apps need to go in mail today

    Never understood why it wasn't just must be received on or before Monday. Would it be that hard to dump them in a basket and then when the mail comes Monday start pulling envelopes?
  5. bonecollector777


    I saw a sign down by four peaks which is tonto that said no shooting flash8ng as you drove by.
  6. bonecollector777

    Leftover deer tags

    You could put your wife and son in on your same app and you can all get leftover tags. Just you yourself can't have three tags.
  7. bonecollector777

    Leftover deer tags

    I think you know the answer. And it's no. You can't get three tags.
  8. bonecollector777

    Leftover deer tags

    Haha you guys are messed up. Send them tomorrow.
  9. bonecollector777


    Took my tag! Haha that was my second choice. Congrats
  10. bonecollector777

    Portal Results

    So it shows your hunt number?
  11. bonecollector777

    Desert Mule Deer Rut Video

    Bringing it from WAY back. .
  12. bonecollector777

    AZGFD Portal Application Status Glitch

    It's shown that for over a month. Looks like tomorrow or Wednesday.
  13. bonecollector777


    Someone needs to go to bonecollectors house and make sure he's still in there because whoever wrote this couldn't possibly be him.Haha it's me! I'll give credit where credit is due. Even if I don't like them
  14. bonecollector777


    I don't think anyone expected them today judging from years past. I do think this draw has run smoother than past years so that's a good thing. Hopefully they can keep it up. According to the website they are done with the card processing and are onto the results preparation so I'd hope and expect results early this next week.
  15. bonecollector777

    Card hit!

    80% on the draw meter now. Hopefully results early next week.
  16. bonecollector777


    Shows 80% now. Hope that means results will be posted early next week.
  17. bonecollector777

    Card hit!

    Didny know 23 had a late muledeer hunt this year? that was posted last year. There is no late 23 hunt this year. Just the Archery hunt.
  18. bonecollector777

    Declined credit cardS

    I understand they come out before their deadline but what's wrong with finding ways to help us get them earlier? While I realize only bringing it up here isn't gonna do much it still can't hurt for guys to give opinions on how the draw could be run smoother. Arizona takes longer than nearly every other state to do their draw. Why is that?
  19. bonecollector777

    Declined credit cardS

    Then just allow the person to put in a routing # and bank acct # and then there shouldn't be a problem at allYou could do that but would need something for guys not wanting to use debit. Still allow a credit card update due date and know that after that day they are charging cards the next day. So if you lose your card between the night of the deadline and the next day they charge you're out of luck.
  20. bonecollector777

    Declined credit cardS

    I think a good idea would be to allow for two cards to be put into the system. Try one if it doesn't work go to card number two. If it doesn't work move on to the next guy. Would cut off at least a week for the results. I don't know how these guys drawing Archery deer tags have time to prepare for their hunt two weeks before it starts.
  21. bonecollector777

    Dear max point holders,........

    18 points is nothing for antelope. When you get to 24 then you're in the game. Every year more people get lucky than those that draw with Max so consider yourself insanely lucky to get that rocky tag. Should be a fun one.
  22. bonecollector777

    Card Got Hit

    Definitely not sheep if he is non res.
  23. bonecollector777

    Draw Process

    Awe. . Don't hurt my feelings like that.
  24. bonecollector777

    Draw Process

    And you're completely clueless. Which is good. That helps my odds. Hopefully more people think like you.
  25. bonecollector777

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    no disrespect here bud but you sure they'll do it that day? You doubt their abilities more than anyone lolHey a man can dream. Maybe they'll surprise me this year. That little draw progress thing is pretty cool. Didn't know they had that.