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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    Used borax to preserve Velvet

    Have heard most antlers preserved that way will eventually get bugs so you need to fumigate them every year or so. Looks good though.
  2. bonecollector777

    what unit?

    You can be sure.....if my kid is out in any unit and he has a shot at a 200" buck we ain't leaving it for the guys who have worked for it!!! Just saying if he got in position to shoot a 200" buck he deserves to let the lead fly!!! No animals out there have a reserved for the guys that have worked for it.I am not a big fan of the father guided youth hunt where everything is set up for the kid to pull the trigger but if they are out there "hunting" they deserve to shoot as much as any hard core hunter out there!!! Didn't say a kid can't shoot a 200 inch buck if he has the chance. But giving them specific hunts that up those chances over adults killing 200 inch bucks isn't right. Give the kids average hunts where they kill deer still and get out there and leave the general hunts for everyone. I'm mostly against the specific youth tags geared towards little kids killing big animals. If a kid draws a general tag and kills a big one more power to him
  3. bonecollector777

    what unit?

    Well I heard jay scott told everyone so you posting it on coues isn't a big deal now. Wish people would keep quite about stuff like that but guess when it gets people to listen to your show its worth it to them. But as for the youth tag deal give them all 4b deer tags and have a hay day. It's just about getting out there anyway right? I remember when I said on here they needed to get rid of the junior hunt in 3c because these kids didn't deserve 180-200" deer and people were all mad at me saying it would never happen. Then it happened like 1-2 years later. Best thing to happen to 3c. Kids don't know they are killing a 200 inch buck or a 140 inch buck so give them lower quality units where they still get out and can see some deer and have fun. Leave the big stuff for guys that have worked for it and appreciate what they kill.
  4. bonecollector777

    what unit?

    And then see what happens when people see pics of Parker Colburns 370" bull.And that's definitely not gonna help. Why would you tell everyone that? Very few people knew where that was killed.
  5. bonecollector777

    what unit?

    That's deep
  6. bonecollector777

    what unit?

    Why give away any info about where you killed it? If I kill a big bull in a top unit I don't mind telling the unit but if I kill a good animal in a lower quality unit why would I say what unit? Because it's only gonna give people the urge to also apply in that unit or come to that unit to start looking around. Giving a unit can only hurt you and definitely won't help you in the long run.
  7. bonecollector777

    23N early rifle bull!

    Now that's some funny shiz right there.
  8. bonecollector777

    Shoulder mount Mule deer 260" replicas

    I obtained this buck in a trade a few years ago and he is giant as you can see from the pics. I dont know much about him other than that the bucks right Antler was found on the Navajo reservation but his left side was never recovered. An artist decided to carve a left side Antler to match up with his right and I believe only a couple sets of replicas were made. He scores right around 260 and his main frame is 230. I honestly dont know what it's worth or if there is much of a market for a deer like him but shoot me an offer and we can talk about it. 928-240-3567
  9. bonecollector777

    Shoulder mount Mule deer 260" replicas

    Correct. I don't know who has the original Antler.
  10. bonecollector777


    I'd imagine any deer shot down there would have had to have been there quite a while (deer season ended over a week ago) couldn't be much left of the thing including the velvet antlers is there?
  11. bonecollector777

    Unit 10

    $$$$$ is what they're all about!
  12. bonecollector777

    Most desired tag in lower 48?

    Would have to be sheep since they are so hard to draw. I'd say AZ elk tags on the San Carlos are pretty high up there and people pay more for a AZ governors elk tag than any other auction tag out there so that's up there as well.
  13. bonecollector777

    I'm Somebody!

    Welcome to the premier club IABORN. It's a special feeling when you reach this milestone in your life.
  14. bonecollector777

    Roughest Road Ever?

    Definitely the road to black River on the WMAT side.
  15. bonecollector777

    Where is this?

    Looks like hutch road? Possibly mclaws road as well
  16. bonecollector777

    If you hunted dove south of tucson,read this

    Oh no id never venture down that far south. Too much like Mexico for me.
  17. bonecollector777

    If you hunted dove south of tucson,read this

    I'm just gonna come out and ask this. . Why are posts like this so common lately? What are we trying to accomplish? Do you think that dude is gonna read it and if he does is he gonna care? Are you simply trying to look good and get a pat on the back? Once again this is nothing against you or others that make mysterious random Posts about good deeds they do but where do you think it's gonna go?
  18. bonecollector777

    evolution of antlers (Updated)

    He's nice but I'm not going to Norway to get him.
  19. I have a vortex razor spotter purchased last year and I just don't use it like I thought I would. I got it for $1200 and bought the phone skope package for $75. Scope is practically brand new with box and soft cover from vortex. I know the new ones are out now and I am willing to sell it all for $1000 OBO. The phone skope case is for a Samsung Galaxy s6 edge plus if someone wants to buy that separate I'll let it go for $50 with the adapter. Pics to come. 928-240-3567 or message here.
  20. bonecollector777

    Jimmy Johns

    How dare you you peasant. Comparing that sheep without prior authorization.
  21. bonecollector777

    Jimmy Johns

    That's what I'd say too. Kind of embarrassing.
  22. bonecollector777

    Jimmy Johns

    Sounds good. But seriously what's the story on your deer. Still waiting to hear if he died of a vital shot or lead poisoning.
  23. bonecollector777

    Jimmy Johns

    Haha please tell me anywhere in here where I said or acted like I know anything this topic of sheep? I'm the first to admit I know nothing about sheep. There may have been times in the past in other posts I may have claimed to know something about something but this isn't one of them. I forgot since I took a camera over a year ago and its all taken care of I'm no longer allowed to have an opinion once again let me know where I'm being a know it all in this post or not being humble and I'll delete my account
  24. bonecollector777

    Jimmy Johns

    Nope don't know him. I just don't like arrogant pricks that think they're cool because they have killed a few animals. It's one thing to be good at something but then to try and make people know you're good at something usually means you're insecure or you're really not as good as you think you are. If you wanna be known to everyone as a good sheep guide like Jay scott or Tim downs let your work do the talking. Don't try and impress people that really don't care how much you do or don't know about a specific sheep. I've seen how you responded to other people on other sites and pages when they bring this sheep up and you're always the first to jump in and tell them how they know nothing and you're the man that knows everything about and if they have an opinion they are wrong and blah blah just like you did to swarovski coues here. As for me the last person or company I'd hire for a sheep hunt is az desert outfitters simply because of your attitude thinking you're hot stuff. Plenty of other guys that are better and much more humble than yourself.