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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777


    Personal opinion since shedhunter said I know it all is that if you're looking to do it to make a business out of it or to do it often to make a profit people aren't gonna go for that. I personally wouldn't give a random guy my money for a raffle when he could just say his buddy won or may not run the raffle at all. Most people feel more comfortable giving their money to the group's and associations on the site that do these raffles because they have the correct and fair ways of doing it and we know they aren't just going to take the cash. Not saying you would do that but would be hard to trust someone not many guys know to do it right.
  2. bonecollector777

    WIN A MEXICO COUES DEER HUNT !!!!! Winner posted....

    Just was going off the average guided hunt down there give or take a little. Congrats to whoever wins! Don't throw my ticket out though if you draw me.
  3. bonecollector777

    WIN A MEXICO COUES DEER HUNT !!!!! Winner posted....

    Haha yes yes you got me. Because I simply made a statement about how much money could be raised for the association in a short period of time like it was a bad thing. I think it's great how much money can be raised doing raffles like this. But I do known it all so just wanted to make sure you knew that I knew it all because I can do some simple math.
  4. bonecollector777

    Gila wilderness bulls.

    Guy I know from New Mexico. Killed two years ago in the Gila wilderness on the archery hunt. Right around 400"
  5. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    And let's go back to letter of the law vs interpretation of the law. Which one of you honestly cares if this guy scooped up a bobcat and wants to sell the thing? What law enforcement officer truly and honestly would get upset if you pick up a dead cat on the side of the road? Everyone coming on here like he committed the ultimate sin of picking up a bobcat that would have rotted on the side of the road and in reality no-one cares that he did it. Just people wanting to be stupid about it.
  6. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    But for the sake of argument let's say that's what the law says I expect everyone that hits an animal in their car whether accident or not to get a ticket for illegal taking of an animal.
  7. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    No. It's says you shall not take wildlife OR discharge a firearm from a vehicle.That's not what it says. But ok
  8. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    Example that contradicts the "using a vehicle to take wildlife is illegal" is that if it were true that taking wildlife with a vehicle is illegal then everyone that hits a deer or elk while driving should be cited. Even if it was an accident. They don't care if you "accidentally" shoot a doe, you still get in trouble.
  9. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    Wrong again. That's says you shall not shoot from a motor vehicle.
  10. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    http://www.azleg.gov/ars/17/00371.htm Made it easy for you.
  11. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    Right out of the sentence that Dale or Heather wrote. Not what the law wrote. Look it up. He quoted what the law says and continued his explanation in his own words.
  12. bonecollector777

    WIN A MEXICO COUES DEER HUNT !!!!! Winner posted....

    That's some major cash quick. Pay $4500 for the hunt and make $8500 in two days. That's what I'm talking about.
  13. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    While I didn't find an answer to my questions above I did see in the regs that in order to sell a bobcat it has to have a cites tag regardless of in state or out. Even on ubskinned carcasses. But besides that I'm still sticking to my guns that you can pick up a bobcat hit on the side of the road.
  14. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    Just to argue a little more where exactly does it say that an animal killed by a car isn't a legal method of take? There is nothing in the law or regs saying small game hit by a car can't be legally taken. If there is please let me know where it says it. They cover big game very well but absolutely nothing about small game. If I have a license I can kill a bobcat with a rock if I want (and am able) so who cares if one is picked up after being hit by a car?
  15. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    I believe but could be wrong that it only needs a cites tag if it is going to be sent across state lines. If someone buys it to mount it and keep it in az I think they are ok.
  16. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    According to a game warden. Show me a law in the books that says I can't pick up a bobcat dead on the side of the road and I'll believe it. Salvage tags and such are only intended for big game animals.
  17. bonecollector777

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn Bighorn 2016

    As long as I'm guaranteed some fluorite I'll write them a check tomorrow for the desert tag.
  18. bonecollector777

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    Nothing against picking up roadkill in az.
  19. bonecollector777

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn Bighorn 2016

    Well basically the tribe had contract with SFW for 3 years to auction off elk, bighorn sheep and coues. So yes it went to the highest bidder at the show in Salt Lake City. There is no longer any auctions for big game on the Rez for now for last year was the last year of auction contract. Hope this answers your question.Are they doing their own auction now or what? How are they selling them?
  20. bonecollector777

    Arizona Unit 4B

    Didn't know not agreeing with someone saying what unit a bull was killed in meant I was butthurt. My bad. Yeah I'm extremely butt hurt now that you brought it to my attention. Thanks for clearing that up.
  21. bonecollector777


  22. bonecollector777

    Nice Brown

    MASS. . Nice find.
  23. bonecollector777

    Nice 5x5, what would he score?

    His beams look kind of short but everything else looks great. I'd guess if he were a 6x6 he'd be 360-370. Can't judge his mass well. Without fifth points I'm gonna say 340-350. He's a beast of a 5x5. I'd shoot him all day long.
  24. bonecollector777

    Arizona Unit 4B

    Apparently you missed the point. We have proof of two bulls killed in the unit around 400 ever. So yes for the last 20 years if you hit it hard you could expect to kill a 340. Noone has ever expected to kill a 390 or 400 inch bull in 4b. I'm talking on a year to year basis that's what you can expect. Occasionally will someone find and shoot one bigger than 340? Absolutely. But that's the exception not the norm. I shot a 200 inch buck in 23 with my bow in 2016 so now does that mean everyone should expect to kill a 200 inch buck in 23 if they hit it hard this year? Absolutely not. But I know you know this and that's why you didn't apply for 4b.
  25. bonecollector777

    Buck Officially Scored 200 0/8" gross 197 4/8" net

    Haha holy crap that's some funny stuff. Don't know how I missed that thread. But unfortunstely the buck didn't have any fluorite.