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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    The Plague!

    They've found it over in Taylor in fleas and prairie dogs as well.
  2. bonecollector777

    Tags came in the mail

    Has your brother moved at all since he drew his last tag? he moved to where he lives now about 2 years ago. This is the first time he has drawn since living there so unless they have his old address in the system I would think he would have received it.
  3. bonecollector777

    Tags came in the mail

    Brothers still waiting on his 3c mule deer tag and his sheep tag. See how they deal with giving duplicate sheep tags. Bet they aren't going to like it.
  4. bonecollector777


    So the 95mm objective only?
  5. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    unit 27 over near New Mexico was about the only unit that got good spring rains so there's a chance it may be better over there but for the most part everywhere else in the state didn't get much from March until July
  6. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Same amount as usual I'm sure.
  7. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Shh.. don't say that too loud. People don't take kindly to that.
  8. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Agreed. Much more fun and there will always be nice bulls every year.
  9. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    According to who? Rains have been below average this year so unless they just had a magical season nothing should be above average. Problem is who decides what average is? Every year no matter what there's monsters that get killed. Where I'm planning on hunting early archery bull they are about 150% above average for rainfall year to date. I would definitely have to disagree with your statement of below average rains. They may be 150% above average at the moment but there wasn't a place in the state that was above average from march-june. Aka when the elk need the feed to grow bigger antlers. The good rains now will definitely help the rut though.
  10. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    According to who? Rains have been below average this year so unless they just had a magical season nothing should be above average. Problem is who decides what average is? Every year no matter what there's monsters that get killed.According to him. It's his opinion. However, there are people who believe and I don't know whether this is right or wrong, that moisture during the fall and winter prior to the season provide better winter and spring browse. Better browse means that animals have better overall nutrition/health heading into the growing season. Because they don't need summer nutrition to build fat reserves, they have surplus that ends up becoming antler growth. This does make sense as antlers have little to no water content but instead are made up of calcium which is generated by metabolized food not water. Therefore antler growth is more dependent on browse throughout the fat building months than water during the growing season. However drought conditions during the growing season could impact available browse at that time, so maybe it would slow down growth as fat reserves are burned up to supplement antler growth. I don't know what's right and wrong, I am far from a biologist, but I will say that the elk overall look very healthy to me. Since it rained so much last month every buck is going to be 100 inches bigger this year. Nothing to back that up but it's my opinion so it's gonna happen. Get my point? You don't just throw a generalized elk will be bigger this year because I say so and noone can question that. Everyone on here has a different opinion and while I don't agree with the opinion you explained atleast you gave me something to think about or it can at least give some context to why you think that. I'm not sure anyone knows the perfect formula for antlers but I think rain and snow in winter when everything is not growing isn't going to help anything. I agree on the side of if a bull is healthier with more fat to make it through the winter he would have a better chance to grow bigger antlers. But I think most of our elk have it so easy during the winter it doesn't have much effect from year to year. Our summer and fall feed with easy winters is why every year AZ produces big bulls.
  11. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    According to who? Rains have been below average this year so unless they just had a magical season nothing should be above average. Problem is who decides what average is? Every year no matter what there's monsters that get killed.
  12. bonecollector777

    Tags came in the mail

    My brother still waiting for his sheep tag and deer tag. He called and they said wait til next week and see if it shows up.
  13. bonecollector777

    Leftover poll

    Dude being the first to mail out has nothing to do with getting drawn. If that were the case everyone that puts in the first day the draw opens should draw instead of guys that put in on the last day.
  14. bonecollector777

    Elk Guide Unit 23 Archery

    Gets annoying huh? Maybe one of these days they'll stop ruining peoples posts bringing it up.
  15. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    I killed my bull that I taped, following the p&y guidelines at 347 gross. The guide I used said "that's a 370-380" bull any other year" (dry in 2014). Where he came up with that I don't know but thats what he said.Think he's exaggerating a bit. That means 400 bulls on dry years should be 450 bulls on good years. I don't think there's an exact answer but I'd say 25-30 inches difference is a bit excessive.
  16. bonecollector777

    Elk Guide Unit 23 Archery

    Tough to tell if anyone is still using this post to actually find a guide but if so I'm assuming you're asking about 23? What hunt?
  17. bonecollector777

    Elk Guide Unit 23 Archery

    Haha I'm far past being mad that Jed was present during the whole deal. Just don't like hypocritical rez hunters is all. Nothing more nothing less. Jed has spread plenty of BS about me online and also through word of mouth. If he would like to talk to me about something tell him he has my number. But as for me I don't have anything I need to say to him over the phone. Not saying Jed is a bad guy or not a great hunter that helps people. He's a good dude. Just a hypocrite when it comes to which laws he thinks are ok to bend/break all while trying to blow things out of proportion when others do wrong. And not just him but many of his constituents. He was just the unlucky one that finally got caught. I wish all it took for me to be a nice dude was helping guys with hunts like Jed. I'd be the most liked guy on the site.
  18. bonecollector777

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Tough to tell if that's the same bull but if so I wouldn't say he "blew up". Elk still grow antlers from the second week of June to third week of July even on bad years. I'd say he just "grew" like all elk do.
  19. bonecollector777

    Where am I?

  20. bonecollector777

    stolen Cameras

    Took you 12 minutes to come up with that comeback. You're a little rusty.Your thought only took 4:20...coincidence or irony, perhaps both? I see you're out of comebacks. I'll call it a night.
  21. bonecollector777

    stolen Cameras

    Took you 12 minutes to come up with that comeback. You're a little rusty.
  22. bonecollector777

    FS: Either Minox 15X58 ED or Meopta Meostar 15X56

    Gonna keep the meoptas?
  23. bonecollector777

    stolen Cameras

    You're still alive jcubed? Haven't seen you post in a while. Glad I could bring you back.
  24. bonecollector777

    Wtb swaro 15x56 non hd

    Anyone have a pair of older swaros for sale?
  25. bonecollector777

    New Guy looking for Insight

    Call me if you want some help 928-240-3567