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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777

    What happened here?

    I've found plenty of old whole skeleton animals while shed hunting and cut the horns off. Didn't know I was supposed to package up it's whole body and pack him out whole.
  2. bonecollector777

    Volunteer Game Deputies

    I've turned in 4ppl over the years(game thief) 3for illegal deer, 1for killing/skinning out a gila monster, they all got what they deserved... skinned out a Gila monster? That's impressive didn't know that was even possible.
  3. So I've been shooting my brothers new 6.5 creedmoor with factory precision hunter 143 eldx bullets. Chrono shows about 2640 fps with a 24 inch barrel box says 2700 with a 26 inch barrel. Either way with a 200 yard zero and inputting 2640 fps I'm nailing where I'm supposed to at 500 but out at 800 I'm hitting a constant 10 inches high. When I try and adjust for 10 inches at 800 that puts my 500 off by about 3 inches. Any ideas what's Up? I'm gonna shoot some more just to verify but could the bc be off?
  4. bonecollector777

    Bugles in 9

    An early rifle and a early muzzleloader tag in unit 9 5 years apart? She's using up all her luck in the draw so that's why other stuff is going wrong. Kidding but sounds like she'll atleast get to hunt this year. Things further south in 3c this week have slowed down big-time as well so not sure what's going on. Moon is filling back up might get them going in.
  5. bonecollector777

    A Few Fresh Bull Euros From My Son

    No clue if it would do any good or make it even harder but what if you stuck the heads in salt until you could get to them? Would enough salt dry them out enough and keep the smell down?
  6. bonecollector777

    Volunteer Game Deputies

    Weird all the picked on kids I knew in school turned into internet trolls. didn't know you had a hard high school life bud. Sorry to hear that. How's that elk hunt coming along? Didnt waste 12 points did You? Would be a shame to not kill a nice bull after a wait like that.
  7. bonecollector777

    Bullet trajectory question

    I checked scope height just now and it's right at 1.5 inches. Sounds like I just need to start eliminating different variables one by one and see what's up. Thanks for all the info. And more than likely won't be shooting any animals at more than 600 anyway so if worst comes to worst we will make sure to just get closer.
  8. bonecollector777

    Bullet trajectory question

    Bigorange it is a semi custom Remington 700. The ballistic calculator I'm using is accounting for elevation, temp, and pressure. I'm using Leica HDB binos as well with ballistic compensation and info is entered correctly on the sd card I entered into it. It's like the bullet isn't dropping as much as it thinks it is after 500 yards. I can't tweak my speeds to keep my 500 the same and drop my 800. Possibility that the binos aren't correctly compensating for the variables but the click value it spit out matches up with the ballistic app info. I'll shoot some more and tweak a few things and see if I can get it figured out. Thanks guys
  9. bonecollector777

    Volunteer Game Deputies

    You already have a bunch of picked on high school kids as game wardens could you imagine the power trip some of these "wannabe" game and fish guys would be on?
  10. bonecollector777

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    You already said that yesterday.
  11. bonecollector777

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    Because we want the 365 bull to look like 400 duh. . There's a few pics he's further back due to the antlers being tipped back and others where he's right on top of the thing. I'll have him ride it next time for you.
  12. bonecollector777

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    Thanks everyone! He's stoked and I'm glad I was able to get it all on film. Was a good time and glad I was able to come along. Trump would be proud.
  13. bonecollector777

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    haha had to keep it g rated.
  14. bonecollector777

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    Added the video. Check it out.
  15. bonecollector777

    Game processor in Show low ?

    Porter mtn something?
  16. bonecollector777

    Terrible Hunter Etiquette times 2

    Sounds like just about every public land hunt I've ever been on. If you're close enough to a road and they drive on it that's your problem. They don't know what you have going on or what you're doing. Even more strange you're upset they did this after you shot your animal.
  17. bonecollector777


    Thanks guys. Yes it's for the mule deer. Although there is also an article for coues from Brian Rimsza in the same issue.
  18. So I bought a rifle basix trigger about a month ago from one of their dealers. Put it on this week and found that it wobbles back and forth a bunch and the creep is ridiculous. I'm assuming I got a bad one because the reviews are generally good on them. I sent an email last week seeing what they could do and have tried calling them all week and it just goes straight to their voicemail. Anyone know if they are still in business or something going on? Would it be the dealers responsibly to replace the trigger or rifle basix themselves?
  19. bonecollector777

    Anyone contacted rifle basix lately?

    Northland shooter supply
  20. bonecollector777

    Anyone contacted rifle basix lately?

    Agreed. After seeing the quality and the fact they don't answer phones I am thinking I should have went with timney.
  21. bonecollector777

    SUN Devils Toast.!

    The way they played I think it's a lot more than just the coach. They looked like a high school team.
  22. bonecollector777

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    What if he has nothing to feel remorse about? You keep forgetting it's not proven yet.
  23. bonecollector777

    Found 19a antelope buck

    Don't do that. They will take it even if a hunter shot it.
  24. bonecollector777

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    I think you guys don't get how this whole thing works. Until he's convicted he can guide, hunt, fish, trap or whatever he pleases. Once he's convicted then comes the punishment. It's not punishment and then conviction as much as most people want since they read about it online. He may be the worst poacher in the universe but geeze people don't hang the guy yet. For all we know everything is "suspected" and he could still get off even if he truly did it. And I'm talking in a general sense here not just this case. I've seen people already saying need to take everything he owns away and kick him to the streets, never let him set foot in the forest again etc. Why doesn't everyone just wait for the conviction and then argue what punishment you'd like the dish out. Before anyone says I'm defending him I'm not. He's a shady dude for sure. But let the process work how it's supposed to before we light our torches and grab the pitchforks. Gonna be some mighty disappointed people if this dude manages to sneak out of all this without any punishment. Crazier things have happened.
  25. bonecollector777

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    If they can prove it was killed in the park and then removed it could bring a lot more serious charges against him. If they can't prove that and just can prove he killed some deer illegally the punishment won't be nearly as severe. Although he does have quite the history with game violations. Who knows. Time will tell