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Everything posted by bonecollector777

  1. bonecollector777


    I'm gonna get a smoking deal if these other guys don't step it up.
  2. bonecollector777


    Just because I didn't make your naughty list I'll bid $100
  3. bonecollector777

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    And this dude had to pay 30k in fines. That's the biggest thing I don't agree with is the punishment. Dudes go blast stuff without tags at all and don't get punishment near as severe. But move there, get the tag, and pay for it and don't live there a few more months to really prove you're a resident let's hang the guy. What a dirty low life scoundrel pulling a stunt like that.
  4. bonecollector777

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    I guess they could have got him on the part where it says he can't claim residency elsewhere if he was back in AZ claiming a resident license. But other than that seemed like he fulfilled all of Utahs wishes of living in their state for 6 months. Guess only the jury knows all the details.
  5. bonecollector777

    Looking to buy Mathews chill r

    I've got one I'm getting ready to sell. Brand new vaportrail strings last year. And you can tell people it killed a 200 inch buck . It's in just about perfect condition. It has 70 pound limbs and 29.5 inch rock mods right now but getting new mods for different draw lengths is easy. Message me or text me 9282403567 for pics.
  6. bonecollector777

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    Really.... Apparently a jury felt differently. If you were drawn #11 for 10 Arizona resident Bighorn tags and someone did this you'd be screaming the loudest. He never was a resident of Utah and he never intended to be... so that he could fraudulently obtain a Utah sheep tag. If you can't see that... we see the law through different sides, obviously. Ed FFirst off you'd never know you were #11. Second of all is I see that he fulfilled all requirements to be a resident. Yeah he obviously did it for a sheep tag but if he fulfilled the requirements set forth by Utah LAW then that's Utahs problem. Like I said maybe there is more to the story than what's being told. But if he truly and honestly lived there for 6 months he was legally a resident. But I guess they can get you with anything they want with the "you can't move here to claim residency for special reasons" thing.
  7. bonecollector777

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    The law states that you have to move there for 6 months and you're a resident. That's what he did. Them throwing in the "you can't move here for special reasons" is kind of a broad thing. What's special? Who decides if it's "special"? I've known guys that tried to pull off the resident thing in other states just by renting a place and still living in the other state. That's obviously not ok. But he literally lived in Utah for the required amount of time they require. If they don't like that people can do that then make up other rules that say you can't do it. But if he fulfilled the requirements I don't see how they could get him for it. Unless there is more to the story.
  8. bonecollector777

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    It's not defrauding anyone if you have literally done everything required to become a resident.
  9. bonecollector777

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    It said he lived there from like august of 13 to June of 14 then he moved back to AZ. If he truly lived there I don't see how they could say you're not a resident? In AZ if you moved here for 6 months, bought a lifetime license the next day and then moved back to wherever you came from you would be in the resident pool for the rest of your life.
  10. bonecollector777

    Just how much do you trust your bank/financial institution?

    I believe you I just didn't notice it. Also not saying they did or didn't. But it seems like they changed their date from the 15th to the 1st after the draw started. That's why they just released the email and announcement yesterday. I'd almost bet the guys that put in the first week or so it was saying the 15th but no way to prove that.
  11. bonecollector777

    Just how much do you trust your bank/financial institution?

    I didn't even notice they had the 1st on the online app. But if they did I think their bases are covered.
  12. bonecollector777

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    I've already made my point that you shouldn't have trusted the game and fish to treat you nicely or fairly. They do what they have to do. BUT for those that wish to self report I don't think they can make a law that says well if you had no intent to break the law then we will just fine you. There are just simply too many different cases and it's not always black and white. Plus they don't want to take it easy on you. They want the cash and the ability at the end of the year to say "we caught all these criminals, look at us and how useful we are". What they should do and what they are allowed to already do is take it by a case to case manner just like cops do with speeding tickets. If they think you legit just screwed up and admit it they give you a warning. A cop giving a warning isn't them not enforcing the law. It's a way for them to say hey you screwed up it was an accident I'm feeling nice so here's a warning don't do it again. THE ISSUE is the game and fish don't choose to do that. They tend to be a little more lenient on kids but most adults they show no mercy. Therefore when they act like that it makes most people not trust them and not want to self report. So therefore most people don't self report because instead of game and fish using it as a learning opportunity and keeping people on their side they turn you into an enemy just so they can make a buck. I have a feeling you learned your lesson regarding trusting them and will make a different choice next time regarding self reporting. I personally would feel better taking home the second turkey, cooking it up and not ever thinking about it again rather than "clearing my conscience" just to have game and fish throw the book at me for something so minor.These same dudes that are saying "be the good guy and turn yourself in" are breaking other laws like speeding, not wearing seatbelts etc. Yet they aren't down at the police station telling on themselves. We all make stupid or little mistakes in our lives and we don't need the government or law enforcement to "fix" those problems for us. Learn a lesson, be more careful, don't do it again. Done. I can promise you I know a lot more people that self reported that came out hating the game and fish, not just because they got punished, but how they took something so small and tried to blow it out of proportion treating them like pieces of trash. When they could have just confiscated the bird, scared you a little and sent you on your way having learned your lesson.
  13. bonecollector777

    Just how much do you trust your bank/financial institution?

    Unless your card gets cancelled sometime between midnight of the credit card deadline and 8 am when they start charging cards I don't feel bad for you. Check your cards, double check your cards, call your bank and inform them the charges may be coming, don't use cards close to expiring, use a prepaid card. .the list goes on.
  14. bonecollector777

    Just how much do you trust your bank/financial institution?

    So because we disagree with you we "missed the point"? How about we understand your point we just don't think it's a good one? What on earth are you gonna do next year when there is no paper app option?
  15. bonecollector777

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    You keep bringing up felonies and seriously there are hardly any game violations that are felonies. If you truly and honestly only shot a second turkey there is no way that's a felony. If there's more to the story then maybe a felony. But seriously looking in the a.r.s regarding game violations the only thing I see as felonies are these.
  16. bonecollector777

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    Like other have said the only felonies usually regard selling illegal animal parts or lacy act violations. Or guiding people and killing things illegally. If you got paid to guide him on his turkey I guess technically they could get you with a class 6 felony but that's a stretch.
  17. bonecollector777

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    First lesson regarding the game and fish: Don't ever think they are there to help you. They are there to stick it to you whatever way they can. Almost every person I know that has self reported has gotten the same treatment as people caught red handed. They don't care and just want to say they caught more people this year than last and made more in fines this year than last. Of any law enforcement agency I've seen in my life the game and fish is the worst at showing no mercy on people. Even if they can't prove you did it they will do what they can to make a story that tries to pin it on you. I've never been cited personally but have had plenty of friends that have commuted very minor mistakes and they are treated as if they went out and blasted 10 does and left them to rot. Bottom line don't talk to them. Don't let them search anything. Never admit to anything. In most cases people convict themselves when they talk. It's unfortunate it's this way because it does make guys scared to self report but that's how they have made it. Don't get me started on the cases they just ignore when it comes to their own guys breaking the law.
  18. bonecollector777

    Just how much do you trust your bank/financial institution?

    Literally every human that's 18+ can get a credit card. Like trophyhunter said it's really not that hard and it blows my mind how many people still can't get their credit cards updated in time. Besides making sure my bills are paid every month I can't tell you anything more important regarding money than putting in for permits every year.
  19. bonecollector777

    Credit card update

    I already said I don't mind them changing it. Because I'm online a lot and see these changes. A lot of guys hardly know how to use a computer and only get on there to apply and check results. And I can almost guarantee you someone will claim they got rejected because they saw in the regs when they applied that the deadline was the 15th. Even the guys that do use the computer a lot could use that excuse to claim that's why they didn't update their card and got rejected.
  20. bonecollector777

    Credit card update

    I'm glad they are moving it forward but I can't imagine the amount of complaints they are gonna be getting from every person that has their card rejected. Whether they knew the real date or not. It will give them that bit of something to go back to to complain.
  21. bonecollector777

    Credit card update

    I stand corrected. Guess they can and are retracting the 15th and making it the 1st.
  22. bonecollector777

    Credit card update

    15th says the regs and 1st says the email. But they're gonna have to stick with the 15th since it's in the regs.
  23. bonecollector777

    Credit card update

    I think since the regs says the 15th they are gonna have to stick with that atleast this year. You'd get too many guys that didn't know or saying they didn't know to update their cards by the first because they thought it was the 15th. I was a little disappointed when the regs said the 15th because I expected the earlier paper app deadline to make things move faster. But the deadline is literally the same Thursday as last year so results should be out similar times as last year.
  24. bonecollector777

    Draw regs

    I've had gohunt in the past and their odds weren't too far off topruts. Unless gohunts new update changed things.
  25. bonecollector777

    Regs are out

    Covers both 1st and 2nd