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About 1worthlessnut

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday May 4

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  1. 1worthlessnut

    Truck bed kit

    Sold, see you tomorrow
  2. 1worthlessnut

    Truck bed kit

    This bed kit came out of a GMC 5’8” short bed. The center pieces can either go directly on the bed floor or flush with the storage boxes to make a bed or platform. It’s in good condition and has been pet free but your dog would probably love it. $100 and it’s yours! Located in Gilbert
  3. 1worthlessnut

    WTB tanned mule deer hide

    Steve,It was great to meet you and thank you so much for the hide. It’s men like you that make this a great community and site!
  4. 1worthlessnut

    WTB tanned mule deer hide

    Thank you both for the offers! This report is only about mile deer so he is going to pass on the bear but thank you! Spot I’ll send you my info now . Thanks guys!
  5. 1worthlessnut

    WTB tanned mule deer hide

    My son is doing a school project and presentation on Mule Deer and would like to add a hide to his display. If anyone in the east valley has one they'd part with please let me know. Thanks Ken
  6. 1worthlessnut

    Ammo .22 9mm .223 .380

    I’ll take the 9mm
  7. 1worthlessnut

    9mm Ammo 4 Sale

  8. 1worthlessnut

    9mm Ammo 4 Sale

    CCI/Speer 9mm 115 GR FMJ 1,000 count loose pack $600. Located in Gilbert.
  9. 1worthlessnut

    Savage Rascal - Youth Rifle in 22LR

    Thank you Sir, it was a pleasure meeting you and buying from you.
  10. 1worthlessnut

    Savage Rascal - Youth Rifle in 22LR

    I’ll take it!
  11. 1worthlessnut

    Savage Rascal - Youth Rifle in 22LR

    Where are you located?
  12. 1worthlessnut

    SOLD - 22LR Ammo Dump

    Hey Rod, I guess the agreement you and I made last night for the 10 boxes of Federal doesn’t mean anything if someone else offers to buy it all the following day. A heads up would have been nice instead of being blown off and reading about it in the classifieds. A mans word should mean something, yours apparently does not.
  13. 1worthlessnut

    FREE LACROSSE GEAR.....back up

    I’ll take it!
  14. 1worthlessnut


    Man, I’ve been looking for something just like this for my son. I’ll take it if the first falls through.