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Everything posted by 1couesfanatic

  1. I went and picked up my SD card last weekend. The pics were from May 9, and the one bull looks like he is probably going to be pretty big.
  2. 1couesfanatic

    Results are out

    After 10 years I finally drew a unit 27 archery bull.
  3. 1couesfanatic

    couple sheds found

    Very nice. Its amazing that the general consensus is that all the big bucks are in Mexico You said you found them on your elk hunt - Where's the Pics of the bull Again congrats on the find, and good luck .
  4. This is the first really good game trail camera picture i've got. Just thought I would share it with you all.
  5. 1couesfanatic

    First Posing Whitetail

    Well, sorry for the double post, and yes hunt4horns is my budd. Didn't know that you posted.
  6. 1couesfanatic

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    I'll go with 117 3/8.
  7. 1couesfanatic


    I have had two dogs bit on the snout by rattlers. Both dogs necks swelled up pretty good, and they laid around for about a week. And then they were right back to normal.
  8. 1couesfanatic

    2006 Hunt Pics

    Hi all!! Just thought I would share my 2006 hunt pics with you all. I hope you enjoy. The last two Pics are in Coloroado. The Coues pics are in Arizona.
  9. 1couesfanatic

    2006 Hunt Pics

    Unfortunetly, He won't be hanging on my wall either. He was killed by another hunter that we were guiding in Colorado. You won't see alot of pics I post that I killed. Most of my time is spent scouting and guiding.
  10. I started researching Jennifer Martin after reading your post, and I came across this article posted by the NRA that you should read. I have not been able to find anything negative on this individual, but the NRA article doesn't mean she's on the up and up either. I would like to see more history on Jennifer Martin, and I am going to be watching her legislative acitons closely. http://www.asrpa.com/2006_Alerts/02-15-06_JenniferMartin.htm
  11. 1couesfanatic

    Unit 27/28 Coues Hunt

    Scott I just seen this post. Great pics/story, and the area looks very, very, familiar. I just wanted to say hey.
  12. 1couesfanatic


    Hey Hunt4Horns that trail picture looks familiar And those are some outstanding animals what a jaw dropper.
  13. 1couesfanatic

    Gotta love it!!

    Well i'll throw a little something into the mix - I believe the front will score the best - Check out the mass he has got some serious stumps coming up.
  14. 1couesfanatic

    anyone near safford

    I'm also from safford.
  15. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    I thought the mulie hunters would appreciate this picture. I guide 10 hunters in Colorado and 9 of them tagged out. I was amazed at the amount and the quality of deer we seen & killed. Hope you enjoy! This is my fist attempt at posting a picture I hope it works!
  16. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    I know for sure that two were land ownder vouchers, but i'm not sure if the other 8 were draw or land owner. All the deer were taken on private property. If you would like I can put in touch with the ranch manager. He knows the surrounding area very well. During the hunt it was unusually hot for Colo. and the big ones we were looking for hadn't shown up yet. If you get drawn or are looking purchasing a land owner voucher ( $ ouch) I'm pretty sure this guy could help you out or point you in the rite direction. I would recommend the the ranch to anybody who wants the hunt of life time. The staff and accomidations are amazing! While I was hiking around on the ranch I found some massive black bear tracks, and one of the hunters killed a decent bear. Also seen some really nice elk - one 5 x5 and one 5 x 6. This ranch has alot of property and great hunting.
  17. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    Unit 53, and the location is the lazy H ranch. I was truly amazed at the number and quality-Again it was one of the most exelerating things I have experienced. I believe I enjoy watching the hunters kill even more than me pulling the trigger.
  18. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    One more picture, and I'm done.
  19. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    Well hear is the other half, and possibly one more.
  20. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    Well here it goes one more time! If I screw this one up I believe I will have get professional help. All of these pixels, croping, etc. are foreign language to me. I hope it works. I had to cut the picture in half so I'll post another reply with the other half. Sorry for the computer illiteracy.
  21. 1couesfanatic

    Colorado Mulies

    Sorry guys &gals it should read - I helped guide 10 hunters, and my fist attempt at posting a picture S*%^&. I tried to resized the picture according to pixel size. Man it is a really small picture.
  22. 1couesfanatic

    my dec 24a hunt

    Great story, it really makes me wish I would have drawn a tag. Maybe I'll have that much excitement with my bow.
  23. 1couesfanatic

    Unit 27

    Hey Scott, This is Jerry B. I was wondering if you received the email I sent to your home email. A few questions and some pictures of a hunt I helped guide in colorado.