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About 1couesfanatic

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  • Birthday 04/16/1967

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  • Location
    Safford, Az

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  1. 1couesfanatic

    Found Binoculars Unit 27

    Sorry Kenny79 not for sale.
  2. 1couesfanatic

    Found Binoculars Unit 27

    Found a pair of Binoculars in Unit 27 on this Months Archery Bull hunt. PM me description and location and we will figure out how to get them back you.
  3. 1couesfanatic

    Barbary Sheep

    Looking for a helping hand. Can anyone give me a good starting point for Barbary sheep in unit 30 in New Mexico. Got a tag for february and have never been there before.
  4. 1couesfanatic

    klondyke aravaipa road, is it still open

    The road is open from outside of Pima, and from wilcox. If you are talking about going into aravipa canyon it was closed a view years ago. One of the land owners had the gate on their propery locked. I heard if you call her before you go she would let you through. As far as going all the way through the canyon I don't think it can be done. It depends how far you are wanting to go, and I think the best route is through kearny. I also heard that that side gets really rough. Good luck!
  5. 1couesfanatic

    Co high country archery Muley

    Super nice buck. I've seen some toads in the high mountains of CO. Nice job!
  6. 1couesfanatic

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    129 1/8
  7. 1couesfanatic

    need to confirm score on this guy

  8. 1couesfanatic

    I think I found my deer

    Nice one! Kinda looks like the buck I've been watching for the last 2 years.
  9. 1couesfanatic

    Found Game Camera

    I have called the manufacturer and the camera is not registered. They do keep a list of lost cameras and I gave them the serial number. The manufacturer told me if I send it in to them and there is no contact information programmed into the camera they will keep it-refurbish it and resale it as a refurbished camera. I am making every effort to find the owner to save him some shipping costs. I thought foresure I would find the owner on this forum.
  10. 1couesfanatic

    Found Game Camera

    Trying to get it back on the top of the board.
  11. 1couesfanatic

    Found Game Camera

    I'm trying to get this back on the board.
  12. 1couesfanatic

    Found Game Camera

    My Uncle found a game camera on the side of the road in unit 29. Please respond with the identifing information of the camera, and pictures. Please respond only if you are serious. The identifiers are very unique. Well I'm going to try this one more time, before I send the camera back to the manufacturer.
  13. 1couesfanatic

    Found Game Camera

    My uncle was in unit 29 and he found a game camera laying on the side of the road. If you have lost a game camera please respond to me with the identifing information of the camera and pictures, and we will get it to the rightful owner. Please respond only if you are serious. The indentifing information is unique. Well I'm going to try this one more time before I sent it back to the manufacturer.
  14. 1couesfanatic

    Guess the score contest Oct 2008

    134 5/8
  15. 1couesfanatic


    Very Nice!!! Notice you have a huntingfool hat on, are you a member?