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Everything posted by flatline

  1. flatline

    Kimber Montana .300wsm

    Interested, but working 7 days a week for another 2 weeks.
  2. flatline


    HAHA . You drove by my camp a few times.
  3. flatline


    How much snow doe's it take to make deer move out of the area?
  4. flatline

    WTT 12 gage o/u huglu shot gun

    Would you be interested in a Ruger 7mm Mag?
  5. flatline


    Will do.
  6. flatline


  7. flatline


    Well not as much snow up here as I thought, deer are still here, now if only I can connect.
  8. flatline


    23 north
  9. flatline

    Elk hunts pushed back a week 2017

    Everything moved back a week, so the late November rifle elk hunts are December 1-7 in 2017. Oh ya that didn't register in my brain,LOL
  10. flatline

    Elk hunts pushed back a week 2017

    Did they get rid of the rifle 2017 bull hunts in November?
  11. flatline

    2016 Rut Activity

    I should be there Monday also, Whitetail bucks i seen and missed are swollen and starting to get ready for the action.
  12. flatline

    Black Silverado on the Red Mountain 202

    LOL, That would be me.
  13. flatline

    2016 Rut Activity

    Bucks are following does in about 5500 feet, Should start real soon
  14. flatline

    35B here we come

    Stay away from those units all big game have moved.
  15. flatline

    Most of this year sucked, until now. Pic Heavy

    Congrates to your daughter and you on filling the tag. Sorry for your loss,
  16. flatline

    Elk Pics??

    WOW very nice. Can't wait to see the pic's.
  17. flatline


    Looks just like my bull i took years ago.
  18. flatline

    Help with first archery deer

    My problem is i can't sit long enough in my tree stand,Longest i sat was 6 hours. I keep going back to my stand day after day during the hunt just have trouble sitting for long periods of time. The deer are here it's just up to me now to find a way to stay in the tree stand longer or all day. Good Luck
  19. flatline

    Help with first archery deer

    I been out 9 years straight with my bow and no luck. So i can't help cause i can't even help myself.
  20. flatline

    Who's ready?

    Will be leaving early in the morning, hope i don't have to stay up late packing.
  21. flatline

    Blue Chevy Truck

    Blue Chevy truck on Mckellips and Center today
  22. flatline

    Complete archery outfit for sale

    Thanks now i need to see if my son can draw 50lbs back.
  23. flatline

    Complete archery outfit for sale

    What arrow length and what is the poundage and is it adjustable?
  24. flatline

    Didn't get picked for leftover tag...

    Which 35b hunt... there were none left over for the dec (obviously) and the late Nov early Dec... if you put in for Oct or early Nov call game and fish and tell them they owe you a tag oops i thought i did early november, sorry take that back,
  25. flatline

    Didn't get picked for leftover tag...

    Yes the past couple years there hasn't been many left over tags,but what gets me is on my regular deer app i put 35b as my 4 or 5 choice and didn't get drawn for nothing, so i looked at the left over tags and sure enough there where quit a few tags left in unit 35b. I just don't get it.