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Everything posted by mpriest

  1. mpriest

    Sako A5 Deluxe .270

  2. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

  3. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

    I was under the impression that you didn't need to ship From one but the gun needed to be received by an FFL.
  4. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

    Shoots good. Haven't found a perfect load for it yet but everything we have played around with shot 1.2 MOA or better. Almost new when we bought it and put around 120 rounds down it since we have owned it
  5. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

  6. mpriest

    Sako A5 Deluxe .270

  7. mpriest

    Sako A5 Deluxe .270

    Still available $1000 without scope
  8. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

    Still available
  9. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

    Still for sale
  10. mpriest

    Sako A5 Deluxe .270

    Still available
  11. mpriest

    Kimber 25-06

    No not at this point. Sorry
  12. mpriest

    What are They???

    This was my guess
  13. mpriest


    I just bought my self the Garmin 62ST from Cabelas. Was on sale for $220. Used this gps extensively for work in the past and loved it. Had to get multiple own once I changed jobs. Runs great and is simple to use
  14. mpriest

    Elk vs Javelina

    I've heard reports of pigs on the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Must be wintering in the side canyons I guess
  15. Looking to buy this scope. PM me if you have one you are willing to part with with details about quality, use and price. Thanks
  16. mpriest

    The Left Over Luck Buck

    That one really looks like a grey ghost!
  17. Id like to start off by saying that i would rather have Vortex or something better but i can get this scope for round $700 through work. I was just wondering if anyone out there has this scope or knows anything about it. I'm looking for a decent scope that had good image clarity. If it is a little heavier I'm not too worried about it. The one I would get has the Porro Prism ED glass. I have read a few reviews on them and people had decent things to say but the reviews were a little dated and I'm sure they have improved their product since. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  18. Went down to help a fiend on a sheep hunt this week. Got down there a little late in to day to be much help so we decided to make a couple stands before dark. Ended up calling in a double on the first stand and a single on the second.
  19. mpriest

    22-250 bullets

    I think pigs are small enough that you should expect good results as long as you don't center punch the shoulder blade. May not get an exit wound through since the bullet is designed to explode on impact
  20. Any chance your in flag? I need a safe
  21. mpriest

    Pistol Ammunition

    I decided to make a change and shoot one with a pistol this year instead of a bow. Someone told me once that you cannot use hollow point ammunition. I looked through the regs and the only thing i could find was under R12-4-303.A,1,b "It is unlawful for taking any wildlife in this state: with tracer, armor-piercing or full jacketed ammunition designed for military use." Does this mean I can use hollow points and not ball ammo? Please shed some light on my confusion
  22. mpriest

    Pistol Ammunition

    If it's a Ruger that's what I'll be using as well
  23. mpriest

    Late Dove Season

    Went out yesterday with my brother and shot our limit and a few quail.
  24. mpriest

    Pistol Ammunition

    Good deal. I thout it was a little weird that you couldn't use them since most are designed for massive damage. I plan to use my 1911. Lille bigger and more accurate than my G22
  25. mpriest


    My brother and I got 21 HAM hunts too