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Everything posted by mpriest

  1. mpriest

    Geissele Automatics 20% Off Sale

    Bought my SSA-E trigger a week too soon!
  2. mpriest

    Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 FFP EBR-2 MOA

    Why are you selling if you don't mind me asking. I have that exact same scope on back order right now
  3. mpriest


    Bump for a sweet rifle. Just waiting on parts for my Grendel build. Should be easily be able to reach out to 1,000 with this one
  4. Was looking into this die for reloading a 6.5 Grendel AR. I heard it reduces pushback when loading in semi autos. For those in the horde that use this die are you having to buy bushings for it? If so what bushings are you using? Would the standard Redding Full Length Sizer die be sufficient? Guys with other 6.5 size carterages feel free to chime in as well. TIA
  5. Thanks for the advise. Been a long week so I haven't been able to reply. My current factory Hornady loads measure .288. I figure I will use a .287 bushing to reload these. I intend to switch to Lapua brass which I head is a little thicker so I'll order a .288 bushing for these. Pushback is the bullet moving back in the casing when loaded as L Cazador described. i don't want to use a crimper die si achieving a good neck tension is desirable.
  6. mpriest

    J.P. Enterprises barrels

    I ended up going with a Lilja AR 24" barrel for my 6.5 Grendel build. Still waiting on parts to finish it but I'm hoping for a tack driver
  7. Any one own or have experience using their barrels? Looking at them for my next build.
  8. mpriest

    300 Blackout Bonus Buck...

    Building a 6.5 Grendel now I plan to hunt with
  9. mpriest

    J.P. Enterprises barrels

    +1 I've had quite a few barrels from quite a few different manufacturers and to this day Lilja is one of my favorites. I've had 2 Lilja barrels and they were awesome. Surgical accuracy. Sometimes I wonder why I don't use them more often. Chasing the next latest and greatest all the time I guess... I was looming into them a while back but they were all sold out. Just checked again and most of then are back in stock! Was looking at the AR24 23" barrel to get a little more juice out of the round for long range shots. Anyone used this barrel in a build?
  10. mpriest

    J.P. Enterprises barrels

    Cool. Thanks for the imput
  11. mpriest

    The bear that found the fawn

    That must have hurt coming out!
  12. I'll have to give them a look. Was looking at Underground Tactical, Lilja and E.R. Shaw. Still doing research on which I like best. Probably going to go for a 22-24" barrel for a little bit better ballistics. Everything I read is you need a longer barrel to get the bullet up to speed.
  13. I'm starting a 6.5 Grendel upper build. Any of you guys built one and if so what barrel did you use. I'm looking to make a tack shooter that I can shoot long range with. Thanks
  14. Fill the holes with epoxy. Shoe Goo might catch since it is a little bit softer when it dries.
  15. mpriest

    Very important question

    I have seen elk shot high in the body cavity with both a rifle and bow through both lungs and they didn't produce a blood trail. The blood all seemed to fill the body cavity and never reached the entrance or exit hole. I respect your guys decision to only shoot one deer if he knew he hit it. Sucks losing something but we have all had it happen.
  16. mpriest

    Getting ready to leave for unit 7

    I have the same tag. If I can find a patch if ground without hunters in it I will be happy. Way to many tags this year
  17. mpriest

    7E Peaks Elk Hunt

    We went three for three this year but had to work for them. That hunt is getting tougher and tougher
  18. mpriest

    7E Peaks Elk Hunt

    They were up at 10000-11000 feet during the second week.
  19. mpriest

    Check out this guy's score ...

    Probably the a taxidermists colection of animals that clients ended up not paying for
  20. mpriest

    Pretty good article

    Happend upon this article today and thought it was a pretty good read http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/tagged-out/the-science-behind-the-100-yard-bow-shot?src=SOC&dom=fb
  21. mpriest

    Tips on fishing Upper Lake Mary?

    Red/ white red devil spoons and 3" fish shaped plastics on a jig head work best for me for the pike/ walleye. I use chicken liver at night for the catfish
  22. mpriest

    Calibration Defense| Anybody ever try it?

    Depends on the judge and how the deputy can articulate that his radar was working properly
  23. mpriest

    Lake Powell

    I'm heading to Lake Powell next week for the first time in a very long time. Anyone have any fishing tips for this lake they would be willing to share? Heard the small mouth fishing has been really good lately. Thanks
  24. mpriest

    Lake Powell

    Ended up catching about 20 small mouths, 5 catfish at camp and one decent stripes. Weather was perfect but the water was still a little cold.