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Everything posted by mpriest

  1. I’m looking to see what you guys are using for a powder scale. I’ve been using a manual balance beam scale for years but have only been reloading for factory rifles and feel it’s not precise enough to reload for a custom rifle that I want to fun shoot out to 1000. Thanks
  2. mpriest

    WTB compound bow 70lb@29”

    I have a Hoyt Alphaburner in a 28.5” draw. Comes with a limbsaver stabilizer and 5 CX blue streak arrows. $200
  3. I’ve got a 2200. It’s worked perfectly. Ranges past 1000 no problem every time. Only complaint I have it the circle to aim it is a little large for my liking but they might have fixed it by now
  4. mpriest

    WTB: 50 Cal Military Ammo Cans

    I just bought a couple from Cal Ranch in Flagstaff. They might have some at the Sierra Vista Store down there
  5. mpriest

    Glock G27 40 cal pistol $375

    I have the same problem lol. We just switched to 9mm so I just stuck my 27 in the safe for now. Here’s a free bump
  6. mpriest

    .40 Federal HST Rounds

    My place of employment switched from .40 to 9mm. Because of this I was able to obtain 308 rounds of Federal 180 grain HST .40 ammo. I do not have a use for them anymore. They are all one year or less old, in good condition and factory purchased. I have one set of 50 boxed but the others do not have boxes. $25 - 50 rounds $10 - 20 rounds Is you want a desired amount or the whole lot let me know and we can work something out. Located in Flagstaff.
  7. mpriest

    .40 Federal HST Rounds

    Price drop
  8. mpriest

    .40 Federal HST Rounds

    I agree. I’m keeping 50 of them for my old guns. Figure that will last me a while
  9. mpriest

    .40 Federal HST Rounds

    Trusted my life with these for 6 years. Still do just in 9mm. Seen how effective they are in actual scenarios. If no one wants it it’ll be more plinkin ammo for me
  10. mpriest

    Harley Parts

    Cleaned out the garage and have a complete exhaust and seat for sale. Both came off of a factory 2012 Harley Street Bob. They have been garage kept and we’re replaced after 2500 miles. They are in like new condition. Located in Flagstaff.
  11. mpriest

    Any Nice Hoyt or Mathews bows for sale?

    I’ve got a Hoyt Alpha Burner. 29” draw. Comes with a basic stabilizer and 5 CX Blue Streak arrows. $200. Located in Flagstaff
  12. mpriest

    Late season 7e for Elk

    Further north in the unit is better than hunting the mountain now. The Peaks hunts have decimated the elk herds on the mountain. No big bulls left up there and they get pushed up to 10-11k feet. There will also be a lot of people out there so expect to see hunters in whatever area you decide to hunt in
  13. mpriest

    Kendrick Peak

    I killed one up there last year during that time. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat
  14. mpriest

    7W Archery Bull

    Finally got around to posting pictures of the bull I was able to take. I hunted 11 days straight only taking off one morning due to the wind. I was able to be fortunate to put in 18 days of scouting preseason on my weekends and put in around 60 miles of hiking during the hunt. I told myself I would dedicate the first week to a good bull as I had the entire hunt off and the second to filling the freezer. I passed several smaller bulls the first week and got into some bigger bulls but never was able to get a shot. Hunted up high the opening weekend had had the best elk show I have ever seen. Heard 400-500 bugles a night, probably underestimated as I tried to go 20 seconds without hearing a bugle for hours but it never happened. Bulls were rutting everywhere and literally running cows at a sprint all over. After that the wind storm set in I dropped down to the cedars to try and get out of it. I was seeing 20-30 MPH sustained winds which I felt was not ethical conditions to be shooting anything over 20 yards. Down in the cedars I found a good bull that I was on for a day and a half. It was Spot and Stalk as I could not hear him bugling more that 300 Yards or so away. Had him twice at 60 yards but never was able to get a shot through the trees. Through this point in the hunt it was tough calling bulls in. If they had a cow they would not come in and would just bugle back at me. I was in the elk/bugles every day but couldn't make it happen. I finally got sick of fighting with people down low for spots so I decided to brave the wind in the high country again on the second Friday of the hunt where I could find an area to myself. I went back to the place I had found previously and found almost nothing. The elk had been bugling throughout the day and someone must have heard them and walked right through their bedding area and chased them out of there. I went from hearing hundreds of bugled and seeing 60+ elk to hearing 30 bugles and seeing 15, very quiet elk. It amazes me how uneducated people are and tramp through bedding areas hoping to get a shot. Public land I guess. Anyway it was time to regroup and find the elk again. Went to the other side of the mountain and head bugling mid day again. I had talked to another hunter who's wife had killed an old bull in this area opening weekend. I am not one to follow another's success and flock to an area but I ended up in it the second weekend. On the second Sunday night we had a couple close encounters and ended up calling a 0X4 into 30 yards. I decided to pass as I at least wanted a bull with two antlers and bigger that a spike to improve on my last two rifle hunts. I also have quite a but of meat left from last year. Monday of the hunt I felt like I had the elk relativity patterned as to where they fed out of their bedding area. That night I set myself up in front of my dad 40 yards so he could call and decoy for me when I told him to. I was hearing bugles behind me but didn't thing much of it as mountain elk tend to go downhill in the evenings. I was set up on two bulls I could see that were hearding up their cows above me 200 yards away. The cows began to move down and the lead ones were at 80 yards from me. All of a sudden there was a bugle right behind me. I turned to see my bull walking straight at me 100 yards away. My day had moved out from the tree he was using for cover three feet to be able to see the elk coming down. He was sitting in open grass with no concealment. As I turned he looked right at me and the eye contact said everything; DON'T MOVE! My bull was oblivious to him being there and continued to bugle 20 yards behind him, My first instinct was to pull out my phone and take a picture of the awesome sight. The bull eventually moved where he was behind the tree that my dad was supposed to be behind so I made a 40 yard dash back to him and took cover. I peaked put from the tree I was behind and saw my bull staring right at me. I slowly moved back behind my tree hoping he didn't see me. I ranged a spot in the grass where I though he would come out and it was 36 yards. I dropped to a knee and waited. 20-30 seconds later I saw him walking out of the cover. I drew and he saw me move, quartering towards me. I placed my 40 yard pin on his shoulder blade and let my arrow fly. Punched through the shoulder blade and ribs with a double lung hit. He ran 30 yards and stopped. I ranged a second time at 71 yards. I began to adjust my sights for a follow up shot and his back legs began to buckle. He stumbled another 20 yards and fell over. After a few quick pictures we got to work quartering him up. 360 LBS of back pack weight, 2,5 mile hike with 1200 feet elevation loss and help from some friends we made it back to camp. This was my best bull yet. He ended up having a broken right side making him a 5X6. He was an old bull with great mass, 18" thirds and flat teeth. He scored 330 5/8 broken with an estimated 348" unbroken. I was lucky to have drawn this hunt with only Hunter Ed and Loyalty points and made it a hunt to remember.
  15. You had a CWT sticker on the top of your windshield. Passed you turning onto Soliere from Fourth St in Flag while you were stopped at the light
  16. mpriest

    Elk Heart

    I like it cut into strips and fried with soy sauce and salt and pepper. Serve it with a sides of brown rice and your choice of steamed veggies
  17. mpriest

    Heat's 7W Archery Bull Elk Hunt

    Yeah, I've pulled some really weird sheds out of there. Pics below are from 7W as well. Love the club set and got him 2 years in a row, exact same spot. set1.jpg set2.jpg Talked to a guy who's wife killed a bill on the same ridge as mine the first Saturday of the hunt. The pics he showed me of the bull has the same club on the first brow time but it had a hole down the center of it. It was a bull whatever taxidermist they used estimated at 10 years old
  18. mpriest

    Topped last year. (Updated with Video)

    Bulls with whale tails are awesome. Congrats
  19. mpriest

    7 West Archery Bull roll call

    I'll be there as well. Heading out Wednesday and plan to spend the whole time out there. Will be solo for the most part. Willing to help out as well. Should have service at least once a day if you want to PM me you number I'll get in touch. Will be hunting out of a silver Tacoma with CWT in the back window
  20. mpriest

    7W Fire

    The closure is a joke. There is minimal flooding near Pumpkin Center and on the northeast side. Nothing compared to other fires I've seen. The majority of it looks like any other controlled burn that's done
  21. mpriest

    7W Fire

    Ya no smoke seen as of yesterday so I'm pretty sure it is out.
  22. I built a 6.5 Grendel last year on an AR platform. There are barrels and actions also available for a bolt action gun. Shoots about 2500 FPS which gives it better barrel life. Might be something to consider in your 6.5 quest
  23. mpriest

    7W Fire

    Drove out there yesterday and watched it from Kendrick Park. Seemed like it was just creeping along the north west side of the mountain burning through the previously dead and down timber. The way it was looking it seemend like it would benefit the area the way it was going then hurt it
  24. mpriest


    Carbine or rifle length buffer kit?