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About mpriest

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    Flagstaff, AZ

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  1. Should have had them install an adjustable comb on the stock when I had it built but didn’t. What are you guys using that you recommend? With the scope I’m using it’s too tall so my quick fix was to duct tape a dish towel to the stock. I have a McMillan stock.
  2. mpriest

    Reloading bench ideas

    I went to my local University’s surplus store and bought a sturdy used desk and chair for $20. Has drawers to put tools/ powder/ bullets in and I just drilled through to direct mount my press to it.
  3. mpriest

    28 Nosler Brass

  4. mpriest

    28 Nosler Brass

  5. mpriest

    28 Nosler Brass

  6. mpriest

    28 Nosler Brass

  7. mpriest

    28 Nosler Brass

    Will trade for 195 Berger EOLs or local Annealing services
  8. mpriest

    28 Nosler Brass

    125 pieces of 1x fired Nosler brand brass. Bought these off of here but found some new ADG brass instead. I never reloaded them. I made a modified case out of one that’s included. There tumbled and decapped. $150. Flagstaff
  9. I’ve heard that’s why you want to find a node and try to load in the middle of it. That way if there are slight variations in powder charge, temps etc then your velocity will stay more or less consistent
  10. IDK. It was a copy and paste email sent to all three. Figured I’d double check the info I got here.
  11. Thanks for the info. Those powder charges match better than what Hodgdon sent me.
  12. Thanks. Hodgdon gave me a max load of 69.5 for the 180 VLDs. Seems low to me. Berger was at 77.1 for max.
  13. I’m starting load development for my 28 Nosler using H1000 powder. I plan to try 180gn Berger VLD, 195gn Berger EOL and 175gn Hornady ELD-X. I emailed Berger, Hornady and Hodgdon for their load data from them. Hornady told me to buy their book. The data that Hodgdon send me for min and max loads was 10gn lower than the data by Berger. Through some searching the min/max data by Berger seems more correct. Does anyone have load books for these bullet/ powder combos that they could message me or post. If it matters I’ll be using Federal 215 primers and ADG brass. TIA
  14. I used Owens Armory in Chino Valley for my last build. I’m sure some others will chime in if your from the Valley
  15. mpriest

    Primers wanted

    https://www.natchezss.com/reloading/primer/cci-standard-primers-br2-large-rifle-1000ct just bought 2k LRMP from them this month and they were great to work with