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Everything posted by Codywhi

  1. Codywhi

    A Good Day

    nice work.... heck of a stack of horns....
  2. Well my dad and I have been after this southern Arizona spring bear tag for 5 years now and this year I was lucky enough to draw it. My hunt stared out great I had around 15 different bears located on two different watering sources, My dad and I where hiking 4 miles into a large wilderness area 3 to 4 times a week checking are cams and sitting these two water sources… It all seemed to be falling together perfect!!!!!! Then two weeks ago all the bears disappeared. I went from having 2 to 3 bears hitting water a day to 1 or 2 a week and 0 big boars….. So the search was on to find out where all the nice boars I had on cam had went…. I spent endless hours glassing and searching for fresh sign in canyons nearby and turning up nothing…. Until it happen….. my dad and I had hiked about a mile into some new wilderness and found are self’s in this huge saddle, We quickly noticed that there was a small bear rub line that had fresh bear fur in about 15 different trees… I had been talking to some bear gurus during the week and knew the bears where close to going into the rut…. We had been in the saddle for about 15 min when we seen a nice bear about 80 yards away and walking straight for us…. The bear had no idea we where there and slowly made his way within 30 yards of us and walked down a little cut, I then cut the distance to 15 yards and let this guy have it… he dropped to the floor then spun around biting at where the arrow had ripped threw him and took off threw the oaks… We quickly gave high fives and I did the lil bear dance…. We quickly realize how lucky we where to just be in the right place at the right time after busting are buts so hard.… Now came the scary part we where about 30 min from dark, a mile off any trail and quickly found out we had no blood trail….. my heart sunk…. Now its 8:30pm and no sign of where this bear had gone… I quickly made some calls to a couple guys that have a ton of experience with bear hunting and they gave me some tips on how I might find this guy…. We decided to pull out that night and make it back in by the Moring hoping to find this guy before the hot sun got to him.. what a long night I think I got 20 min of sleep…. My dad had to work so my little brother made it out to help me track this guy… we had him found by 6:30 am saved all the meat,… my little brother found one drop of blood .4 miles away and that lead us to find him….. I had made a great shot on this bear his hair had soaked up all the blood..… Boy was I happy to find him….. thanks for taking the time to read..… Big thanks to Bull basin archery in Tucson for keeping my bow driving tacks, Scottyboy "Owner/Operator of Global Destinations Artistry LLC" for getting him ready to mount…… And Cole "cvw789" “cmc skull works” for getting the skull ready to be cleaned …. And my dad and brother for following me around the mountains chasing these bears...…
  3. Codywhi

    My 2011 Sothern Az Bear

    great bear cole..... what a toad....
  4. Codywhi

    2011 Archery AZ Black Bear Hunt

    Nice bear dude!
  5. Codywhi

    Foxpro Spitfire

    http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1492444 one on archery talk for 140 i bet you can talk him down...
  6. Codywhi

    Foxpro Spitfire

    i have had mine for a year now.... i have nothing bad to say about it.. i use it alot too...
  7. Codywhi

    2011 Mexico Buck.

    great buck Phil, and great work once again Scottyboy....
  8. Codywhi

    Bull Basin Archery

    Tucson shop is the best around!
  9. Codywhi

    My 2011 Bear Arrows...

    good luck on that hunt J. its only a rumor, there are no big bears on the rez.
  10. Codywhi

    Single pin sights

    + 1 on the 3 pin slider sights.. i have the sur loc 3 pin slider and i love it,,,,,
  11. Codywhi

    Single pin sights

    They are great the best one I have used is the sur loc sportsmans special.
  12. Codywhi

    Left Over Tags

    Call the phx office.
  13. Codywhi

    Boradhead Question

    T-3 are great, they are my go to broadhead...tough lil suckers too....
  14. man i think im feeling sick now.... might not make it to work tomoro....
  15. great bear claw hope you wack him.... how offten has he hit your water this year?
  16. +1 what fox pro sound was that....
  17. Codywhi

    My new Baby

    very nice hows she shoot...
  18. Codywhi


    Best shop in town hands down!
  19. Reed Peterson was "the one" for me, so this will be the "two." keith you gonna tape it?
  20. Codywhi

    Draw length help

    +1 for what j said! Find some one with the same bow or call all the bowshops tell you find one with a similar bow and shoot it make sure you can't hunt without it!
  21. Hey guys im selling this Swarovski AT80 spotting scope for 900 bucks has some small scratches in the side as you can see in the pics... one good scratch that is in one of the pics...glass had a few small scratches, pm if you have any ? im out of tucson if you want to ship you will have to pick up the shipping...
  22. been out a couple times no sign down south yet...
  23. Codywhi

    awesome javelina clip
