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Everything posted by Codywhi

  1. Codywhi

    frustration buck

    thanks for all the replys guy,,,
  2. Codywhi

    my best & my dad's first

    wow two great deer
  3. Codywhi

    Coyote hunting

    its too much fun we been calling all week down south we took today off.. we shot 13 dogs and two bobcats in three days.... nothing better then going out and havin fun with friends.... but be carefull it gets very additcing
  4. Codywhi

    5B Rifle Bull (late Oct.)

    oh i read it wrong thought it was in az..
  5. Codywhi

    5B Rifle Bull (late Oct.)

    5b north or south
  6. Codywhi

    Predator Hunters???

    its was all skill man.....alot better then sitting at home think of reasons why not to go hunt.. its never to hot or cold or raining to be in the outdoorss,,,
  7. Codywhi

    Predator Hunters???

    called 4 dogs in on sunday afternoon down south.... two setups and two diffrent doubles it wasnt to hot...
  8. Codywhi

    Release hooked up to Shoulder

    yea my buddie disolcated his shoulder right befor are texas hunt so he just turned his bow down and used his mouth and he shot a hog and a nice deer it was really cool..
  9. Codywhi

    Head gear still attatched

    yup i was down in 34a today saw three bucks all with horns still on
  10. the lion pic u cant see it to good but there is two lions there sorry the pic are so small that the only size i can get them so i can post them...
  11. check my camera today No bucks again this week just does and some CATS... MY FIRST CATS ON TRAIL CAM!!!!!
  12. wow u cant see them to good in the post but there is two does in the top one and a bunch of piggs on the 2ed on sorry u cant see them to good..
  13. i got these two last week nothing to cool,,, the bucks dont drink water in this area...
  14. i got a couple pics of a water hole i plan to hunt. . i was wondering if u guys had any hints about placing the cameras around tanks like this one. i had it facing the take for about a month now and i never got a pic i could see sign at the water hole so i new they where coming in. so i moved my camera face one of the trails and i got some but now it leaves all the other trails out just wondering if u guys new any tricks to this or should just by a better game cmaera. thanks
  15. Codywhi

    trail pics

    its about 10 ft off and its in the bottom of a canyon so this is the only really good tree close by. im gonna get me some salt for sure thanks for the tips keep them coming.
  16. Codywhi

    carp tragedy

    he had both horns must have just knocked the other one off when he was stuck in the fences alls i had to do was pull on the other one and it came right off i thought that was wierd.
  17. Codywhi

    carp tragedy

    on my way to check some of my cameras i saw three coyotes standing about 100 yards off the road. got out and shot one and this is what i found.
  18. i was wondering what techniques u use when judging antler lengths? i thought it would be by ear lengths but was not sure if they are all the same or not, or what the average ear length was. hope u could help me out thanks a lot.
  19. Codywhi

    judging coues deer

    Thanks for the help tony im gonna have to just buy that book. i also hunt in 34a and houes are going up every where on both sides of the unit its a shame and they allways but the house where i know a good buck is to. thanks for all the help
  20. Codywhi

    judging coues deer

    thanks alot guys
  21. Codywhi

    Ground Blinds

    hey guys i got a ? i have never use a ground blind so i was wondering if u leave them up during the hunt or bring them back each time.
  22. Codywhi

    Double in 36A

    Glassed them up and off we went, both pigs went about 10 yards and then expired. My brother filled his tag the day before. 3 pigs in two days nothing but fun!!! Cody
  23. some pic i got from my trial cam in the santa ritas in early oct. not coues but thought u might enjoy
  24. Codywhi

    a cool little coues shed

    i found this one about two years back i think i seen this same buck in dec but not sure looking foward to finding both his sheds this year. Cody