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About Ghosthunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/30/1977

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    St. David

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  1. Ghosthunter

    6.5 Creedmoor ammo

    I am interested in a couple boxes of the match.
  2. Ghosthunter

    Outdoorsman long range pack with frame

    Where are you located?
  3. Ghosthunter

    Sold please delete

    Excellent glass! I love mine. The most comfortable binos I've used. Someone should buy these. You won't be disappointed
  4. Ghosthunter

    Call cats specifically?

    Dang, you'd think with that many cats that you've called into your stands that you'd have at least one dead!
  5. Ghosthunter

    Call cats specifically?

    Really? What's the back story with them? Any pictures of dead cats?
  6. Ghosthunter

    Trade Zeiss Conquest 6.5-20x50

    I also have the same scope you have in a 4.5-14x50. I would trade you and add some cash on my end. I'm looking for a little more magnification on my next build. Thx
  7. Ghosthunter


    ^^^^^ Same here.
  8. Ghosthunter


    Where are you located?
  9. Ghosthunter

    When will results be posted ?

    ^ Delta Bravo Every year, there's always one! Who will be next?
  10. Ghosthunter

    Hanging a shoulder mount

    I wouldn't trust my shoulder mounts to a drywall anchor. You don't need a drywall anchor if going into a stud. Not sure how you would even get a drywall anchor to work in a stud?
  11. Gun digest is a good resource for gun values. Gunbroker.com is also a source you can use. Look for what guns are being sold for not what they're listed for and that should give you a good idea. As far as reloading equipment goes, it sells for about what anything else sells for... I've seen it go for around 50-60% of its new value?
  12. Ghosthunter

    How to get a Polaris Ranger quieter...

    Try the "Troll Trap". I hear they are super quiet unless they're hijacking someones thread. Give it a rest already! There never seems to be a shortage of threads that will trap a troll and keep them trolling for days...
  13. Ghosthunter

    Just got back from chasing these guys..

    Looks like he's got them figured out to me?
  14. Ghosthunter

    WTS 2002 Ford F150 FX4 Lariat 4x4 SOLD*********

    I may have someone that would be.interested. Do you have a number he can reach you at?