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About sdrhunter

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  1. sdrhunter

    Ruger 77 .375 Taylor

    send me a pm and i'll likely take it
  2. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    hog hunter, could you expand on who is behind all this.
  3. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    elk i copy. my real issue with this is those other ranches you listed are private property and have never been hunted. because of the checkerboard nature of the big bo it shouldn't and hasn't been blocked to public access for years. recently they have been going down a road that will be detrimental to those that have or desire to enjoy the couple million acre paradise that the big bo is. speak up folks, this is tragic.
  4. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    elk, not really the case. but good spin on situation. if you hunt unit 10, you will get the point that this is about issues affecting all sportsmen. my tag, is just a prime example of what they are willing to do with the big bo and blocking the public access for ever.. it's a sad deal. if you have been there, it is a playground for thousands of hunters... they will say one thing, and do another. they will lie, as depicted in lee murphys email, they will cheat... this doesn't affect me as much as it affects those who have been stomping unit 10 for years. i can kill a goat anywhere in the state and there are many places to do it. sparky has this one right. i have brought this to light so peole can get prime examples of the length the big bo and those behind the scenes will go to take away future opportunity that has been enjoyed by thousands of hunters for years... good luck. i will help fight them where i can. i really have no dog in the fight of outfitter issues. i look at this as a sportsman vs. azgfd/big bo/navajo nation issue.
  5. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    hey spark, if you think this is something that can set a precedent and you have ideas, i am all ears...
  6. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    ok , for all to see, one smidgeon of my email traffic from big bo and lee murphy regarding my hunt. read in bold. come on, lets hear it. how am i wrong..... Shane, Good Morning, I have CC'd Chad this email as well. Attached is the Big Bo Ranch rules and also a copy of the outfitter guide permit. Please read rule number 7 that pertains to auction tag holders in the ranch rules. You and your guides are allowed access only during the season dates which is a year-long. On the guides permit in the second to last paragraph it also spells this out for the guides. So as you can see in these examples this is the way the program is set up and written it is not something that I am making a decision on. The decision I did make was to verbally (by email) allow you and or your guides to be in there before your season date on August 7th to start scouting since it is open to any ranch permit holder at that time anyways. However if either of the current year's auction or raffle antelope hunters have not filled their tags by August 7 and are hunting the Big Bo ranch then I will make a decision. That decision will be to follow the ranch access program to the letter to resend the early scouting privilege starting date of August 7th until August 15th to allow the current tag holder(s) no pressure access. The reason the ranch access program was set up like this for auction tag holders is to give the current years tag holder(s) the whole season all the way up to the end without any competition or pressure problems. This way the tag holders for antelope that have the tag that ends on August 14 of the current year will have the option to hunt the ranch without anyone else pressuring them. In your position if you do not harvest an antelope in the early part of your season this year (2015) you would have the same opportunity next summer to hunt and scout the ranch all summer leading up to August 14th with no 2016 auction tag holders in there scouting. If you have any more questions or require more clarification please let me know. My Big Bo Ranch phone # is 928-890-4785 Regards, Lee Murphy www.huntbigboranch.com
  7. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    please expand and tell me how i am wrong? to my knowledge i have posted 110% facts.
  8. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    lark I do agree, or just hunt were not only I, but every sportman should be able to hunt.. there is a goat there I want to hunt.
  9. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    oh yeah tight guy. copy that, but their is a very big goat on the big bo! I live in Alaska, don't have five months... heck the goats are even done growing until mid summer.
  10. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    that would be great. i don't care much about the 2016 tag holder and exclusive pursuit being able to hunt the big bo with their hunter. i wish them all well and much success. however, i would like to be able to use my tag as i see fit there. i stood by their rules, they have retracted on theirs. i post this as a heads up to what sportsmen are dealing with in the future with all associated parties.
  11. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    it's important to know that exclusive pursuit outfitters does not run the big bo, so it would be wrong to assume that both owners of exclusive pursuit outfitters made any decisions as to my hunt. however, lee murphy acting as a ranch manager for the big bo, enforced the decisions made by his managers. at least that is how he spins it.
  12. sdrhunter

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    i know i know... most here don't like the statewide tags. however, i purchased the az. antelope tag good from august 15, 2015-august 14, 2016. last yr. i tried to hunt the ranch first thing and was told by mr. lee murphy, owner of exclusive pursuit outfitters http://exclusivepursuitoutfitters.com, that i could not access the ranch until the general draw archery hunters could. even though i didn't really understand, mr. murphy told me in written form that albeit it is a disadvantage this yr. that the rules of the ranch are they war they are. he then assured me that if i did not harvest an antelope last fall, 2015, i could access the ranch with appropriate fees and hunt it through seasons end. since my tag runs through the summer and until august 14th, i told him that i would bypass the fall 2015 season and utilize the opportunity the following summer. he told me that would be fine and would play to my advantage. with the new rules that just came out, i called mr. murphy to inquire about his commitment to me that he gave me in both email and verbally in the fall of 2015, since the new rules conflicted. he then retracted his offer and said i would not be able to access the ranch this summer. i told him that was in direct conflict with his email promise to me. he said he didn't care. then i find out that the auction hunter for 2016 booked to hunt a buck exclusively with mr. murphy on the big bo... hmm, wonder why i can't go on there. this outfit is behind all the rules affecting you as a hunter and your ability to enjoy the big bo. shoot away folks. this is a reality. most irate part about it.... I grew up in az my entire life. have 22 bp for antelope. didn't have enough money to put in for two different species as a child/teenager, worked my way up, can afford to donate back to antelope conservation in az., paid for it, wanted to use this tag to hunt around the fourth of july holiday with my own kids and wife on the big bo for a family vacation, was promised both verbally and in writing by mr. murphy that this would be possible with my tag, and then..... conflict of interest. there you have it. good luck with them sportsmen.... my comment about slimy does not have to do with anyone particular person. however, it does have to do with those behind the decisions. i would have no idea who is involved or not. yes, i stand behind what i say. whether it is the navajo nation, the azgfd, or the ranch managers... which i believe lee murphy is one. lee murphy told me verbally and wrote in an email prior to making my decisions to not hunt my hunt last fall that i would essentially be able to hunt the big bo at anytime during the summer of 2016 because i have a valid hunt permit. now as of last i had heard, i can't. mr. murphy said he does not make the rules, he just enforces them. i asked him if he would indeed ask those who made the first judgement to reconsider their current judgement with my permit so as to fulfill with their prior commitment to me. i had made decisions based off their commitment to me and i intended on hunting the big bo this summer. he said he didn't care what they said before, it is what it is now. to me, that's slimy. i don't say one thing, and do another intentionally. mr. murphy has with intent led me to believe i would be operating under a very specific arrangement and now he has backed out of his word and even with acknowledging he did in fact agree to those terms last fall, the rules have changed. all sportsman in az. and non-residents alike have reason to believe this is slimy. yes i know it might be hard to let me hunt the big bo. you have the 2016-2017 az. auction client and have sold him off a buck that resides and must remain protected on the big bo.. heaven forbid he waits his turn! good luck with this. there is no other side to the story....if so, please email me or message me your number and i would be glad to converse over the phone, readdress this issue with mr. murphy, or work out the misunderstanding in any other way. as of now, i have no recourse.
  13. sdrhunter


    whats a good email for you or contact regarding rifle?
  14. sdrhunter

    H-S Precision Pro Series 2000 6.5 Creedmoor

    can you send me a pm or post here the weight of rifle and the spec sheet in higher quality so i can read ballistic info. is the the PLH rifle?