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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Be thankful we don't live in Utah..Unreal

    That's why HB 2072 was so dangerous here in 2012. Once the door is open, there's no way to close it. Proud we stopped it here in Arizona. Otherwise, we'd have a list just like this.
  2. AZ8

    Need A Longer Pole...

    That was intense! Would have be an adventure watching that transpire in person.
  3. Wow...that mountain lion is incredible! Congrats!
  4. Dang! That's some serious gear! Congrats!
  5. AZ8

    Map obsessions.

    I have an old forest service map from 1972 I still use today. It shows old stock tanks/springs that don't show up on any new forest service map or online topo app used today. It's beat up, but it's a valuable tool locating forgotten springs and old stock tanks.
  6. Kinda early for this. Might be an interesting summer. http://www.azfamily.com/story/31400448/phoenix-fire-burning-near-heber-overgaard-grows-to-500-acres
  7. AZ8

    Great geology in AZ

    It looks like bismuth. I wonder if the intense heat of the smelter altered the chemical or crystal composition. Neat stuff! Thanks for sharing.
  8. I'm in! Maybe my luck will change with these raffles.
  9. AZ8

    Iphone Video, big fronts bull, score?

    That's a nice bull. Bet your buddy was sick not following your advice. Bull fever!
  10. AZ8

    Swarovski new what????

    I'm betting a long range rifle scope
  11. AZ8

    quail nesting

    Let's hope! Feburary 2016 was the driest on record. It was also the warmest on record! Crazy. Especially during a strong El Niño. Let's hope for a wet March!
  12. AZ8

    Bino harness

    I've tried them all and have come to the conclusion that I don't like all the bulk on my chest. I've gone back to the basics with the crooked horn harness with the bino shield.
  13. AZ8

    quail nesting

    Been hearing them for a couple weeks now. Was hoping for this strong El Niño to give us some great winter rains and good green up......unfortunately, it's turned into the Great and over-hyped non-el Nino of 2016. Always good to hear tho. Hoping for a decent hatch and success.
  14. Most times it's after eating some shrooms!
  15. AZ8

    15x56 HD vs. non-HD

    Where? Every place I've seen online for NIB has them for $2200+
  16. AZ8

    sig sauer kilo 2000

    Dang! That's almost two miles on the 18 wheeler!
  17. AZ8

    AC maintenance?

    What's the best stuff to use to clean the indoor coils up in the attic?
  18. My donation is in. I never win these raffles, but, I can't win if I don't play!
  19. Bye bye elk in 4A. That's my favorite unit. They're just going to willy nilly release wolves all over the Rim. Will never be the same.
  20. AZ8

    Another Case for the Gutless Method.

    That's been around a many years. I still laugh my azz off! Hilarious!!
  21. AZ8

    Card go hit!

  22. The Republicans have been screwing themselves, and us, for awhile. Donald Trump is making this election into a circus. Either by design, or total arrogance.It's by design. Eventually, he'll throw a temper tantrum and run as a third party candidate. In turn, giving Hilary the White House. Part of the big plan. His last debate was filled with democratic talking points. Scary times ahead. At this point, the Supreme Court is the only thing that matters now. It's imperative to get an R in the White House.